General Education Core - Audit

Spring 2008

The core audit report is a quantitative summary of the core program at Utica College. Once again I have turned the data into charts that display information for the general education core, for each goal within core, and for each class within each goal. The data displayed, reading from top to bottom, show:

Sections – The number of sections offered of a class or in a goal

#Full/Over – The number of sections that are either full or over-enrolled

Capacity – The capacity in terms of students for a course or goal

Enrolled – The number of students actually enrolled in a course or goal

% Enrolled - The number of students enrolled as a percentage of the capacity

% by FT – the percentage of sections in a course or goal that are taught by full-time faculty

I graphed only the last two categories.

Three things to note. (1) I did not include in the graphs classes that were not offered. (2) In goal 8, the sciences, I counted labs and lectures equally as sections, as I did last semester. (3) While Banner's information is reliable, I may still have made errors in creating the charts. If you spot anything amiss, please let me know.

Summary Data for General Education Core, Spring 2008.

204 sections.

26% of the total 783 undergraduate sections offered at the college.

51% of core sections offered by full time faculty

3,793 students enrolled in core, which is 84% of the available 4,531 seats in general education core.

For comparison purposes, I have included previous semesters below.

Semester / Core Sects. / Total Sects. / Core as % / Capacity / Enrolled / % Capacity / % by FT
Fall 2005 / 229 / 813 / 28 / 4,575 / 3,843 / 84 / 52
Spr 2006 / 191 / 780 / 24 / 4,365 / 3,653 / 83 / 51
Fall 2006 / 232 / 820 / 28 / 5,256 / 4,734 / 90 / 59
Spr 2007 / 193 / 793 / 24 / 4,387 / 3,606 / 82 / 50
Fall 2007 / 238 / 804 / 29 / 5,528 / 4,730 / 86 / 55
Spr 2008 / 204 / 783 / 26 / 4,531 / 3,793 / 84 / 51