Standard / 4
Standard / 3.5Nearly Meets Standard / 3
Standard / 2
Little Progress
Toward Standard / 0
Introduction / Problem is stated. Appropriate key resources or materials are identified Pertinent concept or theory is identified, referenced (text or website), and defined in great detail. / Problem is stated.
Appropriate key resources or materials are identified and a pertinent concept or theory is identified, basically defined, and referenced (text or website). / Problem is stated. Appropriate key resources or materials are identified or a concept or theory is identified and referenced (text or website). / Problem is stated and either some of the materials are identified or a concept or theory is identified. / Problem is worded as a question. / N O W O R K S U B M I T T E D
/ Possible solution to the problem is stated with detail. An appropriate justification is explained and linked to a scientific theory or concept and that concept is briefly discussed. Possible questions are anticipated. / Possible solution to the problem is stated in detail. An appropriate justification is explained and linked to a scientific theory or concept and that concept is briefly discussed. / Possible solution to the problem is stated with correct justification using a scientific theory or concept. / Possible solution to problem stated justified with incorrect scientific concept or prior knowledge. / Possible solution to problem stated.Design
Set-up / Neat and scaled drawings of all equipment or apparatus with titles and labels, appropriate views, and description of purpose and justification for use. / Neat and proportioned drawings of all equipment or apparatus with titles and labels, appropriate views, and description of purpose or use. / Neat drawing or diagram of all equipment or apparatus has titles and labels. / Neat drawing or diagram of all equipment or apparatus. / Drawing or diagram of some of the equipment or apparatus.
Materials and Procedure / All materials are listed including quantity. The procedure is detailed, complete, and chronological and includes the types of measurements to be taken including appropriate units. The design set-up is referenced throughout the materials and procedure descriptions. / All materials are listed including quantity. The procedure is detailed, complete, and chronological and includes the types of measurements to be taken including appropriate units. / All materials are listed including quantity. The procedure is detailed, complete, and chronological. / Materials are listed and some of the procedure is discussed. / Either the materials or procedure is missing from the lab.
Data / Observational drawings, tables, and/or charts are typed, neat, presentable, and have titles and proper units. All data is accompanied by text describing the procedural or purposeful significance. Accurate details of color, pattern, texture, and scale are used (when appropriate). / Observational drawings, tables, and/or charts are typed, neat, presentable, and have titles and proper units. All data is accompanied by text describing the procedural or purposeful significance. Accurate details of color, pattern, proportion, or texture are shown. / Observational drawings, tables, and/or charts are neat, presentable, and have titles and proper units. All data is accompanied by text describing the procedural or purposeful significance. / Observational drawings, tables, and/or charts are neat, presentable, and have titles and proper units. / Observational drawings, tables, and/or charts are neat and presentable.
Results / Where appropriate, calculations have proper titles and units.
Observations are graphed with proper titles and units.
Trend(s) are identified and defined in accompanying text.
(Synthesis of results belongs in conclusion.) / Where appropriate, calculations have proper titles and units.
Observations are graphed with proper titles and units.
Trend(s) are identified in accompanying text. / Where appropriate, calculations have proper titles and units.
Observations are graphed with proper titles and units. / Where appropriate, calculations have titles or units.
Observations are graphed with some labels or a title. / Where appropriate, calculations are shown. Observations are graphed incorrectly.
Conclusion – Critique of Hypothesis / Restates the hypothesis, addresses the problem, discusses the validity of the hypothesis, and uses facts from data to connect the findings to a scientific theory or concept from current material and supplements those findings with other sources. / Restates the hypothesis, addresses the problem, discusses the validity of the hypothesis, and uses facts from data to connect the findings to a scientific theory or concept from the text or notes. / Restates the hypothesis, addresses the problem, discusses the validity of the hypothesis, and uses facts from the data to support or negate the hypothesis. / Restates the hypothesis, addresses the problem and discusses the validity of the hypothesis. / Addresses the problem.
Conclusion – Critical Connection / Limitations of tools, environmental conditions, and human error are identified. New problems or questions that might end in a similar solution are identified. Extensions to the existing lab resulting in a new solution are discussed. Connections are made to similar concepts and are explained through the use of examples. / Limitations of tools, environmental conditions, and human error are identified. New problems or questions that might end in a similar solution are identified. Extensions to the existing lab resulting in a new solution are discussed. Connections are made to similar concepts. / Limitations of tools, environmental conditions, and human error are identified. New problems or questions that might end in a similar solution are identified. Extensions to the existing lab resulting in a new solution are discussed. / Limitations of tools and human errors are identified and new problems or questions that will result in a similar solution are identified. / Limitations of experimental tools and human errors identified.
Scientific Vocabulary / Terms are used to support scientific ideas through definition and an example is given to help explain them. / Terms are used to support scientific ideas through definition. / Most terms are used properly in sentences and some are defined. / Most terms are used properly in sentences. / Terms are used improperly.
Grammar and Format / There are no errors in usage, grammar or spelling. Format includes distinct sections and is visually attractive on the page. Complete works cited section. Report is written in the third person. / There are few noticeable errors in grammar, usage and spelling. Format includes distinct sections and is visually attractive on the page. Report includes a complete works cited section and is written in the third person. / There are a few noticeable errors in grammar, usage, and spelling. Format includes distinct sections. Report includes a complete works cited section. / There are many errors in grammar, usage, and spelling. Sections are out of order and/or indistinct. References are not cited. / Meaning is lost due to errors in grammar and spelling.
TOTAL POINTS______X 2 = FINAL SCORE ______(Proficient Product =Score of 80)