
Councillors:Barry Adby – Chairman

Bob West – Vice-Chairman

Robert Barber

Tim Horton

Neil Boddington

Harvey Batten

Linda Nicholson


98/13.Apologies for Absence

Tony Williamson, Ian Hill.

99/13Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th October2013which were accepted by Council on the 12/11/2013 to be agreed

Resolved: That with the change agreed at Full Council that the minute (93/13 refers) which states ‘section opposite 86 Hill Road’ now reads ‘the section from the Care Home to the Icknield Way’, That these minutes were a correct record of this meeting and that they be signed by the Chairman.

100/13Declarations of Interest

Cycle Racks – Tim Horton declared a non-prejudicial interest in this item.

101/13Matters arising

Speeding in Christmas Common(Minute refers) – PC Ian Kent has been contacted and in the first instance a SID needs to be done to see if there is a need to putthe Speed Van in this s location. He has asked for this, which has been put on the list of SID’s needed. We have no time frame at the moment.

Yellow Lines at foot of Watlington Hill (Minute refers)- RB stated that discussion took place on whether white lines may be better as there would not have to be a traffic order.

Resolved: That we discuss this issue at the next meeting and speak to OCC and the Police for their views on both yellow and white lines in this location. RB to mark up a map which can be sent to them.

102/13Outstanding Issues

1. Hedge in Car Park – Mr Irons has been contacted and we are awaiting a date for a meeting from him. RB said that he has spoken to Nigel Adams and it is possible that this hedge is now able to be laid.

Resolved: That we obtain a quote from Nigel Adams to lay this hedge and that we ask Mr Irons, when the meeting takes place if he would contribute towards this.

2. Parish Controlled Trees

Trees in Paddock – RB and Tom Bindoff have had a meeting with an aboriculturist and also spoke to Sue Goss when she met with WIB. RB said that the Horse Chestnut needs attention.

Parish Trees - We need to get a Consultant to have a look at the trees. He suggested that we contact Martin Gammie, who is no longer working for SODC, to have a look at all the Parish trees and get a report from a professional to tell us what works need doing to them.

Resolved: That we ask Martin Gammie for a quote for doing a report on the parish trees which would give a specification of works that are needed. This report can then be used for tendering for the works.

3. Howe Hill Hedges - BA reported that David Goldsworthy from OCC has sent letters out to all landowners asking them to cut the hedges on their property which overhang the highway. He is awaiting replies from them. However it does seem like some cutting has taken place.

4. Pothole by Car Park– Scion are scheduled to do this.

5 Phone Box at Christmas Common – This still needs clearing and strimming. BA and KT to organise for this to be done in the next few weeks.


a.Car Park

i) Drains in Car Park– BA reported that OPC have attended site and HB and himself were present. They have managed to clear them out and are now running free. They put a camera down and it was noted that the drain by the noticeboard does not go anywhere. It would appear that this was blocked off when SODC installed the ramp. Their advice is to put in a soakaway and we have received a quote for doing this which is in the region of £12,000. HB stated that the pipe which runs down Watcombe Road ends 2m short and therefore does not connect to a drain. We will be receiving a map of the drains from OPC and also a DVD of when the camera was put down the drains. BA said it may be that now the drains have been cleared out the problem may be sorted out. BA has spoken to John Backley at SODC but they would not help with funding.

ii) Car Park Entrance- A letter has been sent on this to Mark Francis at OCC. We are awaiting his reply. This will then be an agenda item for the next meeting when we have received his comments. KT to chase him up for a reply. It was agreed to ask SODC again if they have any records and maps on the car park – TH to do this.

Resolved: That the Committee meet at the Car Park at 10am on January 15th 2014, prior to the Operations Committee meeting which will be held at 10.30 to look at this issue on site.

b.Public Conveniences

i) Updating of the facilities–THreported that we are still waiting for a response from John Backley on the Conservation Officers view of what types of window would be acceptable.

c.Community Office

No items for discussion.

104/13Open Spaces

a.Recreation Ground

i) Sign for Recreational Areas – This has been referred to the FinanceCommittee

to see if there is money available to purchase this.

ii) Hedge around Sports Field–BA, RB and IH went to look at this hedge with a

Sports Club member and also John Errington and they agreed a specification of works.

Resolved: That we put this issue on hold at the moment.

iii) Bike Racks in Town–Discussion took place on which locations may be good for

extra cycle racks.

Resolved: That we put an item in the Watlington Times asking for suggestions for


105/13 General Issues

1. Ingham Lane/Brook Street road works – These are now scheduled to be done on 23/24 Nov, 30 Nov/1st Dec and 7/8/ December.

2. Johnson’s Alley – Tree in Wall– RB stated that Mr Risely has been cutting the vegetation back with BT, on the alleyway for a number of years. However now there is a tree in this area which needs to be taken out.

Resolved: That we accept the quote from Owen Davey for £330 to take out this tree which is identified in the Conservation Area document as a wall of ’local interest’

3. Phone Box on Howe Road – complaint received from P Richardson about its poor condition. BA will look at this.

4. Emergency Plan – Update needed – last copy was attached to the agenda.

LN stated that this plan is for serious incidents when part of the town is affected. It is a networking tool. In a serious emergency situation this would be used prior to the Emergency Services taking over. LN said that had the Lys Mill fire taken place in the centre of Watlington this could have meant us having to use this plan. It was agreed that we ask Tom Bindoff if he could be a contact. LN and KT to update the plan and circulate it to all necessary people.

106/13Budget and Financial and Staff Issues

1. Update Budget 20/23 and ProposedBudget 2014/2015 to be sent to the Finance Committee

There was much discussion on this and it was agreed that we ask the grass cutting item to be increased to £12,500 (this is partly to take into account the work to hedges on the roadside of the Sports Field) and the Contingency to £2000.

3. Grass Cutting Tender from April 2014 – map of current schedule was attached to the agenda.

This was looked at and it was agreed to add:

Laurel Hedge at Hurdlers Green – 1 hard cut per year, Grass area at the top of Love Lane outside Orchard Walk and the Hedge on the roadside of the Sports Field. BA,HB

4. Caretaker’s schedule – referred from Finance – It was agreed to ask IH to give us the list of duties for the next meeting.

107/13Action List

To note any outstanding actions if needed and to note completed actions on the caretaker list.


1. Mrs Evans – Collection point for Tassimo T-Discs through Terracycle – for discussion– It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting

2. A Paterson – info on Lewknor Bus Stop – on a regular cleaning schedule and SODC have also asked that the bank be regularly cleaned.- Noted

3. B Griffiths – asking to speak to WPC about getting the Co-op to better manage their deliveries – It was agreed that we do not get involved in this issue.

4. D Harris – Diverted traffic through Christmas Common – this has been forwarded to OCC.

109/13Future Issues for Discussion

Paddock – various issues– WIB will give us a wish list after visit by Sue Goss – Agenda item for the January Meeting. TH said that this will include a water feature.

Tassimo T Discs

Caretaker Duties – IH to produce paper.

Areas outside the Town Centre - Cleaning schedule

110/13Any Other Business

Broken Barriers at Cuxham Road – KT to ask OCC for an update.