Crocus Medical Practice Survey Results 2016

Crocus Medical Practice reformed the Patient Participation Group (PPG) in March 2016. The group is open to all patients and information can be found on the website and in the reception areas. Our first step was to create a patient survey to see what areas of improvement are needed for our patients.

The idea for the survey was to get a general opinion from our patients on topics such as, contact methods and the process of contacting the surgery, process of making an appointment and general questions such as the services we offer (website, extended hours, online services).

The survey ran for 2 weeks in April. 100 surveys were given out with 78 responding (78%). Q1. When completing this Questionnaire what type of service did you receive from the Practice?

Q2. What methods do you use to contact the surgery?

Q3a. In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following?

Haven’t tried / Very easy / Fairly easy / Not very
/ not at all easy / Don’t
Getting through on the phone / 7 / 6 / 23 / 23 / 21 / 0
Speaking to a Dr on the phone / 27 / 11 / 11 / 4 / 2 / 23
Speaking to a Nurse on the phone / 29 / 11 / 7 / 3 / 2 / 25
Test results by phone / 24 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 4 / 20

Q3b. How long was your wait when you last telephoned the surgery to speak to a receptionist?

Q4. What happened when you last made an appointment?

Q5. The last time you made an appointment was it for the Doctor of your choice?

Q6a. Did you know we offer extended surgery hours some mornings/evenings?

Q6b. Did you know we offer telephone consultations with the Doctor/Nurse Practitioner?

Q7a. Are you aware that the Practice has a website?

Q7b. Are you aware that the Practice offers an online repeat prescription service?

Actions and comment

The survey showed a clear picture of dissatisfaction regarding the telephone system.

“There must be a phone system that will be better suited to make appointments”

The Practice has made changes in response to this by installing another phone line using the same number to contact the surgery; work is still underway to improve our telephone system.

The results also identified the need for the practice to offer more appointments.

“It is very difficult to get an appointment with either Doctors or Nurses”

The Practice has now re-arranged the appointment system in order to offer our patients more availability.

The Practice received compliments when conducting this survey such as:

“Friendly staff, informative GP who took time to listen”

“Always a very good service all round, no complaints at all, very satisfied”

The Practice will be posting a newsletter for our patients as we are aware that communication is vital.