EMAIL – Key Members of Congress

Please look below to see if your Senators or Representatives are on either of these Committees. If so, please emailyour Member of Congress, as well asthe staff person listed, with themessage following this chart.

If you do not see your Members of Congress listed below,click here for Senate, click here for House.

House Committee on Natural Resources
Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Name / State/District / Staffers / Email
Rep. Chairman Bishop / UT – 1st / Casey Snider /
Rep. Don Young / AK – At-Large / Michael Defilippis /
Rep. Louie Gohmert / TX – 1st / Whitney McMahon /
Rep. Doug Lamborn / CO – 5th / James Thomas /
Rep. Rob Wittman / VA – 1st / Julia Angelotti /
Rep. John Fleming / LA – 4th / Garth Vanmeter /
Rep. Tom McClintock / CA – 4th / Steve Koncar /
Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson / PA – 5th / John Busovsky /
Rep. Cynthia Lummis / WY – At-Large / Will Carraco /
Rep. Dan Benishek / MI – 1st / Christopher Stewart /
Rep. Jeff Duncan / SC – 3rd / David Jackson /
Rep. Paul Gosar / AZ – 4th / Jeff Small /
Rep. Raul Labrador / ID – 1st / Aaron Calkins /
Rep. Doug LaMalfa / CA – 1st / Kevin Eastman /
Rep. Jeff Denham / CA – 10th / Chris White /
Rep. Paul Cook / CA – 8th / Tim Itnyre /
Rep. Bruce Westerman / AK – 4th / Jonathan Shuffield /
Rep. Garret Graves / LA – 6th / Andrew Robreno /
Rep. Dan Newhouse / WA – 4th / Jonas Linde /
Rep. Ryan Zinke / MT – At-Large / Amanda Kaster /
Rep. Jody Hice / GA – 10th / Michael Calvo /
Rep. Amata Coleman Radewagen / American Samoa – At-Large / Casey Brinck /
Rep. Tom MacArthur / NJ – 3rd / Justin Durbin /
Rep. Alex Mooney / WV – 2nd / Ted Dacey /
Rep. Cresent Hardy / NV – 4th / Kyle Lykins /
Rep. Darin LaHood / IL – 18th / Ashley Antoskiewicz /
Sen. Lisa Murkowski / AK / Chuck Kleeschulte /
Sen. John Barrasso / WY / KaiytlnnFlover /
Sen. Jim Risch / ID / Darren Parker /
Sen. Mike Lee / UT / Chris Prandoni /
Sen. Jeff Flake / AZ / Chuck Podolak /
Sen. Bill Cassidy / LA / Darien Flowers /
Sen. Cory Gardner / CO / Jennifer Loraine /
Sen. Steve Daines / MT / Sophie Miller /
Sen. Rob Portman / OH / Patrick Orth /
Sen. John Hoeven / ND / Tony Eberhard /
Sen. Lamar Alexander / TN / