Data & GIS Services, Perkins Library, Duke University

Create a login

You must have a cell phone with you when you set up an account (or a nearby landline phone).

  1. CTRL-ALT-DEL to log into Windows
  2. Choose “Switch user,” then click “other user” icon
  3. Use Duke Net ID/password
  4. Double-click Bloomberg icon on desktop
  5. Hit the red Pause/Break/CONN/DEFAULT key on keyboard
  1. To set up a new account, hit the green Enter/GO key
  2. Fill in your real first and last names; created a password
  3. Choose "Yes" to “Are you creating a login for yourself”
  4. Click 1) Continue in the red bar near the top to go to next screen
  5. Choose how you want to receive the validation code (Text or Voice )
  6. Enter your phone number; Click 1) Send Code near the top
  7. Wait to receive verification code as text message or voice message
  8. Enter validation code to complete the procedure
  9. Login with the newly assigned ID and the password you created
  10. At some point, you’ll need to fill out a very short survey about your job, interests, time zone, etc.

To Install Excel Add-in

On the library computers you may need to install the Excel Add-in for each Bloomberg session.

1.  After logging into Bloomberg, open Excel (Start… Microsoft Office…Excel)

2.  Install Excel Add-in (Start…Bloomberg…Install Excel Add-in)

3.  Close Excel

4.  Open Excel again; there will be a Bloomberg tab with special features

Exit Bloomberg and Windows

1.  Under the Terminal dropdown in any of the Bloomberg windows choose Exit Bloomberg

2.  From the Windows Start menu in lower left, next to Shut Down,
click the small arrow, then choose Log off.

Help and Shortcut Options Online

·  EASY [GO] Tips and Shortcuts Menu

·  CHEAT [GO] Handy cheat sheets

·  Green HELP key Hit once to get contextual help, or after a command; twice to chat with help desk

·  BESS [GO] Bloomberg Essentials: Online training videos (bring headphones)

·  BU [GO] Bloomberg University: tutorials and events

·  MAIN [GO] Outline of Bloomberg service, leading to MENUs of commands for each component

·  MENU [GO] Context-sensitive outline of available commands; list depends on component/ sector

MAT/ 24-Jan-12