Agricultural Business and Management- Online Course
2017-2018 Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Gina R Neff

Good to know information:
Prep/Conference: 1st period
Meeting times: Before/after school, lunch, prep
Contact Information:
: School number:740-892-2855
: Cell phone number: 740-272-7721 (NO callsor texts after 9pm weekdays)


High School, Staff, Gina Neff
Remind: Text 81010, message @7eadf6 or email - for FFA
@94e8kbg- for online classes

Course Description:

Learners will explore the components of agricultural business by developing a business plan, applying marketing and sales techniques, and identifying business structures. Learners will be presented with various leadership and management styles and will examine their impact on business. Learners will investigate how agro-security, finance, career development, and human resources are important components of business management. When joining the course students will also become members of the National, State, and local FFA chapter. Students are required to have a Supervised Agricultural Experience.

Course Organization:
This is a student driven course. Students will experience independent learning through a variety of activities, projects, and problems in a virtual setting. Students will need to schedule time to work on assignments and complete course work.

Course Objectives:

  1. Ag, food, & natural resources systems produce the food, fiber, & fuel that are essential to daily life as well as contribute to the nation’s economic wealth.
  2. Individuals who pursue a program of study in Ag education will benefit from leadership development, personal growth, & career exploration.
  3. Ag is a science that contributes to the development, improvement, & sustainability of living things.
  4. Ag education establishes a relevant setting for the application of mathematical practices & principles.
  5. Effective interpersonal communication skills facilitate group processes & aid in solving complex problems & the achievement of common goals.
  6. Reading & writing interpretation skills are necessary for educational & professional development.
  7. Safety is an attitude of personal responsibility that must be practiced in the Ag classroom, laboratory, shop, greenhouse, & facilities.
  8. Inquiry activities are important in the practice of scientific processes & in the world of research.
  9. The use of technology & computer applications is critical to modern Ag practices.
  10. Consideration of the ethical, environmental, social, & economic impacts of Ag practices is essential to being a responsible, involved citizen.
  11. Individuals involved with the processes of Ag production must perform specific technical skills proficiently.
  12. Critical thinking involves using a variety of problem-solving techniques in real-life contexts.

Course Topics:

  1. Introduction to Ag Business
  2. Business Management
  3. Ag Economics, Sales and Marketing
  4. Finance in Agriculture
  5. Record Keeping and Taxes
  6. Agricultural Law

Text and Required Supplies:

  1. Computer with the ability to save documents
  2. Internet access
  3. OPTIONAL: Folder, writing utensil and printer, if you chose to print assignments.
  4. FFA Dues payment ($18-cash or check, paid to Utica FFA, given to Mrs. Neff)

Grading Policy:

Grades are based on three areas each nine weeks:

80% Classroom Performance
10% Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEs)
10% Leadership Development (FFA)

The following scale will be used:
90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D 0-59=F
Please keep in mind that grades are EARNED by you and are not given.

Late work: If work is not turned in by the due date, students will lose 10% each day it is not turned in. If a student habitually does not turn work in or work is late, they will receive an after school intervention program or receive a lunch detention.

Make Up work (professional absence, 4 nonprofessional days per 9 weeks or field trips): For each day that you are absent, you will have 1 day to complete the work. On your 5th non-professional day in a 9 weeks, you will receive a 0.

Remember you CHOSE to take my class, so do the work when assigned.

  • Classroom & Laboratory Grade
    is based on grades from class assignments, quizzes, unit tests, completion of APPS, & participation in class activities.
  • Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEs)
    One project is required as part of the SAE program each year. These projects can include home improvement projects, job placement, ownership projects, exploratory projects or agriscience research. Each nine weeks a grade will be given based on SAE records. More information about SAE’s and how to develop them will be given during class.
  • Leadership Involvement – FFA
    FFA is a vital part of the agricultural education program. For you to earn your FFA grade, you must participate in 1 activity during the nine weeks.
    FFA Activities can be found in the classroom calendar or the AET Calendar. Refer to the FFA handbook for more information.

FFA Expectations
There are many opportunities for students to be involved during the year in FFA. Students should have no problem participating in 1 activity per 9 weeks. Think of the FFA like a buffet- your enrollment in the agricultural education classes is the plate, it is up to you to fill your plate. Go to the buffet as many times as possible & fill your plate as high as possible. Members who chose to participate in more than the minimum will be recognized with a 1-2-3-4 or 5 Star Rating.

