May 11, 2016

Minutes were recorded by Laura Nash, Commission Secretary.

Revisions to these minutes are noted by bold/italic type.

  1. Call to Order: Chair Ron Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Attendee’s: Ron Adams - Chairman, Donna Gridley – Vice-Chairperson, Ron Larrivee, Ralph Buchanan, Bruce Parsons and Tim Otterbach. Absent:N/A

  1. Ron welcomed new member Tim Otterbach (GMCC) - Approve by the Selectmen on 04/18/2016.
  1. April 13, 2016 Minutes:Corrections were made prior to meeting on page 2, item 6.

Motion: by Ralph B., seconded by Ron L., to approve meeting minutes of April13, 2016.

All in favor, motion passed.

  1. Financial:
  • Request to support Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program – Steward Level. This is a program by Fish & Game to cover the 400 species that is not covered by Hunting & Fishing. Last year the CC made a donation of $125.00. Ron A., would accept a motion to make the same donation this year.

Motion: by Ron L., seconded by Donna G., to make $125.00 – Steward Level membership to Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program.

Discussion: Ralph asked if Fish & Game is a State agency. Ron A., clarified that this is a separate program not covered by Hunting & Fishing and state money.

All in favor, motion passed.

  • Checking $5,787.06
  • Money Market –Ron A., reported it going up each month.
  1. Intent to Cut:
  • Map 132/44 owned by Matthew Sawyer, Route 171, to Cut 18 of 20 acres by LE Taylor & Sons, Porter Maine.
  • Map 266/7, owned by Donald Hayward. Map 274/9,10,11,12 – Ossipee Aggregate, Route 16, Cut 175 of 1529 acres by Greenleaf Products
  1. DES Notices
  1. Shoreland Impact Permit
  • Map 31/33 - Ethan Hugo - 105 Leavitt Rd. – NHDES permit approved w/ conditions in accordance with RSA 483-B. To impact 5,281 sq. ft. in order to construct a new 5 bedroom house with a deck and patio. Add additional driveway to the existing driveway; construct new approved septic & well.

b. Wetlands & Non-site specific Permit

  • Map 14/11 – Roisin Prescott LLC. (NAPA Building), NHDES Approved - Wetlands Permit # 2016-00371 to dredge & fill 1,867 sq. ft. of wetlands & installation of a 15 in. x 47 in. HDPE culvert to construct a connecting driveway between an existing retail building and a proposed retail building on a 1.99 acre lot.

c. Request for more info

  • Map 28 & 29-5 & 1 – Northgate Ossipee, LLC. (WWSCG), 110 Nichols Rd. Need to address concerns of Fish & Game and Westward Shores Loon Preservation Committee:
  1. In reference to Fish & Game comments relative to the protection of bald eagles and common loons “application material submitted failed to demonstrate any of the recommendation have been incorporated into their proposal. Please coordinate with NH Fish & Game Dept.(NHFG) and provide written documentation from NHFG back to NHDES demonstrating that any concerns raised by NHFG have been addressed to that agency’s satisfaction, or, alternatively, provide documentation that reflects how the recommendations of NHFG have been incorporated in proposal.”
  2. Westward Shores Loon Preservation Committee:(WSLPC) comments; “the proposed campground expansion could have substantial negative impact on nesting loons on Ossipee Lake. WSLPC recommends the application be denied until a careful assessmentof the potential impacts listed in their letter…can be explicitly incorporated into the expansion proposal, and the proposal modified to mitigate these factors and lower the risk to loons. Please coordinate with the WSLPC and provide written documentation from WSLPC back to DES demonstrating that any concerns raise by WSLPC have been addressed to their satisfaction or, alternatively, provide documentation that reflects how the recommendations of WSLPC have been incorporated in proposal.”

Ron A., went on to say, one item the CC had asked for, referring to an emailed letter to Dan Flores from Kim Tuttle – Certified Wildlife biologist with NHFG; “NHFG also recommend that a conservation easement or conservation deed restriction be developed to protect the Bearcamp River floodplain and will help to reduce potential impacts to bald eagle and common loon.” So, it looks like theyWWSCG) will be coming back at some time asking for a conservation easement or conservation deed restriction. Both agencies were in opposition to WWSCG request for 66 marina docks.

