(CLERK TO THE COUNCIL - TEL: 01493 780094)


Chairman - Allan Mendum

Vice Chairman – Stannas Bellaby

Parish Councillors–Margaret Johnson, Chris Nash, Keith Nunn, Jill Rose, Dennis Sewell, Peter Storey, Doug Youngs

In Attendance:

Borough Councillor: Adrian Myers

Members of the Public: Andrew Irving, Susan Feebery


Councillor Fiona Cowan

Borough Councillor Colin Aldred

Parish Clerk Linda Clark


The minutes of the meeting of the parish council held on Thursday21st July 2016were confirmed as a correct recordand signed by the Chairman.


Peter Storey submitted a Register of Members’ Interests form declaring an Employment Interest with Newcombe Estates and a Land and Property Interest in Wildwood, New Road, Fritton, Great Yarmouth NR31 9HR.


  1. Japanese Knotweed at the Dell: Cllr Youngs and B Cllr Myers reported that there has been no further progress in spite of follow-ups with GYBC. It was agreed that Highways Department should now be advised that their failure to act is being referred to the Department of the Environment, to whom the parish council will now write, demanding action to address the problem.
  1. Disused Telephone Box, Beccles Road Fritton:Cllr Rose reported that the repainting of the box and the clearing of the ground around it has now been completed. Consideration is being given to the type of materiel which will be kept in it. The council congratulated Cllr Rose on the progress and asked that she pass on these congratulations and thanks to the members of the volunteer team who have carried out the refurbishment.
  1. Footpath between Fritton and St Olaves: The Chairman reported that he has received no response whatsoever to his letter to John Cotton at Highways Department, nor from any of the other departments to whom it was copied.

It was agreed that a formal complaint should be made to Mr Cotton’s line manager about this lack of action. B Cllr Myers undertook to ascertain the name of the line manager.
The Chairman reported that he has approached Lord Somerleyton to ask if he could release a piece of land in the field adjoining the road on its south side, on the other side of the hedge, on which a stretch of path could run. A response is awaited, but it was noted that there are two other owners along the stretch of road where the path would run, and they may also need to agree to release land in order to complete the path. This will be considered further when we have a response from Lord Somerleyton.

B Cllr Myers confirmed that he has emailed Belton PC and Highways Department to try and establish further details of the ‘PAT Path’ planned in Belton. Highways Department seem to know nothing about it. B Cllr Myers will pursue the matter.

It was noted that consideration has been given to running the path along the north side of the A143 for this stretch of road and this has also been suggested to Highways Department. However, such a path would require pedestrians to cross the busy road to use it, which could itself be dangerous. The need to improve the path on this stretch of road has been on the agenda for many years.

  1. Changes to bus timetables: B Cllr Myers reported that his researches suggest that there are currently no buses to Great Yarmouth before approximately 8:30a.m. and none to The James Paget before 8:47a.m. He believes the decline in servicestems from a reduction in financial support for the bus companies from councils as a result of budget cuts. The bus companies now regard the matter as closed.
    The Chairman informed the meeting that he had received reports that the bus pick-up points for school children were to be moved from their current positions. However he had received assurances from the bus providers that this is not the case. Cllr Storey noted that there are a number of different arrangements in place to get children to school, including the provision of taxis for some. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr Storey would discuss the matter in more detail outside the meeting.
  1. Code of Conduct: Cllr Sewell confirmed that all councillors have been provided with copies of the codes of conduct adopted by the council in 2011 and 2012.

Cllr Storey stated that, following the last meeting, at which he was excluded from part of the proceedings because his family’s commercial relationships with Newcombe Estates were deemed to constitute a prejudicial interest,he had referred the matter of his exclusion to Mr Skinner at the County Council’s legal department and been advised that, provided his commercial interest was modest and had been properly declared, he should have been allowed to remain and speak. Cllr Nunn reported that he had also spoken to Mr Skinner about this and been advised that it was a matter of judgement as to whether an interest was prejudicial, depending on the specific circumstances in each case. It would depend on exactly what was to be discussed and precisely what the nature and extent of any commercial relationships were.
In response to the discussion, Cllr Sewell again summarised the rules as set out in the codes: A member with a personal interest in a matter must declare that interest but may then speak and vote on the matter. A member with a prejudicial interest must declare it and leave the room while the matter is decided. However that member would be allowed to address the meeting about the matter if, and to the same extent as, a member of the public would be so allowed, but would not be permitted to vote.
The Chairman reiterated that Cllr Storey has exactly the same rights as any other councillor.

