End of Probation Report

To: From:HR Support Services
Date: Department of Human Resources

The person named below was appointed on ______; the appointment is subject to a period of probation that will shortly expire. Please complete and return this form to the Department of Human Resources, Wessex House 3.22.

Failure to do so, and a consequential lack of any subsequent notification to the probationer by the end of the contractual probationary period, will result in the postholder being confirmed in post by default.

Postholder’s Name: Length of Probation:6 months
Department: Job Title:
Name and Job Title of Line-Manager:
  • To be completed by the Line-Manager, before the end of the probationary period, following a meeting between probationer and Line-Manager.
  • To be signed by both parties and returned to the Department of Human Resources.
  • Please attach a copy of the job description if it has altered since appointment.

Summary Comments

To be completed and signed by the Line-Manager
I wish the postholder to be confirmed in post *
I have concerns about the postholder’s performance which require further discussions for the reasons give above *
(*delete as applicable)
Signature of Line-manager ...... Date ......

Progress to date

Please set out progress in relation to the key elements of the job description

Strengths and Weaknesses

Please identify those areas where the probationer is working well and those areas which need attention, including motivation, attendance and timekeeping
Areas for attention
Future goals
Please outline goals for the forthcoming year
Training and development needs
Please outline support or training needed to complete the above goals and/or to help the member of staff in their job
(Optional) comments by probationer
To be signed by probationer
I have read and understood the whole of this form
Data ProtectionThe information on this form will be used only for the purpose of monitoring probation and identifying training needs and will be held confidentially within the Department of Human Resources.
Signature of Probationer ...... Date ......