Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service
Disclosure Log 2014

Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

Disclosure Log 2013

Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 01/14 / Information on Firefighters who have retired with more than 30 years’ service; the number of fatal house fires 2012/13; and information on appliances, defibrillators and hydrants / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 02/14 / In the last 3 calendar years how many animals have been rescued by NIFRS, the types and costs? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 03/14 / Information on NIFRS mobile phones contract, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 04/14 / For 2013, a list of all NIFRS incidents including attendance times, locations, incident types, resources, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 05/14 / Statistics on flood incidents for 2013 to include fatal casualties, non-fatal and rescues / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 06/14 / Information on number of incidents in 2013 that fire crews in Cookstown District were called to where the house or premises did not have a working smoke alarm, and the same information for Dungannon Council area / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 07/14 / The number of personnel in the past 10 years that have had their jobs upgraded through the job evaluation process, the scales and copies of job descriptions / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 08/14 / Details of all accidents involving Fire Service vehicles from January 2008 to December 2013, and costs / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 10/14 / The number of fires where a minimum of 5 pumps were dispatched for 2011 to date including the time of day dispatched and return. The number of emergency calls between 10.00 pm on 31 December and 2.00 am on 1 January 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary
Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 11/14 / The scoring methodology used in Wholetime Firefighter 2011 recruitment exercise and the appeals procedure for same / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 12/14 / Information on Union office space at NIFRS and also Union costs / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 13/14 / Pay rates for Chief Fire Officer for 2003, 2008 and 2013 and benefits, allowances, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 14/14 / Information on vehicle purchases and spends, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 15/14 / Information on medical incidents, first responding and co-responding / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 16/14 / Information on all compensation claims paid to Firefighters from 2010-2013 and all details / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 17/14 / All Fire Station addresses and the number of Firefighters and appliances at each Station. Total number of call-outs to each Station for 2003 and 2013 or the most recent year available and the categories for 2013 or most recent / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 18/14 / How many fires in HMO properties in the last 5 years and how many deaths? How many fires have there been in residential properties in the last 5 years and deaths? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 19/14 / The costs in relation to any calls within 300 yards of Ards Arena Complex in any direction from June 2006 to 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 20/14 / The number of hoax and unfounded fire calls to student halls of residence for the past 3 years, and the estimated costs / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 21/14 / Information on up-to-date fleet list, etc, and list of vehicles on order and disposed of / Requester withdrew complaint / No review necessary
FOI 22/14 / Details of the Retained Duty System on call fire appliances that have been off the run. Number of Wholetime personnel who also undertake Retained Firefighter duties / Full Release / No review necessary


Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 23/14 / Information on the advertising and award of the temporary post of Senior Estates Officer at NIFRS HQ / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 24/14 / Statistics of fires by fault of appliance / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 25/14 / How many people employed at NIFRS as at 31 March 2013 and 31 March 2014 in the roles of Wholetime, Retained, Controls and Support? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 26/14 / 1How many times has the requester rang NIFRS from their landline and mobile?
2How many times have other people rang NIFRS in relation to gorse fires to land that borders around Vianstown Road, and the costs of above? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 27/14 / Information on construction procurement activities during past 12 months / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 28/14 / Information on all data relating to rescues made by NIFRS between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 29/14 / List of incidents caused by cooking stoves in student accommodation over past 5 years / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 30/14 / Information on replacing Vectras with other cars. How many have been purchased and the process to see if vehicles are suitable? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 32/14 / Mobilised calls to Enniskillen, Belleek, Irvinestown, Lisnaskea and Clogher Fire Stations from 2012/13 and 2013/14 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 33/14 / Spending across local authorities in their provision of FRS and the construction of the FRS workforce / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 34/14 / Retained Firefighter 2013 information on personal specification, the number of vacancies and women, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 35/14 / From 2009 to 2010 any list of equipment and uniforms lost or stolen, and the details / Full Release / No review necessary
Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 36/14 / Information on allocation of new fire appliances. Also information relating to Chief Fire Officer/Assistant Chief Fire Officers / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 37/14 / Information relating to NIFRS mobile phone contract / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 38/14 / Information relating to Social Media within NIFRS / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 39/14 / Information relating to Chief Fire Officer’s remuneration / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 40/14 / Statistics relating to fire incidents at sheltered housing and nursing/care homes / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 41/14 / Number of Firefighters who have passed and failed fitness tests / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 42/14 / Number of unwanted fire signals received and attended in 2013 and 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 43/14 / Information relating to telephone conference calls and web meetings / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 44/14 / Call-outs to bonfire sites from 2011-2013, and costs / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 45/14 / Number of call-outs to a specific address in University Avenue, Belfast, since 2004. Also report detailing outcome of investigations and possible cause / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 47/14 / Information relating to progression through ranks to Watch Managers / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 48/14 / Copies of all upgraded job descriptions for admin Training Centre staff for the past 10 years / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 49/14 / Information relating to external/third party hosting contract / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 50/14 / Number of animal incidents from 2011-2014, and details / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 51/14 / From 2008 to 2014, the number of times NIFRS has attended Bariatric incidents, details and costs associated / Full Release / No review necessary


Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 52/14 / How many times NIFRS has assisted Fire Brigades in the Republic of Ireland, and costs of incidents? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 53/14 / Information from 2008-2014 on hoax calls, attacks on Firefighters and costs, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 54/14 / How many NIFRS Chief Fire Officers have retired and been re-engaged in the past 5 financial years, and details / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 55/14 / Information on IT structure and contracts / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 56/14 / Information on insurance contract / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 57/14 / The number of deliberate fires reported in 2013 and first 6 months of 2014 and a breakdown of figures and costs / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 58/14 / Information on 10 specific incidents and costs that NIFRS attended / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 59/14 / Information relating to call-outs withinWarrenpoint/Rostrevor area / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 60/14 / Information relating to e-cigarettes / Information not held / No review necessary
FOI 61/14 / Number of fires caused by overheating or faulty phones and e-cigarettes in past 3 years / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 62/14 / Statistics on number of fires from 2009 to date and top 10 causes, fires on bonfire night and houses with no smoke alarms / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 63/14 / Information on fires at recycling plants 2014/15, the costs and any concerns raised with NIEA / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 64/14 / Information on temporary promotions agreement, performance notes, etc / Requester withdrew complaint / No review necessary
FOI 65/14 / How many hoax calls in Western Area and costs in 2013? / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 66/14 / From 2009 to 2014, how many times has NIFRS been called out to false alarms from Rathfriland, Kilkeel, Newry and Banbridge Fire Stations, and costs? / Full Release / No review necessary


Ref No / Information Requested / Information Disclosed / Response Reviewed
FOI 67/14 / Emergency Response Standards for 2013/14, mobilised calls by Parliamentary constituency and key performance indicators 2013/14 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 68/14 / List of questions on a procurement competition commenced by CPD (on behalf of NIFRS) to appoint a single contractor to provide cleaning services / Requester withdrew request / No review necessary
FOI 69/14 / Information on the number of animal rescues from 2010-2014, and for 2014 all the details of rescues / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 70/14 / Information on IT server storage and maintenance support contracts, etc / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 71/14 / List of questions on how many times NIFRS website, social media and IT and phone systems have been successfully hacked and information stolen in the past 3 years / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 72/14 / For the past 5 years, details of all incidents which attract 8 and 8+ appliances / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 73/14 / Any unpublished written consultation NIFRS has had or conveyed to any other organisation with regard to the exit and entrance of the proposed new stadium from 1 November 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 74/14 / Information on agency staff costs and contract in the last year / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 75/14 / The number and gender of operational staff / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 76/14 / Information on mobile phones and network update / Full Release / No review necessary
FOI 77/14 / The percentage of defibrillators on board NIFRS vehicles and what percentage have been used in 2014 / Full Release / No review necessary