Camp Shalom of Tallahassee has been serving this areas’ Jewish youth for the past 17 years. Founded by Rhea and Louis Schwartz and sponsored by the Tallahassee Jewish Federation, hundreds of preschoolers to High Schoolers have enjoyed this awesome summer day camp! Dates: June 2-5 and June 8-12, 2015

Location: Temple Israel, 2215 Mahan Drive,Tallahassee, Florida 32308


Campers are assigned to groups according to their grade in school. Counselors travel with campers to centers for Jewish activities. Centers may include: Arts and Crafts, Cooking, Sports and Gym, Activity Game Room, Drama, Outdoor games and Music. Healthy snacks and drinks are served mid-morning. Please provide a dairy lunch for your camper. Lunch provides an opportunity for singing and learning Jewish folk songs. After lunch, there is a special camp-wide activity that is enjoyed by everyone.

Camp Hours

Camp hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Before camp begins at 8:00 a.m. at no extra charge. Please do not bring campers to camp before 8:00 a.m.

After-camp hours are 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and is available at an additional charge. See fee schedule below. Snacks and drinks are served at after-camp.

A $10.00 late fee will be assessed if a camper is not picked up by 5:30 pm.

After-camp will not be available on Fridays.

Camp Fee SchedulePer Week

*Due to the first week being only 4 days, after camp for the first week will be free!

Tallahassee Jewish Federation Member$130

Synagogue/Temple Member$140

Neither of the above$150

Field Trip Fee for 7th & 8th Graders$45


After-camp (per day)$10

Drop-in$40 per day

****If paid before April 15, 2015, deduct $25 from the above rates****

The check must be received by this deadline in order to get the discount.


Three children coming to Camp Shalom:There is a 10% discount for a third child.

Partial scholarships are available. Please fill out the Federation scholarship form and send

it to Federation. The form can be found on our web site.

A special Scholarship fund has been established in memory of one of our founding members of Camp Shalom, Louis Schwartz (husband of Rhea Schwartz and father to Patti Brownstein and Mimi Molina) who passed away October 2011. Camp Shalom meant a lot to Lou’s life and if you are in need of a scholarship, please contact Mimi Molina.

Rising 7th and 8th graders

If your camper will be in the 7th or 8th grade in the fall, they will be in a group that will be going on field trips almost every day. Please add $45 to your camper’s weekly fee to cover the cost of these trips. You will receive a separate letter with additional information for those campers in mishpacha.


Please sign your camper(s) in and out daily at the front desk in the lobby of Temple Israel.


Please pack a non-meat lunch daily. Due to the large number of staff and campers, microwaves and refrigeration are not available. Use an ice pack and send food that does not need to be heated or cooked.

Special Events

Check for daily notices of any changes in activities. For Water Day, campers should wear bathing suits under their clothes, water shoes, and bring a towel and a plastic bag for wet items.


We love and need volunteers to help out before, during, and after camp. You may contact Mimi Molina, Director at campshalomtallahassee@gmail if you are interested in assisting in any way.


We are always open to ideas and ways of improving our camp. So feel free to contact any board members with your suggestions. Patti Brownstein, Fran Gomory, Mimi Molina, Claire Sand, Rhea Schwartz andWendy Sokolow.

Free Camp Shalom T-Shirt

Campers and Staff will receive 1 free t-shirt. If you are interested in being a sponsor of these t-shirts, please contact us.

Contact Information

Mimi Molina, Director

Email address:


Contact Number: 850-766-4359