FFA Fundraising
In order to fully operate, the FFA must raise money through fundraisers scheduled throughout the year. The main fundraiser that is being planned is: the traditional citrus sale in late fall. We will assist with FFA Alumni Fundraisers. Other sales will be added if necessary. Money raised through these fundraisers supports attendance at activities & events throughout the year.

FFA membership
You must pay FFA dues ($18 for the school year). If dues are not paid, this limits your involvement in FFA activities & events. Projects may be withheld as well. Any money earned through projects or fundraisers will be withheld

Parent Member Banquet (MANDATORY)
Will be held April 13th. All students must be dressed appropriately (no jeans, dress up for an interview) & if available, wear official dress. You may purchase the FFA official jacket through the school. This is a MANDATORY event. All students will be recognized.

Classroom Rules:

Students are to follow all rules and policies set by Utica High School and the Northfork School District. In addition to those rules, the following rules apply to my virtual classroom.

Students are expected to participate in class and FFA activities
Students are required to complete their work in a timely manner- seek help if needed!
Everything is earned- this includes grades, privileges, and respect.
Students are expected to respect their fellowClassmates as they engage in online discussions and working together long distance.

Classroom Consequences:

When you do not follow the rules, the following may happen, depending on the decision you have made.

  1. Verbal or written warning, with behavioral record
  2. Call home to parents
  3. Regularly scheduled work sessions with Mrs. Neff

Monthly In Person Meetings

Students need to be in contact with Mrs. Neff and need to meet with her at minimum one time per month. This will ensure that Mrs. Neff understands students time constraints and other obligations, as well as being able to check the progress of course work. This is scheduled ahead of time, in a period where both can meet. This may include before or after school, during lunch or academic assist. This will be VERY FLEXIBLE to accommodate both the student and Mrs. Neff’s schedule. This may range from a 5-minute conservation, to a work session completing an assignment. It will be up to the student and teachers discretion.

Course Outline:

