Sunday 1stFebruary 2015 AD


Services In Perth

TODAY9.30 AmPastor Reinier Noppers“Leaders in the Church of God.”

Readings:Hebrews 13: 7 – 8; Ephesians 4: 1 – 16; Hebrews 13: 7 – 21. Text:Hebrews 13: 7 – 8; 17 – 18.

5.30PmPastor Reinier Noppers“God’s Covenant Love.”

Readings:Deuteronomy 7: 6 – 11; Romans 9: 10 -15.Text: Malachi 1: 1 – 5.

NEXT SUNDAY9.30 AmRev. Craig van Echten

5.30 PmRev. Craig van Echten


A warm welcome to all of you who have come to the services today, and a special welcome to visitors. May the Lord bless each of us as we worship together: that His Name may be glorified and we encouraged and strengthened in faith


This morning we have the privilege and joy to give thanks to God for providing leaders in His church, particularly those who serve as elders. As both Bardi Bester and Willem de Jager are ordained as elders, the writer to the Hebrews has some fairly straightforward instruction both to those who would serve as leaders in our midst as well as to all of us as congregation. Spiritual leaders are those who speak the Word of God to us; and therefore are

required to know it, understand it and be guided by that same Word: particularly as they are called to speak it boldly!

They are also called to live lives that are worthy of imitation: as the Apostle Paul himself states: “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.” The calling of elders is literally “to watch over our souls”; a task which demands constant attention, at times gentle correction, and even sharp rebuke. Souls are eternal, and it is our eternal future with which elders are concerned! Even more so, it is to the Lord Himself that elders must give account; a task which would only be filled with joy when the people of God accept them, grow in faith through their nurture, and listen to their advice and warning! It is a sad thing indeed when an elder must give account to the Lord that he did his best but the end result was rebellion or disobedience, for that would be of no benefit to anyone.

For us as God’s people, no middle road of response is allowed. We cannot accept their word when we like it, or accept them only when we get on with them, but insomuch as they bring God’s Word, the only course that is pleasing to God is obedience and submission. That is not to say they are perfect, or that they couldn’t do their task better: it is not a blanket rule for all circumstances but definitely applies to biblical leadership, for there is a spiritual authority granted by our Lord Himself in this office that any rejection of biblical truth is the rejection of Christ who brings that truth. We definitely should think twice before we challenge it.

Having said that, verse 18 appeals for prayer, for constant prayer for those who serve as elders – only God can provide the strength, the patience, the right words, and the continuing love for God’s people to make such a task a joy and not a burden.

And it is good to conclude with this pointer to prayer, for to sum up, the task of elder is that he must point God’s people always back to Christ, draw us to Christ, refresh us in Christ, and challenge us to grow with Christ; to do so in Word and deed; in humility and yet with authority – for Christ is the one who does not change, who is forever trustworthy, and who loves us with a love that is eternal. RN


Welcome again to this first Link of 2015, I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and New Year celebrations, and that you had a wonderful time of refreshment, catching up with family and friends. We can give thanks to God for safe keeping during this holiday season, especially those who travelled far and wide around this country and even overseas, and I pray that you also had a time of blessing and renewal.

The Cadet Camporee held in Victoria was also a real blessing to those who went, despite slightly lower than expected numbers.

Emma Oostryck had a fruitful time on a short term mission trip to Cambodia: if you have not yet done so, ask her about the highlights.

This morning we have the privilege to ordain Bardi Bester and Willem de Jager as elders: let us remember to pray for them and our session as we seek to lead in a God-honouring way.

We also have our evening services starting again today: as usual at 5:30 pm. Please come and join with us as we seek to end the day in praise to God and around His Word as His people.

Life of course continues, and in the past couple of weeks Ken Loos has spent some time in hospital: we can be thankful he is home again and recovering.

Arie van der Linden continues to struggle with health and energy levels; we continue to pray for Arie and Mary that God will grant them patience and strength for each day.

We also mourn with Sam Assaad whose father passed away suddenly in Sydney: Sam and Anneli have spent some time in Sydney with family and also for the funeral. May God be their comfort in this time of sorrow.

Geoff van Schie had surgery on both hands this past week, and is recovering in Wongan Hills. Recovery should take about 6-8 weeks, with driving starting after about 3 weeks. We wish you a complete recovery, Geoff.

School starts again for most of our students and teachers this coming week; I hope everyone is refreshed and ready to start the new year, with all it has to offer in learning about God’s wonderful world.

Catechism will also begin Monday, 9th February, with the younger group being picked up as usual from Rehoboth Christian College and class commencing at 3:45- 4:30 pm, at our place. The older group will meet at the church Monday nights, starting at 7:30 pm. If anyone is unable to make it,

.or needs help with transport to and from classes, please let Reinier know before Monday 9th.

