Cover-ups game


• Cover-up’s game – Extension Activity Sheet 2

• Cards or post-it notes

• Sticky tape

• Hats


1. Establish a list of sun protection methods using the ideas listed on Extension Activity Sheet 2 or have students brainstorm a list.

2. Write these words on post-it notes, or cut them out from Extension activity sheet 2 and attach to cards.

3. Ask students to put their hats on and then attach post-its or cards with sticky tape or blu-tack to each student’s hat. Students should not be allowed to see the words they have on their hat.

4. In small groups, students take it in turns to ask each other questions requiring a Yes/No answer as they try to determine the word on their hat.

5. Discuss with students which items provide a high or low level of sun protection and why.


Marvin the mean

old monster


1. Have students stand in a circle. As a group, practice the actions they will be using in the story of ‘Marvin the mean old monster’.

2. Read the story and ask them to follow your actions as they listen.

3. Discuss the things the students in the story did to protect themselves from the sun. What could the villagers do to make the hill more sheltered for the monster? What can we do at school to protect ourselves from the sun?

Marvin the mean

old monster

Once upon a time lived a mean ol’ monster called Marvin (snarl and claw hands) who lived all alone on top of a big hill (spread hands). The hill was completely bare as far as the eye could see (place hand over eye and look right and left) and Marvin the monster had no shelter from the hot summer sun (wipe brow). His nose got very sore and sunburnt (wriggle nose) and his big long tail (sweep arm out behind you) turned bright red. This made the mean ol’ monster (snarl and claw hands) even meaner (snarl and claw hands and stamp feet).

Now, there was a village nearby, and all the people in the village were scared of Marvin the mean ol’ monster (shiver and shake). “Stay away from him,” (wag finger) said the parents to their children. No one went near the big hill (spread hands).

One day, two children were flying their kite in the village (make kite shape). One child, Cort, was very short (squat). The other child, Zaul, was very tall (stand on toes and stretch). Both wore big red hats (hands on head). They had a lovely time flying their kite (make kite shape) until, all of a sudden, the string snapped (click fingers). The kite (make kite shape) blew off towards the big hill (spread hands) and the mean ol’ monster (snarl and claw hands). Short Cort(squat) and tall Zaul (stand on toes and stretch) held onto their red hats (hands on head) and ran (run on spot) after the kite.

All of a sudden they saw Marvin the mean ol’ monster in front of them (snarl and claw hands). Tall Zaul(stand on toes and stretch) was very scared (shiver and shake), but short Cort(squat) said “We haven’t done anything to harm you. Why are you such a mean monster?”

Marvin looked very sad (sad face) and said, “Because I’m always hot and sunburnt, and that makes me feel grumpy. I have no hat or shade to protect me from the sun like you do, and I was too shy to ask for help.”

The children thought and thought (thinker pose). Suddenly, tall Zaul(stand on toes and stretch) grabbed the kite and put it on Marvin’s head to make a big shady hat (hands on head). Short Cort(squat) wound the tail of the kite around Marvin’s tail (sweep arm out behind you) to protect it from the sun. “We’re going down to the village to play under a tree where it’s shady. Would you like to come with us?” the children asked. Then a very strange thing happened. Mean ol’ Marvin (snarl and claw hands) made a great big smile (big grin).

“Hip hip hooray!” cheered the children (repeat “hip, hip, hooray” and raise arms). They made a circle and skipped all around, because Marvin wasn’t mean any more (make a circle and skip)!

From that day on, Marvin lived happily under a big shady tree (spread arms over head) wearing his new hat (hands on head) and never got sunburnt, or grumpy again.

(Clap your hands and invite everyone to take a bow!)

Sun safe tourist information

You have visitors from another country coming to stay with your family. They want to spend a day at the beach. What advice will you give your visitors to make their day fun and safe?

Guess who’s

coming to visit?

Read the following scenario to students:

Our school has been asked to host a group of students visiting from a school on the planet Mahnik.

Mahnik is a beautiful planet with very friendly citizens. The conditions on Mahnik are quite similar to

those on earth except Mahnik is in another galaxy and is a lot further away from the sun.

The school in Mahnik is trying to prepare students for their visit to Australia. Many Mahnik parents areconcerned about the earth’s sun as they have heard it can be very dangerous.

Ask students to prepare a letter for their Mahnik visitors explaining the earth’s sun.

They will also need to think of interesting locations or experiences they can share with a visitor from another planet.

Explain that some of the letter has been written for them and they will need to fill in the gaps and illustrate the messages. Children can draw the 5 SunSmart Steps on the back of their letter.

Guess who’s

coming to visit?

Dear Mahnik students,

We are really looking forward to your visit. When you are here we are going to show you

We have heard that you are worried about the sun on earth. The sun on earth gives us ______, ______and UV radiation. The part of the sun we need to be really careful of is ______. A little bit is good and helps us make ______but too much can damage our ______and ______.

Whenever UV Index levels are _____ and above we need to use sun protection. In our city, the months we use sun protection each day are from ______to ______. We have to be extra careful from _____ am to ____ pm.

Don’t worry, even though we can’t see UV radiation, we know what the UV Index levels are if we look at the SunSmart ______.

In Australia we use 5 SunSmart Steps and make sure we are well protected from the sun! Here’s a list and picture of each one so you know what to pack.

Have a safe trip. Please tell your family not to worry.

We’ll look after you!

From ______


hidden message

Make the hidden message your motto!

1. Find the words hidden in this wordsearch.

Words can be written forwards, backwards, up, down

and diagonally 

2. Use the first 26 unused letters to make the hidden message.


hidden message

SunSmart Wordsearch

D / P / R / O / T / E / C / T / I / O / N / A / R / A / R
N / S / E / P / E / W / S / Y / N / L / U / E / L / E / L
U / R / A / J / Y / I / H / J / T / V / C / L / F / O / P
O / U / P / I / E / D / A / Z / A / N / E / L / N / Z / O
R / O / P / X / S / E / D / L / A / R / E / G / N / E / L
A / H / L / F / S / B / E / C / B / C / S / W / F / G / S
P / O / Y / P / P / R / N / M / T / L / V / I / T / A / U
A / W / F / A / T / I / U / E / E / E / L / Z / I / M / N
R / T / L / W / K / M / D / E / L / I / R / P / A / A / S
W / S / F / S / S / M / V / M / I / D / D / A / Y / D / C
S / P / K / H / S / E / S / S / A / L / G / N / U / S / R
H / L / I / I / S / D / S / U / N / S / M / A / R / T / E
V / R / I / L / N / H / R / A / L / L / O / C / K / W / E
T / Y / H / D / S / A / S / E / E / K / B / X / U / G / N
C / K / X / K / E / T / R / E / B / M / E / T / P / E / S

SunSmart Wordsearch