March 14, 2007

March 14, 2007


Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 14th
Arena Upper Lobby – Lacombe

Minutes taken by Jackie Lunn on behalf of Andrea Collins

Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.

In Attendance: Michelle Brown, Heather Kanngiesser, Jackie Lunn, Dwayne West, Greg Lunn, Darren Howie, Brenda Rolheisser, Cindy Howie, Pam West, Shona Karas,
Acceptance of Minutes from February meeting. Agenda accepted.


- Darren presented a request from Michelle Brown to move the Lacombe Ringette tournament dates from the first weekend in December to the 3rd weekend. Discussion followed. Michelle made a motion to approach the Town of Lacombe for a second weekend of ice to accommodate the AA teams. Greg seconded. All in favor. Carried.

- Darren addressed a letter wrote by Carolyn Parent on behalf of Chris and Kevin Frank requesting all of the Frank’s volunteer cheques be returned for the extensive work the Frank’s did on the Lacombe Ringette Tournament programs. Discussion followed and a decision was made that no changes would be made to this season’s credit policy. Darren will follow up with an explanation with the Frank’s and Caroyln.


A.Treasurer – Report presented with no questions. Cindy moved to have her report accepted as presented. Seconded by Pam. All in Favor. Carried.

7:35 p.m. – Bev Smith joined the meeting.

B.Registrar – Nothing to report.

C.Coach Liaison/Mentor – No representative.

D.Ice Allocator – Double check web-site for year end games. Two unused ice slot for the whole season.

E.Tournament – Nothing to report.

F.Bingo – Pam attended the Bingo meeting on Tuesday and hall is looking at doing direct deposit of pooling cheques. Will keep associations posted. Pam moved that Lacombe Ringette Association apply for Bingo license for the upcoming season. Brenda seconded. All in favor. Carried.

Bingo Hall reports they have had a 50% drop in profits since the non-smoking by-law has come in and they don’t foresee these numbers changing.

Casino – Still need six more spots to fill May casino.

G.Fundraising Committee – 50/50 draw will be drawn at the banquet. Lacombe Ringette will be doing the M.S. Golf tournament fundraiser again this year and will need to supply 12 volunteers for the early June tournament. Because of the increase in volunteer numbers, the Kinsmen Club will pay accordingly.

H.Marketing Committee – Jackie reported that Bring a Buddy went well, approximately 50 buddies’s attended. Thursday will be another session followed by a hot dog supper and Tween AA/Junior game.

I.Referee Allocator – Greg reported that Lacombe has been working nicely with Red Deer Association and helping each other out with refs. Hoping to get two more level 2 refs. certified for next season. Greg proposed to host a level one ref. clinic for next season. Overall a good year with refs.

J.Equipment Director – Dwayne has asked all coaches to clean lockers and collect jerseys for the end of season. Dwayne will set up a time after the banquet to meet and organize lockers. Two shot clock remotes were bought with the intent of keeping one spare locked up in a safe place. Dwayne made a motion that the Junior team be held responsible for the lost shot clock remote and a bill sent to the Lacombe Junior team. Seconded by Heather. All in favor. Carried. Cindy will send a bill addressed to the Junior Team c/o Steve Haggett and Cyndi Kamps. Total cost for the remote was $110.77. Dwayne also discussed for coaches to be more aware of returning all equipment or the association may have to consider collecting deposits.

K.Team Reports - Bunny; no coaches present

Novice – N2 is off to Strathmore March 23rd.

Petite – Off to Provincials next weekend. All is going good.

Tween – Doing well. Off to Provincials in two weekends.

Tween AA – Short in Provincials, lost two games in overtime. Will be having a self funded Junior evaluation camp in Red Deer for April. Overall very positive year. Jamie Bell was picked up by Zone 5 to go to Tween AA Western Canadians.

Junior – Received a wildcard sport for Provincials in two weekends.

L.Zone 4 – No Report.

M.Zone 5 – No Report.

Old Business:

Year End Banquet; April 3rd, 530 p.m. start. Bev invited Norm Start to attend and talk about the history of ringette in Lacombe. Darren will be doing slide show at banquet and has asked each team to supply 10-15 pictures for it.

New Business:

Volunteer Voucher System; Pam moved that Lacombe Ringette no longer collect cheques to support volunteer obligation for its members and move that Bingos be assigned to teams. Coordination and assigning of Bingos will be managed by Bingo Coordinator along with assistance of a representative from every team. Any remaining bingos may be available for team fundraisers or divided up between teams. Funds raised from working bingos will be spent on what is allowable through gaming regulations (i.e. tournament registration). For every spot worked $75 will be credited toward that child’s team or in case of a summer bingo the team that the child will be playing on. Receipts will be required in order for your team to be reimbursed and need to be provided to the Treasurer. Seconded by Cindy. Lots of discussion followed. All in favor. Carried.

Darren introduced a 2007/2008 Lacombe Ringette Obligation Pledge Card to be signed by parents/guardians for Lacombe Ringette Tournament and Fundraising obligations.

Cindy moved that the 2007/08 budget be accepted as presented. Brenda seconded. All in favor. Carried.

Cheryl Law has asked to do 2007/08 pictures. Discussion followed. Greg moved that Lacombe Ringette accept Cheryl Law as photographer for the 2007/2008 season with certain expectations being laid out by Lacombe Ringette and being met by Cheryl Law. Seconded by Michelle. All in favor. Carried. Heather will take a role of liaison between Lacombe Ringette and Cheryl Law.

Recruiting New Executive Members; recruit on your own teams, encourage Bunny/Novice parents.

Next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on April 10th, 7:00 p.m. at the Lacombe Upper Lobby of the Arena. A planning meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. prior to the AGM.

Cheryl moved that the meeting be adjourned. Dwayne seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 9:49 p.m.