Session will have its first meeting on Tuesday 10th February, 7:30 pm at the church, followed by our first Synod report meeting on Tuesday 24th February, 7:30 pm, also at the church.

Classis also has its first meeting of the year on Saturday 21st February at the Gosnells church, followed by a Synod report meeting on Saturday 14th March.

As you can see from the above, the tri-ennial Synod of the CRCA will soon be upon us. The dates for Synod are 17th – 22nd May, and we will need billets for up to 80 delegates around that period. If you are able to help out during that time, have a bed to spare, or can assist with transport, food preparation or anything else like that, please speak to either Reinier or Trudy.

Today will be the last opportunity to check your details in the Yearbook: we hope to print later this week.

Bread Ministry continues each week: it is shame to throw out any of this good bread, so please do come and help yourselves each Wednesday morning at the church between 9:30 and 11:00 am.

The Canning Bible Study meets this Tuesday the 3rd February at the home of Hendrik and Mysella Janong, 25 Greenlink Boulevard, Harrisdale, starting around 7:30. We will continue our study of the prophet Isaiah, and anyone who would like to join us, or just come along and see what it is all about, are most welcome. Also, if you would like to attend a fellowship group or even start one of your own, and need a little help, just speak to Reinier.

Today we also enjoy another shared lunch: a great time for fellowship over good food: this year we continue this every first Sunday of the month.

May we all have a blessed day of worship on the day of rest our God has given us.

Pastor Reinier.


Mieke Slooter Tuesday 3rd Feb.

Bethia van der Kooij Saturday 7th Feb.

Eliza Noppers Saturday 3rd Feb.

You’re indeed a year older but also a year wiser. May the blessings of our God enrich you from within

We hope that this new year will be filled with the Grace of God as well as peace, happiness and love.


  • The Canning Bible Study meets this Tuesday at the home of Hendrik and Mysella Janong, 25 Greenlink Boulevard, Harrisdale, starting around 7:30.
  • The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated the Lord willing, in the morning service of Sunday the 15th February. Any visitors wanting to share in the sacrament are kindly requested to contact or be directed to the elders, preferably prior to the Sunday.


Financial Church Update

Weekly income required as per budget:


To date required 30 weeks: $84,030.00

Income received to date: $75,563.70

Budget shortfall as of today: $8,466.30


2nd Collection Update – December 2014

$247.05 Ref. Ch Children & Yth Com

$245.60 Solomon Is W/G

$238.20 RTC

$904.25 Empty hands appeal

$153.85 Train W/G

$1175.25 Bibles Persecuted church

Total electronic contributions for December $3,277.00

2nd Collection Update – January 2015

$180.40 Sonshine Radio

$169.45 Cadet & Gems Nat.

$229.60 CWF

$187.95 Chr. Edu – Rehoboth.

Total electronic contributions for January $4,442.00




  • Ben Eikelboom was scheduled to undergo surgery last Thursday.
  • Rhonda Hickley is recovering frm Pneumonia after her recent radiation for cancer.
  • Peter, Sugi and Tim have returned from their trip. Sugi is recovering from a chest infection.

Please uphold our dear brothers and sisters in prayer, many for healing and others for safe travel



  1. THANKSGIVING: Team leaders,church planters and elders in the field are thankful to the Lord his rich blessings last year. There have been good ministry opportunities during year 2014. It was a wonderful year of harvesting for the Kingdom. God has supplied our physical, mental, emotional, family, financial, educational and spiritual needs.
  2. GROWTH: One of our evangelists is specifically thankful for blessing his labours for the expansion of the Kingdom. At a recent service, 17 new believers received baptism.
  3. TEACHING: A two day seminar for church elders about the principles of Church government was held. Also, a two day seminar for our evangelists, to give needed teaching to help them preach Christ Centred Messages. Please pray that this teaching will be used of God to mature and expand his Kingdom and to glorify his name.
  4. OPPOSITION: There are Hindu activists seeking to pressure Christians to revert back to Hinduism. This is usually done with threats of violence to intimidate the villagers. By the grace of God, there was no effect in the GOSPEL mission field. The believers are strong in their faith and have overcome the threats and are not afraid. (Please also join us in praying for the Hindu activists that they may come to know the true and living God.)


Cadets and GEMS

2015 Opening Night

Where: Riverton LeisurePlex

entrance off High Rd)

Date: Friday 6th February, 2015

Time: 6:45pm arrive– 8.45pm pickup

Cost: $6 per person (all ages)
includes water slides!

Bring:Bathers, towel and water bottle

For the opening night of the year we will be having a heap of FUN at Riverton Leisureplex.
Parents are welcome to stay for the whole night. Do not drop kids outside, come inside for handover please!!!

The kids are asked to have fun and enjoy themselves - of course….

Supper will be provided.

For more info please speak to Paul Nieuwkerk, John Terpstra, Clarissa Swarts or Marianne van Dam.


