Minutes of the Meeting held at the Community Hall, Ystalyfera on Thursday 21stSeptember 2017


Councillor T. Flynn (Vice-chair), Councillors R. Davies, J. Jones, A. Llewelyn,R. Llewelyn,
B. Lewis, A. Jenkins, C. James, B. Hastie, E.W. Williams (late), G. Williams (late), A. Lewis (late).

Apologies for Absence:Councillors S. Prothero, T. Lewis, A. Hughes

4015: Police Matters

  1. Car Park Tarenni – Cllr R. Davies raised issue with Police. Police have visited the car park but have not seen any unreasonable activity as yet. They will continue to visit the area.
  2. Reports of speeding at Ynysydarren Road.
  3. Parking at Godre’rGraig School still an issue. Proposed that double yellow lines be painted. NPTCBC looking into this.
  4. Tiddlywinks also an issue for parking. Roads are blocked on a daily basis.

4016: Minutes of Previous Minutes

  1. Community Council all agreed to purchase 2 defibrillator units with heated cabinets at the cost of £2,800 from Cariad. They are to be placed at Ystalyfera Rugby Club and Ynysmeudwy FC. Clerk to complete Awards for All funding application form for funding towards more units.
  2. Photos and news articles needed for new website from Councillors. Councillors to email any interesting/relevant photos and news to Clerk for inclusion. Clerk to set up Facebook account for the Community Council.
  3. Clerk to meet with Cllr. R. Davies re: Barclays bank account. Clerk’s name not showing on Telephone banking details.
  4. Cllrs A. Llewelyn and G. Williams met with Mike Stephens (Centregreat) re: Installation of Christmas lights.M. Stephens is prepared to do anything that is required as well as store the lighting for the Community Council when it is not in use. He recommended looking at LED lighting in future due to reduced running costs. He recommended that the tree in Cilmaengwyn should be moved as it is too close to the main overhead power lines. The safety of the tree needs to be looked at. Cllr G. Williams suggested moving it to the other side of the road. Cllr R. Davies opposed this and recommended cutting off the top of the tree instead. Clerk to contact Tree Surgeon regarding this matter. Wrap around lighting can be increased for next year as well as more trees placed around the area e.g. Ystalyfera MUGA. Lamp posts are not positioned in the correct places to be able to offer over-street ‘NadoligLlawen Ystalyfera’ lights. It was suggested that a tree or lights be placed in Pantteg (opposite Clees lane). Clerk to contact Mike Stephens regarding this. Cllr R. Davies has ordered Christmas trees.
  5. Santa Sleigh from Swansea Council is not roadworthy. Cllr. R. Davies has arranged a Horse & Carriage to take Santa around the villages. Proposed by Cllr. B. Hastie. Seconded by Cllr. A. Llewelyn. Cllr. R. Davies to sort out route. Brass Band will be provided by Jane (peripatetic at YsgolGymraegYstalyfera).
  6. Mirage seat and harness has been fitted in CarregYrAfon park. Swing has already been used by disabled child.
  7. Landslip at Cyfyng Road:Public meeting went ahead. Very little information provided. The community were re-assured that the NPTCBC are doing all they can regarding this matter. Work is still ongoing. Regular updates can be found on the NPTCBC website.
  8. Alltygrug Action Group – Clerk sent letter to Rev. Hewitt asking for his participation and comments on the proceedings. No response as yet. Cllr. T. Flynn agreed to become member of partnership board. Cllr. A. Hughes was nominated as second member of the board (he is yet to accept this nomination due to his absence from the meeting). Next meeting of the board will be on 2nd October 2017.

4017: Matters Arising from Minutes

  1. All agreed that Clerk should order fireproof cabinet for the Community Hall in order to keep previous accounts documents and legal documents.
  2. Comprehensive response received from Ceredigion Council re: planters and flowers. Very helpful advice given. Cllr. R Davies stated that the Godre’rGraig Residents Association received Wales in Bloom award. Cllr. R. Davies to chase up installation of rubbish bin, opposite the school, next to the bench in Godre’rGraig.
  3. Ystalyfera Social Club: Clerk received letter from the club committee regarding the land containing the cenotaph. They would want £4,000 for the section of land containing the cenotaph only. This would mean that there would be no access to the rear wall of the cenotaph for essential maintenance. It was suggested that the cenotaph could be moved to the grounds of the Community Hall. All agreed to postpone a decision on this until a buyer is found for the entire Social Club site. Clerk to respond with letter.
  4. Ynysmeudwy Pottery books: It was decided that the Chair and Mike Trew present the books to YGY and Godre’rGraig schools. Clerk to arrange this with all parties.
  5. Cllr. R. Davies suggested that the Community Council could arrange a Volunteering Awards ceremony for the Spring. This could be publicised during January and the event could be held in March.

