Things Fall Apart Reseach topics
Building Background Knowledge for: / Research one of the following topics:/ 1. Nigeria- the region, geography, population, religion, climate, languages, politics and government
2. Modern culture of Nigeria and West Africa – entertainers, sports, music, art, etc. Share positive attributes about Nigerian culture and traditions.
3.Chinua Achebe-personal history, accomplishments, beliefs, and why he wrote the book
4. African proverbs and storytelling. What are some examples of proverbs, and why are they so important in this culture?
5. Colonization of Nigeria. When was the country colonized? Who attempted to come in and colonize the area? Prior to colonialism in this country, what was life like there? What were the government, economy, and social structures like?
6. The Igbo tribe of Nigeria. What are their beliefs? What are their governing systems
1. Together with your partner or alone, use the resources in the Media Center/online to research each topic listed above.
2. I would have a separate slide for each topic and label the slide by the bolded information. For example title your first slide Nigeria.
3. Please cite the website you get both your pictures and your information from on a separate works cite page. Remember to use as your guide in using MLA format.
4. Please make a title page with you and your partner’s names on it.
5. E-mail your PowerPoint to when finished.
6. This PowerPoint is due: Wednesday Dec. 3
7. Use your time wisely. Whatever you don’t finish in class, you’ll be required to complete on your own time.
Elements / Allotted PointsAnswered all questions on each topic thoroughly and completely. You have summarized the information and not copied and pasted. (5 points per slide) / ______/30
Title Page has correct name(s) period, date / ______/5
Works Cited page is in MLA format and is the last slide in the power point / ______/5
Power point is creative, attractive with appropriate pictures that is a clear connection to the slide / ______/10
Grammar and conventions- There are not grammatical or spelling errors. You have clearly spell checked. Your sentences flow together and do not sound awkward. / ______/5
Total / ______/55
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