Collage Creation!

Groups of students (2-4) will find the following primary sources listed below (The Articles of Confederation, The Magna Carta, and The Forgotten Founders) where they will write down phrases or sentences from each of the three that they believe represent our American democracy.

When our democracy was crafted, the Founders used many sources to outline a system they believed would be fair to all citizens.

Your group will create a collage that represents our government at work. Groups should include artwork and phrases from in the three primary resources to complete the collage.

A.  The three primary resources that MUST BE used to complete collage:

1.  The Articles of Confederation:

2.  The Magna Carta:

3.  The Forgotten Founders by Bruce E. Johansen:

B.  You must choose at least ten phrases or statements from the above options. Be sure to keep the statements that reflect the American Democracy in “quotations” and to site WHERE you found the information.

a.  EXAMPLE: “ And the city of London shall have all it ancient liberties and free customs, as well by land as by water; furthermore, we decree and grant that all other cities, boroughs, towns, and ports shall have all their liberties and free customs” (The Magna Carta).

C.  The collage MUST BE neat and organized. Incorporate at least three COLORED pictures (cut from a magazine, internet, drawn etc…)


7 points

evidence of quality research (read material thoroughly)

10 points

pulled TEN strong and unique statements and phrases from the listed materials that directly identifies with our democracy, laws, rights, etc.

6 points

Quoted all statements and gave credit to where the information was found

5 points

Worked well with group members; used computer appropriately; stayed on task during class.

7 points

Neat and creative collage (colorful outline, work was glued down properly and not stapled irregularly, writing was clear and neat, poster was flat; evidence of extra time put in to creating poster).

5 points

Images are colorful and relate back to the phrases that were chosen from the primary resources.

~40 total points~

First day late: -5

Every day after: -3