  1. Traffic speed in New Road: B Cllr Myers reported that he had approached Highways Department regarding possible help with reducing traffic speed. It was clear that a 20mph limit would not be considered unless the council could demonstrate that it is an accident black spot, nor were speed bumps a possibility, because of the cost of their construction and the subsequent increase in road maintenance costs they would cause.
    Cllr Storey suggested that rumble strips could also be considered as a means of discouraging excess speed, and that Highways Department should be sent a firm letter requesting a formal written report on what measures were available to address the problem.
    Cllr Sewell noted that 15mph roundels and speed bumps have recently been put in place in Priory Road St Olaves. Although this is a private road, the work seems to have been completed at exactly the same time as road markings were refreshed on Beccles Road at the end of Priory Road. If the Highways Department were involved with the Priory Road work, it might be a useful precedent. It was agreed this should be followed up, with Cllr Cowan, who lives in Priory Road, and with Highways Department.
  1. Rubbish Bin at Fritton Woods: Cllr Sewell reported that a letter had been sent to the current managers of Newcombe Estates’ portfolio, Newcore Capital Management, regarding the bin installation and the car park. Newcore had confirmed they were happy for the bin to be installed, subject to the completion of an appropriate licence, and had also offered to contribute £500 towards the costs of clean-up operations in the woods. However, they remained reluctant to re-open the car park. It was agreed that the Chairman should reply accepting and thanking them for the £500 and that the bin installation should proceed once the licence is in place. They will also be asked once more to consider the re-opening of the car park.
    B Cllr Myers reported that he has now also been contacted by Harry Savory of Newcore with a view to setting up a meeting with him to discuss the car park when Mr Savory is next in the area. The parish council will also be involved in the meeting.
  1. Possible PSPO for Car Park /Picnic area at Fritton Woods: B Cllr Myers reported that there has been no further progress in the legal review regarding the use of such an order by the Borough Council to facilitate parking control at the site. The matter could be discussed with Newcore when the meeting with them takes place.
  1. Fritton Village Sign – possible refurbishment: The Chairman reported that he has now examined the sign thoroughly and that it is probably beyond repair. He has explored the possibility of taking a cast of the sign to create a mould from which to create a new one, but this looks unlikely due to the depth of under-carving on the sign, which would make it very difficult. It may be preferable to get a replacement sign ‘oval’ cast in fibreglass to the same dimensions but with a flat face. This could then be painted with the sign image, perhaps by the St Olaves Art Club. The cost of producing the oval has been estimated at c£500 excluding painting.
    Cllr Johnson suggested that the parish council could make a contribution towards the cost of a new sign, leaving the balance to be raised by Fritton villagers. Cllr Nunn thought that, due to the small number of households in Fritton, it might be difficult for them to raise the money, and that an alternative approach might be for the council to cover all the costs, making an equivalent donation to the St Olaves sign maintenance fund. Cllr Sewell expressed concern that this might imply cost contributions beyond the reasonable scope of parish funds, especially if there was a cost overrun. The St Olaves sign cost approximately £5,000. B Cllr Myers confirmed that the Borough should be able to make a contribution from his Ward Fund, but it was likely to be modest due to cut backs.
    It was agreed that the sign should be taken down (P Storey and S Bellaby to organise) to prevent any further damage from the weather. A more thorough evaluation of possible ways forward can then be made. Cllr Sewell suggested it might also be a good idea to contact the Village Voice with a view to their publishing an article about the sign, which might elicit ideas and /or offers of help.
  1. Waveney Forest Parking and Picnic Area – possible designation as a Local Green Space:Cllr Nunn updated the meeting on progress with regard to getting the car park/picnic area designated as a green space under the new Core Plan adopted by the Borough. The request has been submitted and a response is awaited. The Broads Authority has also been contacted about the possibility of similarly classifying the old firing range and the disused railway bridge, but have responded that this is unnecessary because they are already protected.
  1. St Olaves Village Sign – Ownership transfer: The Chairman noted that a letter has now been received from the sign committee formally requesting that ownership of the sign be transferred to the parish council. It was agreed that a letter from the council should be sent agreeing to the transfer, subject to the sign committee’s undertaking to arrange and pay for its future maintenance. A check will then be made to ensure that both the village signs and the restored telephone box are fully covered by the council’s insurance.


