The Hundredth Monkey – Transient awareness

By Neil Gould 14 December 2007

Consciousness is the observer of the multidimensional hyperspacial universe. Our Cosmic Brain Browser navigates this great sea of consciousness. A greater browser potential brings a higher state of awareness. The browser is an integral part of the human mind, interpreting stimuli, from a chaotic state into a coherent state, palatable for mental digestion.

This infinitely convoluted ether houses traversing entities, navigating the dimensions above, below and parallel. She fills our being with the potential to raise our “Isness”, as she creates the medium for all to rise, elevate and to transcend the negative forces within the physical realm.

She is the absolute house of the collective mind, where evolution is broadcast to the DNA of all life, no matter where it evolves.

Unbound awareness

Our essence arrives from hyperspacial dimensions, filling our mental holding tanks with the white light, creating our quantum reality. Hyperspace is a three-dimensional hologram, with all living and non-living inclusions, holding the blueprint, to the universe. A blue print embedded within every single quantum particle in existence. Quantum mechanics, states that a particle can be in two places at once. The unbound mind can traverse across time and space.

The forces within this subject can be compared to a balloon filled with water. The gravitational force presses the water downwards, yet laterally, as the sides of the balloon bulge, from pressure. We are earthbound, yet out of body experiences display a furtherance of humankind’s ability to disembody. It is called awareness and it’s on the move.

Science, which is legitimized, is linked to global institutions,

It denies the analytical study of spiritual phenomena

False realities are planted in our minds. Big, is a mountain, and small, is an ant. Heavy, is an elephant and light, is a butterfly.

Common is an airplane moving forwards in the sky and strange is a disc, which stands still, glowing in the sky.

Exo-scientific research show that within the many extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, some enable psychic abilities, associated with the genetics of extraterrestrial races. These psychokinetic abilities are also associated with the collective cosmic consciousness of the universe. We see people with the ability, to be precogniscent, tuned in, to heal and to comprehend complex riddles within the multiverse. Such people are a threat to the modern controlled society, who would prefer to treat patients with drugs, than to approve alternate holistic methods, which include our total well-being and state of mind.

Man’s prime objective is “awareness”. The infusions from hyperspace include seemingly magical steps to ensure the ascension and elevation of the mind. Beings of a higher consciousness dowse many of us with their spiritual technology, which includes greater powers of transient awareness. Star seeds on the planet will expedite the role mankind must play in this realm. The propagation of mankind’s evolution

Cosmic evolution

Childhood invisible friends, have implanted knowledge bombs, which release the required amount of information, at the exact preset time. As strange or even scary as it sounds, it has been going on for almost the age of the visible universe. The sea of knowledge arming us with the tools to change minds, evolve and deal with negative forces that impede human kind

The new humans, Homo Noeticus are here. Call them ADD/ADHD if you like, but they are evolved, telepathic and advanced. Children of a super bright disposition are evenly spread around the world, taking the place of the old guard. Crop circles appear in extremely complex designs, prodding our consciousness, telling us to wake up. They depict our cosmic connection to others in the universe.

How amazing it is that awareness has a physical signature that manifests as symbols, throughout life’s journey. As the planet warms, we are reminded of Tesla and clean energy. A symbol of a tower is conjured up. With death and destruction through war and weather phenomenon, we recall the strange flying discs of contactee, Billy Meier. A symbol of a wedding cake is conjured up. The warm persona of Colonel Corso reminds you that there is a new world out there, if you can take it.

Awareness at it best and now propagated by a universal light, called the INTERNET. It bypasses the governments, the demons of mans world. It was given to us, to show that pure light can transmit knowledge and elevate our awareness. Uncensored information arrives directly into our homes, releasing us from the one sided propaganda of the media.

The 100th monkey syndrome is demonstrated on the Internet every day. At light speed, consciousness hitches a ride on the photons of the web. Articles are passed on, website addresses exchanged and groups of people agree to mass meditations for mans well being, by firing the grid. Petitions are signed on line; the conclusions spur the flow of energy and awareness into books, articles and films. The unstoppable forces of the lateral expansion of consciousness, outmatch the controlling governments, who are seen to blush during TV interviews, when whistleblowers, expose the truth. Predictably, these hybrid thoughts enter the minds of others in far off places, sweeping the old paths clean.

How can we free a slave if he does not know he is a slave?

We have hundreds of whistleblowers, exposing the truth. Sad to say, many hippo folk out there, do not want to leave their comfort zone. (The smoking population – move on upwards or beware). These people are limited to their five senses and are not been able to imagine anyone else inhabiting the universe, other than us humans. Dr Steven Greer has two promising forces en route to the public domain; they will take Exopolitics to a new level and drag the hippos out of the river.

One such force is the disclosure of Zero Point Energy. Dr Greer’s team has produced an ongoing 1kW of Free Energy from the quantum vacuum. Our hippo’s out there will learn that it means fresh air, a stable planet and ultimately the release of people from poverty. They will know that the big corporations who hound mankind for their energy bills will no longer wield the stick. The ZPE power unit will be manufactured in many countries, with the technology freely available.

Dr Greer’s second force, a CE5, will take place in a G7 country, in a fully transparent manner.

Dr Greer and others including the writer have had experiences with a CE5, a human initiated contact with an ET craft. This is a dangerous area, involving the possibility of unannounced Government flying discs, which could create havoc instead of a peaceful disclosure of ET as intended.

“Their eyes will turn red”

Exo-politicians must hold the US Media Machine fully accountable for supporting the truth embargo. This would bring exopolitics onto the world stage. The writer has written and presented to the PRG and The Exopolitics institute, a blue print of exactly how to do so.

The plan is to expose the corruption within the hierarchy of the Media TradeUnions. The unions’ members would create a highly profiled, threat to strike.

Trade Union members would be shown that they are being fooled; they are not a free press; their superiors are taking millions, in what are by default, bribes, from the Media Moguls, who ensure that the truth embargo relating to ET’s is kept under wraps.

Exopolitics will teach the union members that the truth embargo is withholding technical advances; free energy, a new world. Consequently, the union workers do not enjoy clean air for themselves and their kids. Instead they are slaves to the system. Proof of which are heavy medical bills, fuel bills, pollution and entrapment by way of home mortgage debt.

The Union member’s eyes will turn red, aware of what they have missed and what they could have earned both in monetary terms and in terms of a better world. All have been mentally soaked by awareness of global warming, another consequence of the truth embargo.

The Media Machine and its rogues will be confronted by angry and disappointed Trade Union members. The resulting fiasco will place Exopolitics on top of the world political agenda. Exopolitics will be the beacon of awareness, speedily reaching critical mass. The 100 monkeys will do the rest.