Message from NCOA:

Dear Falls Prevention Coalition Leads:

Thank you for your continued efforts to make Falls Prevention Awareness Day (FPAD) a success! In preparation for FPAD, we would like to share a list of new, updated, and upcoming resources and events.

General Resources

Falls Prevention Resource List for Older Adults and Caregivers: Includes links to educational brochures, videos, blogs, exercise guidebooks, motivational flyers, success stories, and more.

Falls Free® Photo and Story Contest Winners: Incorporate this year’s winning photos and stories into your FPAD materials.

FPAD 2017 National Impact Survey[Document Attached]: To estimate the impact and reach of FPAD 2017, we are asking each statewide coalition to collect FPAD information from your partners and designate one person per state coalition to complete an online survey. The survey link will be emailed to coalition leadsin two weeks. We have attached a PDF of the survey to get an idea of information to collect from your partners.

Marketing & Media

Media Toolkit: Includes sample social media messages, a media tip sheet, press release template, and a media alert template.

Digital News Release: This resource serves as a central point for media outlets to directly download a variety of FPAD outreach materials for news stories, such as the 6 Steps to Prevent a Fall video and falls prevention infographics.

Falls Free® 10thAnniversary Logo: Use this logo to help brand and market your Falls Prevention Awareness Day materials and events.

Event Flyer Template: Personalize this template to promote activities in your community.

Interdisciplinary Falls Prevention Presentation Toolkitdeveloped by AOTA/AGPT: Includes a PowerPoint, sample narration notes, and a list of resources for consumers.


NCOA Facebook Live Video,Sept. 22@3-3:30 p.m. ET: NCOA will be outside demonstrating how older adults can navigate fall hazards in their community. Like our Facebook page, and visit it at the time of the broadcast to watch.

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Webinar: You Have the Power to Prevent a Fall,Sept. 22@1-2 p.m. ET: This webinar will educate consumers about simple steps they can take to prevent a fall.

Falls Free® Video and Story Contest,Oct. 31@11:59 p.m. ET: NCOA is collecting positive videos and stories about older adults engaged in falls prevention activities. Visit our webpage to view contest rules.