The Osceola County Public Safety Commission met in the meeting room at the Osceola County Public Safety building, Sibley, Iowa on Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. for its regular monthly meeting.
MEMBERS PRESENT WERE:Sheriff Doug Weber, Jerry Helmers, LeRoy DeBoer, Dean Phillips, Patrick DeVries, Glenn Anderson (for Jerry Johnson), Mike Wynia (for Paul Heitritter), Arlyn Pedley, Brenda Hibbing – Absent – Jan Henningsen, Jerry Johnson Guests – Deputy Tyler Bos, Drug dog Hunter, Co Attorney Nolan McGowan
Chairman Arlyn Pedley called the meeting to order with roll call at 5:00 P.M.
Motion was made by Patrick DeVries and seconded by Dean Phillips to approve the agenda, which was emailed prior to the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by LeRoy DeBoer and seconded by Jerry Helmers to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2018 meeting as printed, which were emailed prior to the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Claims were reviewed and discussed. Motion made by Glenn Anderson and seconded by Dean Phillips to approve the claims for payment. Motion carried unanimously. Deputy Bos answered questions in regard to the cost of dog food. Glenn Anderson made a motion to pay for Pro Sense Joint Solutions for Hunter, which Deputy Bos was currently paying out of his pocket, seconded by LeRoy DeBoer. Motion carried unanimously.
PS 2018/2019 budget and funding was discussed. Motion was made by Patrick DeVries to set the 2018/2019 public safety budget hearing for March 14, 2018 at 5 P.M. seconded by Jerry Helmers. Motion carried unanimously.
The commission appointed County Treasurer Becky Marco as treasurer for 2018. Motion by LeRoy DeBoer and seconded by Dean Phillips. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Glenn Anderson to forgive debt on Carrie Meyer who is deceased providing there is no estate. Motion seconded by Patrick DeVries. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry Helmers advised the Board of Supervisors are doing an insurance audit for rebidding insurance and requested the entities to check their policies and report back.
Motion was made by LeRoy DeBoer and seconded by Dean Phillips to set the next meeting for March 14, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously.
With no further discussion, Mike Wynia made a motion to adjourn at 5:50 P.M., which was seconded by Patrick DeVries. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Arlyn Pedley
Respectfully submitted by Brenda Hibbing