

  1. Call to Order
  2. Comments/Questions
  3. Regarding Items on the Agenda – Joni noted that the order of the agenda had been switched around a bit.
  4. Regarding Items Not on the Agenda -- none
  5. Approval of Minutes
Review/approval of minutes from October 31, 2014. Motion to approve (D’Agostino/Turner). M/S/C
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. O/A Website: still a work in progress.
  2. College Cup: Joni sent out proposal to Division Chairs and will do a mini-presentation at the next IC meeting. James talked to Art Gallery. The possible openings are after May 13 (Weds). Finals start that Friday. We decided the best day would be May 14th—Thursday. Joni will turn in a facility request.
  3. O/A Mini-grants: There were no applicants for this, so we might consider other ways to make use of the grant funding.
  4. Program Assessments: We looked at the current program assessment report, which shows that there are far too few programs with assessments completed. Each member will check in their divisions to see where the problems are and report back next meeting.
  1. New Business
  1. Workshop schedule:
We decided it would be goo to start with a “train-the-trainers” session on program outcomes assessment.Perhaps schedule a longer meeting in the spring to accommodate this?
Also, we thought it would be good to get the ACCJC workshop guy from last spring for convocation, and also getting Janet and others to present to in-the-discipline people. Robert noted we could use some of the grant money for this.
  1. ILOs: Everyone was assigned a portion of the ILO statement from the new ACCJC standards to craft into part of new ILOs. Will share at next meeting.
  2. Liberal Arts and Transfer Studies Degrees: Discussion about how to go about assessing these broad degrees. Joni will create a list of the degrees and we’ll go from there.
  3. Adjuncts and Outcomes: Greg noted that we have a problem with adjunct faculty completing their outcomes work. While they are contractually obligated to assess outcomes, that doesn’t necessarily include inputting that work into TracDat. Greg wants them to fill out a sheet for doing TD work. Then get paid 25.00 hour for doing that work. This should be a recommendation to JLS. Motion to send this recommendation to Jennifer. M/S/C (Turner/D’Agostino).
  4. Report from Bakersfield ILO conference—DQP might be worth a look, especially for our General Education program. It seems like there is some tension between it and the assessment movement. One thing that we liked was the ability to track one outcome through a course/program/GE and ILO. We speculated that there might be a way to set up something like that in TD.
  1. Adjournment