June 1, 2011

Dear South Carolina League Leaders,

At the LWVSC convention in May, delegates voted overwhelmingly to undertake the following study on evaluation and retention of effective teachersfor the 2011-2013 biennium:

This two-year study will focus on the growing movement toward "results based" evaluation of teachers, nationally and in South Carolina. We will:

· explore what makes a teacher effective;

· examine "best practices" in teacher evaluation and compare them with current practices employed by school districts across our State;

· identify models of school districts in which rigorous methods of evaluation and ongoing teacher support are components of a systematic approach to putting an effective teacher in every classroom.

Throughout the course of the study, we will seek research institutions, faith communities, commercial and community groups as partners in our study and would engage the public in thinking about the issues.

The study will concentrate on the recent and growing trend to evaluate and reward teachers based on results, i.e., the academic progress of the students in their classroom.

The study will be managed by a statewide study committee, whose leader(s) will be appointed by the LWVSC Board in June. Local Leagues will have a large part in the study. Together we will work toward consensus on a position that will enable the League in South Carolina to speak out publicly, to provide objective information to the public and to take action regarding legislation and school district policies.

Because this is such a hot topic in South Carolina and the nation, wewould like to see the study conducted and completed just as soon as possible.The legislation that would have produced a study committee organized by State Superintendent Zais and a subsequent report to the legislature by December is not going to pass this time around. So, we have a little more time to work with. We believe that our study will make a valuable contribution to the public discourse around linking teacher evaluation to student performance.

We want your League’s active participation throughout the study. Here are two suggestions about how you can help get the study started.

1. You can help determine the scope of the study. Hold a discussion at your next Board or member meeting about the study. Attached and pasted at the end of this message* are some questions to help guide you through the discussion. Identify the issues and the questions that were raised during the discussion and send them to JoAnne Day (mailto:), no later than June 15.

2. Identify at least one member, but no more than two, from your League to serve on the study committee and to report regularly to your board. No specific expertise or background is necessary – only an interest in learning more about the topic. The committee will meet face-to–face this summer to get organized and started on the work and then as infrequently as possible thereafter. After getting organized, much of what needs to be done can be accomplished by phone and email.

You will be hearing from the study committee chair soon. Thanks so much for being part of this important project.

Yours in League,

Barbara Zia and Peggy Brown, LWVSC Co-Presidents



Please discuss with your members and/or board. Report results to JoAnne Day () by June 15.

Questions the LWVSC education study should/could consider (V1.2):

Should teacher performance be evaluated? YES or NO

How do we define teacher performance?

Should a teacher’s performance be evaluated every year?YES or NO

Should EVERY teacher’s performance be evaluated EVERY year?YES or NO

Should teacher performance be evaluated based on student results?YES or NO

If “YES,” should student results (choose one):

(a)Be a small part of teacher evaluation?YES or NO

(b)Be a significant part of teacher evaluation?YES or NO

(c)Be the majority of teacher evaluation?YES or NO

Should teacher performance be a factor in teacher pay?YES or NO

If “YES,” should student results (choose one):

(a)Be a small part of determining teacher pay?YES or NO

(b)Be a significant part of determining teacher pay?YES or NO

(c)Be the majority part of determining teacher pay?YES or NO

Who should do the evaluation? (pick all that apply)


  1. Self
  2. Peers

(b) Administrators



(e)Others (identify)