Midterm Progress Report

Project Description

I have decided to craft a website for my arts management business and make a business card that will be ready by the end of term. I ended up utilizing Adobe InDesign for most of my business card needs and accessing Wordpress as my platform for my website. Once finished with this site, I will be able to at least set up a home navigation tool and overall homepage that helps viewers’ access my pages. I will plan to have at least 3 pages of content available as well as a contact page that will be linked to my email.

I had some real challenge getting my Wordpress activated and configured with my hosting site. It was difficult in figuring out exactly how this would work and it seemed more complicated then it needed to be. I was finally able to utilize the customer support of my hosting browser and had success.

Project Goals

-Become familiar with project management skills

-Build site map for website

-Get business cards printed

-Craft 3 pages and contact page for Website


-Contact distributor for printing business cards (locally and non)

-Dedicated time by myself and with my team to go over Wordpress

-Look up website to look at effective navigation

-Getting feedback and support from Eric whenever I can

Evaluation Standards

​The beginning of a professional website (homepage, navigation bar, about me page, contact page) Depending on time and progress, curating pages specific to work (Resume, Past Clients, Extc) I am going for boss lady classy.


Week 6: Looking at Wordpress sites navigation /site map draft session

Week 7: Meeting with printing company

Week 8: Making final revisions for site navigation beginning to upload content

(3-pages/contact page)

Week 9: Get cards printed with local company or go beyond loc

Weekly Journal

Week 1:

Had a large amount of ideas to present to Eric. They focused primarily on building a website (decided on WordPress platform) and becoming for familiar with Adobe Suite (specifically InDesign and PhotoShop)

Week 2:

Discussed my completed proposal and timelines. I settled on creating a wordpress website and a business card for myself. This is exciting because it will be very beneficial for me to utilize this website in the future as well as this business card. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but I am taking the first half of this class to figure out my business card and what exact template I will be using.

Week 3:

I’ve begun to craft ideas of what I want my business card to look as well as shopped for templates. I have been having some difficultly figuring out what templates will best suit my needs. I have been constantly shopping for examples. Trying to find the right responsive theme. Working mostly within InDesign for the business card.

Week 4:

Finishing touches on Business Card (the backside). Getting it ready to go to print through an outside company. Figuring out what cards will suit best.Picking up company that feels right and purchasing wordpress account. I have had a lot of troubleconfiguring account, because I bought a domain. I want to be able to link them together. I am very confused by thewhole process and it has been hard to look past this. I have been somewhat frustrated.

Week 5:

Round two of frustration with syncopation. Trying to get my domain synced to Wordpress.org. Picking out quotes for the back of my business card. Excited to start working on content and layout of the site, but can’t move forward until I get this synched up.For now have

-Word press template purchased

-Domain purchased

-Business card completed

Next Steps

-Get business card reviewed andfinalized by Eric to goto print

-Sync word press and Website (Completed today!)

-Start establishing content-Outlining Word Press site

Week 6:

Flow Chart of Content (Microsoft Word)-Site Map

Main chunks of info, primary forms of navigation


What falls under eachother their information chunks

What makes sense how people interact?

Piece of paper to sketch it out-map it out

Emailed Ron-Setting up meeting soon!

Ordering Card-Order through MOO and Local Company

Paper type-specify

Color CMYK

Recycled 50% 70% Recycled

Heavier Bond

QSL Printing

Grey Linen (?)