Knights of Columbus John Paul II Assembly Minutes for June 24th, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Admiral David Caton
F Friar-excused F Comptroller-excused F. Trustee -absent
F Navigator- excused F Scribe- Absent F. Trustee-absent
F Admiral- present F Purser- present F. Trustee-absent
F Captain-present F inner sentinel-present
F Pilot- present F outer sentinel-absent
The following bills were read: none
The following Communications were read: none
TheFaithful comptroller reported: (none-excused)
The Faithful Purser reported: General Fund: $2530.41; Chalice fund: $1921.49 (still ½ of dues still uncollected)
The following committees reported:
Color Corps Commander Dave Stauber reported on the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday with 4 Sir Knights in regalia participating.
June 28th confirmation is scheduled with the Bishop present; color corps may be called upon to
be in attendance. (Dave will check on this and get back to the Assembly).
The Faithful Navigator read applications for membership presented to the Admissions Committee: 2 transfers: Greg Staley and Don Arian. The transfer’s applications were seconded and both Sir Knights voted in unanimously.
Assembly Actions: none
Unfinished business: None
Trustees reported as follows: (no report)
The following new Business was presented:
New Officers Nominations for Fraternal Year 2014-2015:
Faithful Friar: Deacon Bruce
Faithful Navigator: Ed Belen
Faithful Admiral: Rich Bowers
Faithful Captain: David Barnett
Faithful Pilot: Robert Seydel
Faithful Comptroller: Bruce Allen
Faithful Scribe: Keith Lowry (or Carlo Turchiano?)
Faithful Purser: Bernie Kuta
Faithful Inner Sentinel: John Wheeler
Faithful Outer Sentinel: Kurt Haneke
Trustees: David Caton; John Whattam; Chet Elder
Other New Business:
Patrick McAllen proposed that our Assembly change its name from John Paul II to St. John PaulII. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. GK Bernie Kuta will check at the upcoming State Convention the process on how to accomplish this name change.
Bernie Kuta mentioned the special Divine Mercy Mass to be held this Sunday at 2 PM and he suggested that as many Sir Knights attend as possible.
Good of the Order:
Patricia Henry
John Sidlecky
Amy Hofer
Fernando Salazar’s sister Christine de la Vesa
Laura Hawthorne
Carol Melke
Lisa Kuta
John Wheeler
Suzie Springer
Nathan Franks
The closing Ceremony was recited
The closing prayer was led by Tim Mosholder
The meeting was closed at 8:21 PM by Admiral David Caton
Scribe was: Keith Lowry (for Carlo Turchiano)