Date / Topics / Required Reading(s) / Important Dates & Major Exams and Projects
Week 1
8/21-8/25 / Course Introduction
-FFA & SAE / Syllabus
FFA Calendar of Events
Week 2
  1. The Scope and Importance of Agribusiness- A1-1
  2. Sole Proprietorships- B1-1
  3. Partnerships- B1-2
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week (11:59pm Sunday)
Week 3
9/4-9/8 /
  1. Corporations- B1-3
  2. The Governance & Operations of a Corporation- B1-4
  3. Cooperatives- B1-5
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 1
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
9/4-No School
Week 4
9/11-9/15 /
  1. Cooperatives as Unique Corporations- B1-7
  2. Franchises- B1-8
  3. The Governance & Operations of a Cooperative- B1-6
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 5
  1. Entrepreneurship- B2-1
  2. Determining the Types of Agribusinesses- B2-2
  3. Establishing an Agribusiness B2-3
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 2
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 6
9/25-9/29 /
  1. Successfully Starting an Agribusiness- B2-4
  2. Preparing a Business Plan- B2-5Business Management- B3-1
  3. Identifying Sources of Business Risk- B3-2
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 7
10/2-10/6 /
  1. Insuring the Agribusiness- B3-3
  2. Hiring and Managing Employees- B3-4
  3. Providing Benefits & Professional Incentives for Employees- B3-5
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 3
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 8
10/9-10/13 /
  1. Employment Legislation- B3-6
  2. Managing Human Resource Risk- B3-7
  1. Agribusiness in a Free Enterprise System- C1-1
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 9
10/16-10/20 /
  1. The Basics of Economics- C1-2
  2. Macroeconomics- C1-3
  3. Choice- C1-4
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 4 (due 10/19)
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week (due 10/19, 11:59pm)
10/19-End of 1st 9 Weeks
10/20-No School
Week 10
10/23-10/27 /
  1. Supply and Demand- C1-5
  2. Elasticity- C1-6
  3. Law of Diminishing Returns- C1-7
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 11
10/30-11/3 /
  1. Property Value and Appraisal- C1-8
  2. Types of Markets- B8-1
  3. Marketing Ag Products & Services- B8-2
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 5
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 12
11/6-11/10 /
  1. Developing a Marketing Plan- B8-3
  2. Pricing Ag Products & Services- B8-4
  3. Advertising and Promoting Products & Services- B8-5
/ E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
11/10-No School
Week 13
11/13-11/17 /
  1. Packaging and Labeling Products-B8-6
  2. Displaying Products-B8-7
  3. The Consumer and Analyzing Buying Trends-B8-8
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 6
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 14
11/20-11/24 /
  1. Relating and Dealing with Customers- B8-9
  2. Selling Ag Products and Services- B8-10
  3. Using the 6-Step Selling Process- B8-11
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
11/22-11/27- No School
Week 15
11/27-12/1 /
  1. Introduction to Commodity Marketing- B9-1
  2. Commodity Exchanges and Trade Centers- B9-2 ]
  3. The Futures Market- B9-3
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 8
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 16
12/4-12/8 /
  1. Hedging- B9-4
  2. Options- B9-5
  3. Applying Trading Techniques- B9-6
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 17
12/11-12/15 /
  1. Fundamental and Technical Analysis- B9-7
  1. The Time Value of Money- B4-1
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 9
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 18
12/18-12/20 / Business Plan Project Due- will be Midterm / Midterm due by 12/20, 2:30pm
Week 19
1/3-1/5 /
  1. The Concept of Borrowing Money- B4-2
  2. Evaluating Sources of Credit- B4-3
  3. Calculating the Cost of Credit- B4-4
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 20
1/8-1/12 /
  1. Personal Finance and Goals- B5-1
  2. Financial Investments- B5-2
  3. Life Insurance- B5-3
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 10
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 21
1/15-1/19 /
  1. Health Insurance B5-4
  2. Vehicle Insurance B5-5
  3. Property Insurance B5-6
/ Corresponding E-units / 1/12 and 1/15- No School
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 22
  1. Record Keeping- B6-1
  2. Assets and Liabilities- B6-2
  3. Calculating Net Worth- B6-3
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 11
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 23
1/29-2/2 /
  1. Developing an Income Statement- B6-4
  2. Developing a Statement of Cash Flows- B6-5
  3. Developing and Analyzing Budgets- B6-6
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 24
2/5-2/9 /
  1. Managing Financial Risk- B6-7
  2. Maintaining an Inventory of Assets- B6-8
  3. Maintaining Inventory Records- B6-9
  4. Prepare for FMB CDE
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 12
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 25
2/12-2/16 /
  1. Calculating Depreciation- B6-10
  2. Analyzing the United States Tax System- B7-1
  3. Federal and State Income Taxes- B7-2
  4. Prepare for FBM CDE
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
D7 Ag Sales-2/14
2/16- No School
Week 26
2/19-2/23 /
  1. Property Taxes- B7-3
  2. Sales Taxes- B7-4
  1. Agricultural Law- E1-1
  2. Prepare for FBM CDE
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 13
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 27
2/26-3/2 /
  1. Contracts E1-2
  2. Criminal Law E1-3
  3. Deeds and Land Ownership E1-4
  4. Prepare for FBM CDE
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
2/28- Farm Business Management CDE
Week 28
3/5-3/9 /
  1. Leases and Leasing E1-5
  2. Ownership Rights Responsibilities- E1-6
  3. Estate Planning- E1-8
/ Corresponding E-units / Quiz 14
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 29
3/12-3/16 /
  1. Intellectual Property- E1-9
  2. Choosing an Attorney- E1-10
/ Corresponding E-units / E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 30
3/19-3/21 / Shop Safety / Corresponding E-units / Quiz 15
E-unit Questions Due at the end of the week
Week 31
3/26-3/30 / No School- Spring Break
Week 32
4/2-4/6 / Shop Project / Shop Safety Test due by 4/6
Week 33
4/9-4/13 / Shop Project / Project Plan due 4/13
FFA Banquet 4/13
Week 34
4/16-4/20 / Shop Project
Week 35
4/23-4/27 / Shop Project
Week 36
4/30-5/4 / Shop Project
Week 37
5/7-5/11 / Shop Project
Week 38
5/14-5/18 / Shop Project
Week 39
5/21-5/25 / Shop Project / Shop Project due 5/31