Dear ProspectiveNMS Cheerleader:

We are pleased that you are interested in trying out for the NMSCheerleading Squad for the 2013-2014 cheer season. Please read all the information carefully so you will beprepared for the tryout process.

*All clinics will begin promptly at 3:30pm. The clinics are scheduled to end at5:00pm. Please come dressed to practice-shorts, t-shirt, and athletic tennis shoes. The final tryout will take place on Friday. Please wear a white t-shirt and blue or blackshorts for the tryout (hair ribbons are a plus).

*Prior to your participation in the first clinic, you MUST turn in a completedPhysical Packet and cheer forms. If you do not have these items completed, you will not be allowedto practice. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.

You are required to submit:

-current sports physical (unless you have one on file with Coach Hughes)

-parent/guardian permission form

-signed cheerleading rules by both you AND your parent/guardian

Your composite score for tryouts will consist of the following:

Attendance at the clinics

Tryout Elements (Jumps, Dance, 1 Cheer, 2 Chants)

Overall Skill and Enthusiasm (Spirit, Voice Projection, tight motions)



Martinique Smith

Martinique Smith

NMS Cheerleading Coach


Price List and Order Form

*Items are Mandatory and must be ordered

**Items are Mandatory but if cheerleader already owns them, they do not have to re-order

Item / Size / Price / Quantity / Total
**Cheer Uniform / $45.00
**Warm Up Jacket / $21.50
**Warm Up Pants / $15.00
**Midriff / $14.00
**Shorts / $10.00
**Bag / $20.00
**T-Shirts (1) / $10.00
*Bow / $5.00
** Briefs / $5.00
**Shoes / $30.00
Grad Total / $175.50

Note: Shoes and bags can be ordered or purchased by parent from anywhere. Bag must be either royal blue or black and shoes must be all white.

NMS School

Cheerleading Rules & Expectations

Please read the rules and expectations very carefully. All guidelines will be enforced.

I. Purpose

●Encouraging the spectators to become involved.

●Maintaining and promoting school spirit, loyalty and pride.

●Providing service to the team, school and community through continued support of the teams.

●Encouraging and upholding of good sportsmanship on and off the field/floor.

II. Conduct

●Cheerleaders are expected to be school leaders at all times and to uphold the highest personal standards.

● You must act in a respectable manner at all times, remembering that you represent Person High School.

●Cheerleaders are to practice good sportsmanship at all times, promote sportsmanship among all spectators.

● Be familiar with all cheers, as well as game rules and be ready to lead cheers at appropriate times.

● You will not drink, eat, chew gum, comb hair or visit with friends during performances. Bathroom stops should be taken before a game, at half-time, or after the game.

●Be able to accept constructive criticism (from coaches and captains ONLY) for the improvement of the group.

●Follow all athletic and cheerleading conduct rules.

III. Uniforms

●All parts of the uniform (basic uniform, shoes, socks, hair accessory, etc.) shall be the same for all members of each squad-if you do not wear the proper attire it will result in disciplinary action.

●The uniform is the property of the school and will be required to be turned in at the end of the cheerleader’s season. Failure to return the uniform will result in being charged a replacement cost for each missing piece. All parts of the uniform are to be kept clean, and repaired throughout the season. All cleaning and repairs will be the responsibility of each member.

All uniforms are to be cleaned before being turned in at the end of the season.

●Jewelry is not part of the uniform. No jewelry is to be worn during practices or games

●School attire IS part of your uniform, if you do not wear the appropriate clothes to school it will result in disciplinary action.

IV. Practices

●Practices will be held at least 1-2 days per week during the season or as needed. When preparing for competition or special events, or big games practices may be more frequent.

●You must be dressed down and ready for practice on time. NO EXCEPTIONS.

●Cell phones must be off and put away during practice and game time!!! You are not to text or make phone calls anytime during practice without permission from the coach, or in an emergency situation. If cell phone is used during practice it will result in additional conditioning.

●When you arrive at a games/practices, at the assigned time, you must be dressed, and ready to cheer/practice.

V. Attendance-Practice, Games and School

●All practices, games and meetings called by the coaches are mandatory for all members of the squad. 100% attendance is expected at all games and practices.

●Constant Absences/Tardies: If absences and tardiness become a habit it will result in the following.


i.1. unexcused absence: Warning (owe 5 suicides and any workouts from missed practice) (will not cheer at the following game)

ii.2 Unexcused absences: Same as 1st unexcused absence plus this is final warning

iii.3 or more unexcused absences: dismissal from squad (NO EXCEPTIONS)


i.1 unexcused absence: suspended an entire game

ii.2 unexcused absences: suspended 2 games, and meeting with parents

iii.3 or more unexcused absences: dismissal from squad


i.3 unexcused tardies: suspended 1 quarter of game

ii.4-6 unexcused tardies: suspended an entire game

iii.More than 6: Possible dismissal from squad

●All tardies penalties are dependent on amount of time late to game/practice

No member may attend a practice or game if you have been absent from school that day. If you become ill during a cheer event, you may either sit with the coach or advisor or go home as needed.

●A cheerleader is to arrive to an event at the designated time on their Calendar. Utilize this time to immediately stretch and warm up jumps.

* Cheerleaders are only allowed to miss 2 unexcused practices during the cheer season* NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

VI. Suspensions and Dismissal

●Cheerleaders will be suspended or dismissed for one or more of the following major violations:

○Use of profane or obscene language and gestures: (1st offence immediate game suspension, after that possible dismissal)

○Failure to wear appropriate attire to school/games (1st offence immediate suspension, after that possible dismissal)

○Failure to attend practices or games (see above)

○Uncooperative attitude within the squad or at school (any problem will be discussed with coaches, after 2 meetings it will result in game suspension and possible dismissal from squad)

○Disrespect shown to a coach or another team member will not be acceptable and will result in disciplinary action.

○Un-sportsmanlike behavior.

○Traveling by unapproved means of transportation.

○Leaving a game, fundraising event, competition or any other event without permission.

○Skipping a class.

●Suspension denies the member the right to perform but does not relieve them of practice!

●All suspensions and dismissals will be at the discretion and final word of the coach. Parents will be notified when a suspension or dismissal occurs.

●Suspensions/dismissals/violations will be taken into account for future participation on the cheerleading squad.


All members of the cheer squad must participate in fundraisers. We are not supported by boosters or athletics so we all must do our part to raise money for the entire squad.


*All cheerleaders must notify coach of any disciple actions taken by administrator on them. Any write-ups, OSS, ISS, or EDS needs to be reported. If for any reason a cheerleader is suspended during the season for 3 or more days, they WILL BE DISMISSED FROM THE SQUAD. EDS or ISS will result in suspension from following game. 2 missed games result in DISMISSAL FROM THE SQUAD.

Cheerleader and Parent Contract