4018: Correspondence

(i)Thank You Letters: Letter received from Bobath thanking the Community Council for the donation and letter from Ystalyfera Bowls Club with thanks for the donation of £450 towards their new Grass Cutter.

(ii)Godre’rGraig OAPs:Letter received requesting a grant. This will be looked at in December.

(iii)NPTCBC Christmas Lights Agreement:Form needs to be completed asap.

(iv)Mental Health Drop-in: Email received asking for use of room and facilities for a weekly drop-in mental health session. Clerk to contact Adele Thomas (caretaker) for availability and arrange for the group to use the hall. Clerk will publicise these sessions on social media.

(v)Welsh Government White Paper Consultation:Clerk to forward details to Councillors via email.

(vi)Ystalyfera Social Club:Letter received with offer of £4,000 for the land containing the cenotaph only. Clerk to respond.

(vii)Powys Local Development Plan:Letter received regarding developments planned in Powys. Not relevant to this area.

(viii)Ystalyfera Development Trust: Email received asking for meeting with regards to funding. Clerk to arrange meeting.

(ix)Welsh Government Consultation: Email received regarding consultation on Taking Wales Forward. Clerk to forward email to Councillors.

(x)Harvey Peters Audit: Letter received from Harvey Peters Accountants with details of work carried out during internal audit. Clerk to forward this letter to BDO for external audit.

4019: Planning Matters

Cllrs. A. Llewelyn and R. Davies declared an interest and left the room.

  1. CTIL & Vodafone: Base installation at Cilmaengwyn. No objection – planning agreed.
  2. Planning application: Lyn Thomas, 5 Graig Y Fforest, Godre’rGraig. No objection – planning agreed.
  3. Planning application:Mr J. Williams, 3 Tirbach Road, Ystalyfera. Robert Rees, 9 Wern Road. More information requested by Councillors. Planning number given to Councillors. Councillors to respond to Clerk within 4 days with any objections.
  4. Planning application: Cheryl Francis, 7 Swanfield, Ystalyfera. Planning agreed.

4020: Leisure Matters

Councillors were given copies of Project Group meeting minutes. Minutes were reviewed.

  1. Remembrance day: Rev. Hewitt will organise this year’s event. Community Council agreed to give a contribution towards refreshments. Wreaths will be ordered by Cllr. A. Lewis on behalf of the Community Council. Cllr. R. Davies to contact Police regarding the route of the march. Lettering needs re-doing on the plaques. Clerk to cost this.
  2. Library: Cllr. E.W. Williams to email for update on the library. It was stated that W. Thomas will help with installing new shelving and training of volunteers.
  3. RDP: Clerk to speak to Katie & Carys at NPTCVS regarding application for funding for exercise equipment and notice boards.
  4. Ffynnon: Living Wells Project – Cllr. C. James to proceed with application to become part of this project.
  5. Ystalyfera Public Band: Meeting attended by Cllrs. A. Llewelyn and R. Davies. It was stated that the officers of the band are ageing. Due to this Dulais Valley Band will help the band as much as possible. They will also help to arrange a temporary conductor for the band.
  6. Twinning: It was stated that NPTCBC are discouraging twinning at this time due to the costs associated with it.
  7. Business Forum: It was decided that the Business Forum be delayed for the time being as guest speakers need to be arranged. Clerk to look into this.

4021: Financial Matters

  1. Lease of Godre’rGraig Park due for renewal. No response thus far with regards to the application for funding.
  2. BDO needed more information with regards to the External Audit – clerk sent this. BDO replied with amendments necessary to the Annual Return document as fencing, building work and Christmas lights had not been included under fixed assists. All agreed that this should be amended. Chair and Clerk amended Annual Return, signed and dated. All agreed. Clerk will send amended Annual Return to BDO via 1st class signed for Royal Mail to ensure that the audit can be completed before the deadline of 30th September 2017.
  3. Weight Watchers: No rent payment made for this financial year. Clerk to look into this.
  4. Interim balance sheet of all bank accounts presented to Councillors. All agreed.

4022: Accounts:

704036SSE (Ystalyfera MUGA)£68.91

704037SSE (Community Hall)£92.31

704038Tiddlywinks (Open Access Play)£1,775.00

704039SSE (Godre’rGraig MUGA)£96.12

704040W. Jones (Parks Remuneration)£100.00

704041A. Thomas (September Salary)£498.08

704042N. Parr-Williams (Sept. Salary & Expenses)£728.78

704043HMRC (Tax & NI)£322.78

704044Cariad Defibrillators £2,800.00