CIH North East Regional Awards 2016

The 2016 North East awards have 3 categories.

The awards categories are:

1. New professional of the year (CIH Member)

2. Apprentice of the year

3. Exceptional contribution by a CIH Member (CIH Member)

Awards are now open for entry, with a closing deadline of midnight on 1 May 2016.

Entering the awards

·  Please note that the deadline for submitting entries is midnight on 1 May 2016

·  You can submit a nomination either online (using the approved online forms found at or as a PDF documents to by midnight on 1 May 2016. Late entries will not be accepted. Images can be submitted as part of your entry.

·  All completed and returned entries will be acknowledged by e-mail within 48 hours (either automated or from ) . If you do not receive an acknowledgement then please contact CIH Regional Support on 024 76 851700 to confirm receipt of your entry.

·  Judging will take place by independent housing and business professionals as well as the CIH.

·  Eligibility for entering the awards is that your organisation or you are based in either the North West region or you have completed successful projects in the North West area.

·  You can enter as an individual, team or organisation, please refer to individual categories

·  You can enter as many categories as you wish

·  Please do not exceed the word limits

·  If entering the new professional of the year award or exceptional contribution by a CIH member you must be a current CIH member

·  The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into or feedback given regarding the selection of short-listed nominations or winners

·  CIH has the reserve the right to extend the closing deadline, amend categories or not award categories should the standard of entries received not reach the required standard

·  Winning case studies may be used in post-event materials to promote future events or best practice. Entrants have the right to mark any information or sensitive parts of their entry as ‘not for publication or distribution’

·  When submitting your entries please try to give as much relevant and concise information as possible. If you wish to support this with photographs then this is acceptable

North East Awards 2016 – Category details

1. New Professional of the year (CIH Member)
This award will showcase, recognise and celebrate the successes of housing professionals at an early stage of their career and have normally worked in the housing industry for less than 3 years. This applies to individuals in substantive posts or trainee positions, both students and non-students are eligible. This award is designed to demonstrate that it doesn’t matter what stage of your career you are at, you can achieve great success and achievements.

The winner of this award will have:

Ø  personally achieved outstanding success within their organisation and within the short period of time they have worked in the sector;

Ø  taken personal responsibility and initiative for their career and professional development; and

Ø  demonstrated that they are passionate and driven about housing and they are committed to ethics and professional standards for working in the sector.

Key category responses:

1. Provide a summary of the individual’s role and their career history in housing (125 words)

2. What has this individual done to stand out as a professional in their role and career to date? What evidence supports this? (250 words)

3. Describe the activities they have undertaken to demonstrate their professional development to date (125 words)

4. Give examples of how the individual has demonstrated drive and passion in their housing career (250 words)

5. Why should they win this award? (250 words)

Applications/entries must be submitted by the nominee’s employer

2. Apprentice of the year

This award recognises the contribution of apprentices across the housing sector. The award is open to any applicant undertaking an apprenticeship scheme or a traineeship, in any discipline and working within the housing sector.

The winner of this award will:

Ø  demonstrate their commitment to personal development with achievement and attainment in learning;

Ø  through their contributions in the workplace, demonstrate that they have exceeded expectations and made a difference to the organisation they work in; and

Ø  demonstrate some evidence of approaching day to day work with a positive outlook and demonstrating a willingness to be creative and innovative.

Key category responses:

1. Provide a summary of the individual’s role and their career history in housing (150 words)

2. Explain how the individual has developed as a result of their learning and as an apprentice (200 words)

3. How has the individual shown dedication and drive to enable them to make an impact within the organisation? (300 words)

4. A statement of how this apprentice has demonstrated a positive and willing outlook to their role and supported by evidence of how they have been creative and innovative in their day to day work. (350 words)

Applications/entries must be submitted by the nominee’s employer

Please provide supporting testimonials and quotes as appropriate

3. Exceptional contribution by a CIH Member (CIH Member)

This award highlights outstanding professional achievement and individual personal contribution by a CIH member working in the housing industry.

The winner of this award will:

Ø  have demonstrated a professional commitment to their organisation or the communities they work in;

Ø  have made an outstanding commitment to their profession; and

Ø  be an inspirational role model for those working within the housing sector and embracing the ethics and professional standards underpinning CIH membership.

Key category responses:

1. Provide a summary of the individual’s role and their career history in housing (150 words)

2. What outstanding commitment to professional achievement within their organisation and the sector has the individual undertaken? (300 words)

3. How have they embedded ethical practice into their professional role? (150)

4. How have they been an inspiration to others, and in what way? (250 words)

5. Why should they win this award? (250 words)

Nominations can be made by anyone working or involved in the housing industry.

Please provide supporting testimonials and quotations as appropriate

Guidance notes

Identify the elements that make your project unique and innovative, and what you see as being the critical success factors. Be sure to describe clearly the positive outcomes that have been achieved. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of outcomes that link directly to the awards specified aims and objectives.

Please do not exceed the word limit; words over and above the stated allowances will be excluded from the judging process.

Deadline for all completed entries is Midnight on 1 May 2016.

Please email completed entry forms in PDF format to

Please provide contact name, organisation, address, telephone number and email address on all entries. If you have any queries please contact the CIH regional support team on 024 76851 700.