Delaware Department of Correction

Council on Correction

May 25, 2010

Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance:DOC in Attendance:

Chairman Roger LevyDep Commissioner Carroll

James BurtonBC DeLoy

Ann CouzensBC Wheatley

Elder JohnsonGail Stalling-Minor

Ed PerezKate Bailey

Rev RanneyJohn Painter

Richard SenatoBC Welch

Lea Dulin

Members Absent:

Lois Myers

  1. Call to order
  • Chairman Roger Levycalled to order the regular meeting of the Council on Correctionat 4:03pm on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 in Conference Room 300, DOC Admin Bldg.
  • Mike DeLoy was introduced as the new Bureau Chief of Prisons
  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

The minutes were approved as written.

  1. Committee Reports:
  • ID Badges: the process is still moving forward. The next step is for the mobile van to visit all sites.
  • Community meetings: Ed Perez, first thanks for the great DOC turn out. Kent County Community is being planned at this time, it is scheduled for Wednesday, June 16th, 6-9 p.m. @ Maranatha Christian Church.
  • Suggestion program: Ann Couzens,
  1. The Governor’s office has a list of cost savings ideas to share with DOC
  2. looking at the website for suggestion
  3. review program in place and set guidelines
  1. Old Business: NO
  2. New Business;
  • Monthly COC visits of DOC facilities-approved by CCD & TLC. BC’s DeLoy and Hines to work with Roger to set a schedule.
  1. Commissioner’s comments:
  • DOC count BOP 2401, BCC 5417
  • Staffing: CEIT Class 186 to graduate Friday, May 28th, COC is welcome to attend.. BOTC Class to graduate July 16th.
  • Interviews for Warden at SCI will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, May 26th.
  • DOC executions: there is a real possibility of our next execution by the end of summer.
  • JFC voted down putting the Parole Board under the DOC.
  • Medical: DOC has selected three new medical vendors. They will start July 1.
  1. Correct Care:Medical care
  2. MHM:Mental Health and substance abuse
  3. Correct Rx: Pharmacy

This is the first time that we have had more than one vendor and look forward to the change. We have been meeting with the vendors as a group to make sure we are all on the same page and know what is expected.

  1. Adjournment

Chair Levy adjourned the meeting at5:33 pm. The next COC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 27th @ 4 pm, DOC conference room 300.

Minutes submitted by: Lea M. Dulin