Cllr Sewell informed the meeting that the latest report on crimes in the parish, as shown on the relevant police map (for June and July 2016), was of 2 crimes: one burglary and one other theft, both in Priory Road St Olaves.


In the absence of C Cllr Aldred, there was no County Councillor’s Report.

B Cllr Myersreported that the Borough has now appointed a new CEO of its own (Sheila Oxterby), together with a new s151 (finance) officer. This replaces the previous collaborative agreement with Norfolk County Council, whereby the Borough shared a CEO with County.

Trafalgar Day will be marked by celebrations at Nelson’s Column in Great Yarmouth this year and there will also be appropriate services on Remembrance Day.

B Cllr Myers was also happy to report that C Cllr Colin Aldred’s health has improved somewhatand he hopes to be able to attend some meetings in the near future.


The following correspondence was tabled for review by councillors:

  • Letter from CPRE opposing proposed increases in new housing targets for Norfolk & Great Yarmouth in new core strategies, and asking for a pledge of support by our PC of their opposition
  • Letter from CPRE suggesting that PCs give their views to government on the current proposals for devolution in East Anglia. Letter points out a number of potentially salient issues.
  • Letter from GYBC consulting on a proposed PSPO for Great Yarmouth Seafront concerning vehicle-related anti-social behavior. Consultation closed on 21/9/16
  • Public Information notice from Norfolk CC relating to resurfacing works to be carried out on A143 at Fritton commencing 0n 5/9/2016 and involving traffic controls and night time road closure
  • Letter from Norfolk CC advising of changes to the Single Issue Silica Sand Revue DPD.
  • Draft documents from Norfolk CC re order for closure of A143 at night for 12 days starting 3rd October 2016
  • Letter from Broads Authority advising of Draft Broads Plan 2017 and advance notice of consultation period from 17/10/16 to 30/12/16.
  • Letter from Mazars confirming completion of the audit for y/e 31/3/16.
  • Letter from GYBC advising of consultation period on dog control measures commencing 15.9.16 and ending 17.10.16
  • Exchange of letters between Parish Council and Newcore, managers of Newcombe Estates’ portfolio.


The following payments were authorised:

  • £27.00 – Fritton Village Hall re 29.09.16 council meeting
  • £165.00 – St Margaret’s Church Herringfleet
  • £330.00 – St Edmund’s Church Fritton

Cllr Sewell confirmed to the meeting that the parish has received a clean audit report from Mazars, our external auditors, for the year ending 31st March 2016.


The following documents have been received and processed since the last meeting and were tabled for review:

  • Letter from GYBC calling for suggestions as to what detailed policies and site selections for specific uses should be included in the borough’s strategy up to 2030, in line with the already adopted Core Strategy.
  • Undated email from John Clements at GYBC re parish liaison meeting on 19.9.16 at which he was to outline procedures for submissions concerning the above
  • Notice from Broads Authority advising of TPO ref. BA/2016/0002 made in respect of trees at The Priory, Beccles Rd St Olaves, requesting comments by 27.9.16
  • Planning Applications Nos. 06/16/0495/EU, 06/16/0497/EU, 06/16/0498/EU, 06/16/0506/EU, 06/16/0506/EU, 06/16/0506/EU, 06/16/0516/EU.

These all apply for Certificates of Lawfulness for lodges at Fairway Lakes Caldecott to be used as permanent dwellings.

  • Planning request 06/16/0526/F re building of garage and workshop at Timberscombe, St Olaves.
  • Planning Application 06/16/0559/F. Proposed dropped kerb to form vehicular access at Aylesbury Cottage, Beccles Road Fritton.

The planning applications in respect of the lodges at Fairway Lakes Caldecott were discussed and it was agreed that the parish council should write to Borough supporting them in their opposition to the reclassification of the lodges as permanent residences because of the dangerous planning precedent it would create.


Footpath alongside Redwings: Cllr Bellaby reported that the footpath (part of the Angles Way) along the side of Redwings’ site at Caldecott has not been cut and is now impassable. B Cllr Myers undertook to ascertain which agency enforces maintenance of footpaths and to get an enforcement order issued.

12. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24th November 2016 at St Olaves Village Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 9:15 p.m.

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