
English 2 (Sophomore English)

Ms. Shannon Nessier

Class Procedures and Policies


  • The appropriate work of literature for class. In addition, the grammar book (Survival) and student’s binder will also be brought to class when required. Failure to bring the appropriate text will result in temporary removal from class. If you do not have a book, you might as well not be here.
  • Pens/pencils etc. Students should come prepared to class: no exceptions.

Class Participation & Preparedness

  • Each quarter I will grade your participation and preparedness for a maximum 100 possible points. In order to earn an “A” grade, you must volunteer comments daily, do all necessary class work and preparation, and bring all required materials to class daily (two points will be deducted each time materials are missing).
  • Attendance affects your ability to contribute to the quality of class. Therefore, unexcused absences will have an adverse effect on your participation grade.


  • All homework must be neatly written in blue or black ink, typed, or word-processed.
  • In the upper right hand of your paper, please place the following: your name, the date, Ms. Nessier, class period. In the center of the page on the top line, please write the name of the assignment.
  • Essays and rough drafts should be written on one side of the paper only and either typed double-spaced (in Times 12 pt. Font) orhandwritten on every other line to allow room for comments.
  • In order to learn the writing process, you will be expected to write a rough draft of all major paragraphs and essays. Those rough drafts must be turned in with the final version. Failure to do so will result in a full letter grade deduction.
  • The research essay will involve a number of smaller assignments contributing to the writing process; each assignment will be graded individually. However, all the assignments must be completed before a student may turn in his research essay.
  • Homework assignments will be checked at the beginning of class, and points will be deducted for missing or incomplete work. These deductions CANNOT be made up.
  • Other than essays, I accept NO LATE WORK.


  • You are responsible for all materials covered in class—even if you are absent.
  • Homework is due the day you return from a one-day absence. For longer absences, you will have the number of days you missed to turn in your assignments. For any serious, extended absence, see me the day you return.
  • You must make appointments to make-up missed exams the DAY you return to school. You will have the number of days you missed to make up the exam. Remember: THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Failure to make up the exam within one week of your return (except in extended absence cases) will result in a 0 grade on the exam.
  • In case of absence on the day of a midterm/final project/or final essay, a note from a doctor will be required.


  • Points will be deducted from participation grade for class disruption, talking, or inability to participate in class discussion due to lack of preparation.
  • Points will be deducted from homework grade for any homework incomplete.
  • Quizzes may be assigned to check the reading progress of the class or if I feel the class as a whole isn’t reading. Students will have one day’s notice for a reading quiz.
  • Students will be given considerable notice for all unit exams, essays, grammar exams, etc.
  • Essays will be marked down a full letter grade for each day late, as well as for lacking a rough draft.
  • Failure to complete the final or the research paper at the end of the term will result in a failing grade.

Grading Scale:














  • When the bell rings, every student should be in his seat.
  • Upon entering the threshold of my classroom, baseball caps must be removed immediately.
  • Respect those who are speaking, be it the teacher or your fellow classmate.
  • Always raise your hand and wait to be called on by me.
  • Never let me see you destroying or defacing anything in this classroom, building, or campus.
  • Cell phones and pagers should be in lockers or off, as the handbook explains. If I hear or see them, they are mine until I get a written note from Mom and Dad releasing them to your negligent care.

Office Hours

  • I will be on campus 2:45-3:30 Mon & Wed I will also be available during lunch or before school in my own classroom, 312. If necessary, feel free to schedule an appointment. I am here to help. Please don’t hesitate to come and see me. You can leave me a voice mail at 408-294-9224, ex. 445, or for a faster response, e-mail me at .

Honor and Integrity

  • Your honor and integrity should never have to be called into question. However in the case that you decide to sacrifice them for a grade, you shall find the consequences harsh. You will receive an automatic 0 on the assignment, and depending upon the nature of the assignment and the cheating, you may fail the entire course. I suggest you think carefully before you lose the trust of your teacher. It is nearly impossible to regain.