  • Ron received from Dan Flores, SFC Engineering & WWSCG a report on “Wildlife Corridors” by Gove Environmental Services. According to the letter it’s most open land and there are no specific corridors because the animals seem to use the roads and power line paths.
  1. Old Business
  • Orphan Properties Update: 8 on Nichols Rd. & 6 on Sawyer Rd. still pending Court decision on whether the CC will hold conservation easements on those properties.
  • Selectmen’s response on build-out study: Ron A., is looking for alternative methods and has spoken with Elizabeth Gillette, former Chairperson. At this point deliberately going against the Selectmen isprobably not in our best interest in trying to pursue other things.
  • Lake Host Program– volunteer: Ron A., has not heard back on the application for Lake Host Program. We do have an intern who is interested in heading up the program. Part of problem is he has to get volunteers and Ron is hoping the CC would consider part of the whole program is volunteer’s count their matching hours count at $23 andsome cents and an hour towards what it locally being contributed to the Lake Host. Ron asked if any CC members would be willing to volunteer some hours this summer. CC would cover from Friday afternoons and would man the ramps starting on Friday’s 4 – 8pm., Saturday’s 9- 5 pm., and Sunday’s 12 – 5 pm.

Tim O., received an email from Jim McIlvoy, whose biggest concern was a designated plan for the ramps and a spot for the host to do inspections. It’s still under construction and not sure when they will be done. Ralph asked what the time line was. Tim replied 10 – 12 weeks putting completion somewhere around July 4th.

Ron A.:stated he submitted the CC was put in to cover the Pine River docks.

A brief discussion ensued over the process of calculating the hours.

Tim O.: stated in separate emails, Jim McIlvoy and Jim Fitzpatrick also requested if anyone would be willing to step up fill Jean Hanson’s position. Ron L., was volun-told at last meeting, if he would be the designee for Ossipee to Lake Host.

Ron L., asked how Jim Fitzpatrick is involved. Tim O. and Ron A., stated Jim is on the CC’s Milfoil sub-committee and part of the Broad Bay Committee.

  1. New Business:
  • Windows clean up and cutting & Beech River: Window clean-up isscheduled for Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 4:00 pm. Ralph to supply tractor
  1. Informational
  • Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – June 4th in Concord
  • NH Lakes Congress – June 2&3 in Meredith, Thursday’s talk is about “What lies beneath Winnipesaukee” Friday’s has multiple workshops scheduled. Ron A., is attending. Ron L., would like to attend Thursday’s talk. Tim O., might be interested in attending.
  • SPNHF – Monitor Newsletter
  • NH Lakes – Lakeside Magazine, July 1, 2016 lake fishing is to be lead free.
  • DHPWT BBQ – July 9th at 4 pm, Bob Pratt House at 65 Roland Park Road, for Trustees, former trustees and Conservationist and spouses are especially welcomed.
  1. Other business:
  1. WWSCG:
  • Asking for a wildlife corridor study on the areas of Pond Road 1,2,3 sites (like Rick Van de Poll does)
  • Asking for designated parking lot for boats and trailers
  • Finding out where the septic areas are for the peninsula sites
  • Asking for no further expansion of docks and moorings (originally shown all along the shoreline)
  • Asking for more setback for the peninsula sites located along the unnamed tributary (presently only 10 ft. setback - wants 20 ft. setback)
  • Asking for a DOT traffic study on the corner of Nichols Rd and Rt. 16 -
  • Asking that the two corners be widened on Nichols Rd as Brad has asked for
  • Asking for a conservation easement on the area between the present campground & south of the Pond Rd areas and the Bearcamp River (originally they wanted to develop that area with sites along the Bearcamp - chief engineer asked Northgate to drop them because of the permit hassle, but they may just want to get the rest approved and then come back with those sites at a later date- a conservation easement would stop any future development)
  1. CC Fishing Wild: Ron A., needs to schedule to talk with Jess & Jessie
  2. New ForestRanger– Bob Boyd want to schedule him for a presentation.
  3. Chickatelli property:Ron asked Ralph if he sees Arlene Chickatelli, he’s still interested in the property
  4. Setbacks on Rivers: Tim to email Ron A., the regulations for setbacks on rivers.


Motion:by Ron L., seconded by Donna G., to adjourn. All in favor, motion passed.

The meeting ended at 7:57 p.m.

Next meeting date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Minutes approved by majority vote of the Commission on ______



Ron Adams, Chairman

Conservation CommissionPage 1 of 3

May 11, 2016