Have you ever thought about participating in theological education but dismissed the very idea because your life stage or location would make it impossible? Then the RTC distance programme (also known as Refstudy) may be exactly what you are looking for. The RTC was one of the pioneers of online education within the Australian College of Theology (ACT) and over the years our programme has grown from strength to strength.

With the new year commenced, it is not too late to enrol for units at the RTC. Distance education mode can be a great way to “get a taste” of theological or ministry education, whilst maintaining other work/family/church commitments.

Visit the College website for further information about our courses offered via Distance Education.

The following units are scheduled to be taught online during the 1st semester of 2015: Jesus and the Gospels (NT301/501), The Doctrines of Grace and Eschatology (TH403/603), The Church from 1550 to Modern Times (CH301/501) and Christian Worldview (PE301/510)

For any enquiries please contact Phillip Scheepers at . We are convinced that our online units can be of great benefit to those seeking to be equipped to serve the Lord Jesus, wherever they may be and we hope to ‘virtually see’ many of those reading this on the Refstudy site soon!

There may be potential students within your congregations who could benefit from these programs – if so, we’d love to speak with them and see how the RTC could assist with providing training for future ministry in Reformed churches.



Please do not forget the ongoing ebola epidemic in the west African countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. There have been about 20,000 cases and over 8,000 deaths and the epidemic is likely to run until the end of the year.

Among the bereaved are about 10,000 orphaned children, often shunned and stigmatised by their own communities and extended families. One such is 4-year old girl whose father and sister died of ebola and her mother was dying of it. She followed her mother to hospital where the staff named her Sweetie Sweetie as no one knew her name. She helped to care for her mother until she died, then was taken to an orphanage. She seems to know they are looking for someone to adopt her and recently asked a visitor, "Do you want me?"

Ebola has been terrible for children. Schools in affected countries have been shut down and children of impoverished parents undergo hard labour, but orphans are the most affected.

Meantime Christians are in the forefront of bringing help and healing, with Christian Blind Mission and Trans World Radio (TWR) among the agencies. TWR is using its communication network to spread health information in French, English and local languages. The radio slots are backed up by informative flyers being distributed across the population.

CBM works with people with disabilities, and in these circumstances people with disabilities are often the first to be abandoned and the last to receive help. Children with a disability are also more vulnerable when their parents die.

Ebola is one of several fatal infectious diseases around; others are cholera, leprosy, malaria and TB. Pray for all those involved in caring for the sick and bereaved and in preventative care.

Source: Evangelicals Now, Jan. 2015; The Age, and CBM website.

I can remember what flavor of ice cream cone my grandmother and I shared at Disneyworld; but most of the time, I can't remember what day it is.

I guess it depends on what you think is important.

Katherine, age 13


Dear God,

Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before; you can look it up.

Bruce, Paw Prints quotes


The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West ... But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.

Billy Graham quotes


It's good to remember that Jesus grew up as a poor Jew in a poor town. His life was not about having great material possessions, but about living for God in this humble and modest way.

Stephen Chapman on the discovery of the first dwelling in Nazareth dating to Jesus' era (source: USA Today)



Please remember the ‘4 Ps’…

PRAYfor the Spirit to be poured out on us His people

PLANTfellowship groups and churches in an ongoing way

PREPAREleaders who will lead such fellowships and churches

PRODUCEnecessary structural reforms in our church.


MONDAY 7.30 PmPrayer meeting - Church

TUESDAY 7.30 PmCanning bible Study – Janong Harrisdale.

WEDNESDAY 9.30 – 11.00AmBread Available – Church


Second Offerings

Today:Reformed Theological College

February 8th: Diaconate

February 16th:Candidacy Committee



Am / Pm. / SOUND
Am / Pm / Musician/s / VIDEO
Am Pm
Today / Arnold & Henry / Isaak & Steve / Paul v/d Kooij / Rachel & MP3 / James
8th Feb. / Jill & Raymond / Evan / Paul v/d Kooij / Rebecca / James
15th Feb. / Rob & Steve / Johan & Isaak / Luke / Rachel / James


Today / tba / Today / tba
8th Feb. / 8th Feb.
15th Feb. / 15th Feb.
To place your orders, please ring:Corrie 9398 8340,
Gerrie 9394 0494, or Keemie 9398 3658
All funds raised go to Electric Bed Number 4 – Manoah Hostel.
Today / Fams Morgan, Zoethout, & Ina
8th Feb. / Fams Victor & Nieuwkerk
15th Feb. / Fams Loos & de Jager
Please utilize the church’s electronic banking
Banking details:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Christian Reformed Church of Perth
BSB: 066 153 Account: 1002 5589

Tithing is giving back to God

Some minds are like concrete...Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set

Editor: Arnold Zoethout Ph. 9451 1316 Mob. 0413 379 244. email: