English III

Mrs. FrenchResearch Paper Schedule - 2014

**************Pay special attention toDUE DATES in BOLD!*************


1/8 (Wed)Research Paper Introduction

1/9 (Thurs)Orientation to research materials – with Mrs. Bush

1/10 (Fri)SURVEY media center and web for relevant information


When you are finished with the survey sheet, you should begin source cards and note cards. Show me your source card and first two note cards to avoid problems.

1/13 (Mon)Continue surveying

1/14 (Tues)(Survey sheet DUE by end of hour: 15 pts)

1/15 (Weds) BACK in CLASSROOM for source card practice

1/16 (Thurs)Begin work on set #1 cards

1/17 (Fri)No School – continue working on set #1 cards at home


1/20(Mon) No School – work on your own schedule if you need this time

1/21(Tues)Set #1 cards DUE at end of class (Set: 30 pts)OR begin set #2

1/22 (Wed) Work on set #2; turn in as finished

1/23 (Thurs) Set #2 cards DUE by end of class or earlier; begin #3 as able

1/24 (Fri) Work on set #3 cards (turn in today if completed)


1/27(Mon) Set #3 cards DUE by end of class

1/28 (Tues) Review sorting procedure; begin sorting
1/29 (Wed)Sort cards

1/30 (Thurs)Continue sorting; prepare claim (thesis statement)

1/31 (Fri) Discuss outlines and prepare outline format


2/3 (Mon)Type outline (lab 105)

2/4(Tues) Continue typing outline (lab 105)

2/5 (Wed)Continue typing (lab 105) OUTLINES DUE NOW to FRIDAY

2/6 (Thurs)Back in class; discuss MLA in-text citations

2/7 (Fri)Outlines DUE; outlinesMUST have claim (thesis statement)

(50 pts)

Discuss paraphrasing of quoted material

Discuss introductions and conclusions; share samples

Begin drafting at home if desired.


2/10 (Mon)Hand drafting of paper in class

2/11 (Tues)Hand drafting of paper in class

2/12 (Wed)Type in lab 105

2/13 (Thurs)Type in lab 105

2/14 (Fri)Type in lab 105

Sign up for Oral Presentation

Draft Due (50 pts);Paper should be complete, including all documentation and the Works Cited.) If not finished, bring Tuesday.


2/17 (Mon)No School

2/18 (Tues)Presentations

2/19 (Wed)Presentations

2/20 (Thurs)Presentations

2/21 (Fri)Drafts returned; revise and edit


2/24 (Mon)Peer editing

2/25 (Tues)Final changes to paper Lab 105

2/26 (Wed)Final changes to paper Lab 105

Submit to turnitin.com

2/27 (Thurs)Paper due

2/28 (Fri)EOC Practice

This schedule is anticipated to stay the same even with snow days and/or absences. If we have a snow day on a typing day, I will try to get us another typing day, but I may not be able to as the computers may be booked. If there are other changes, I will let you know. Count on these DUE DATES as printed in bold.

You MUST TURN IN A PRINTED COPY to me, as well as SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO turnitin.com. Both are needed for your paper to be graded.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: The Research paper is almost half of second semester’s grade. It may be difficult to pass this semester if this work is not done. To ensure success, STAYON SCHEDULE!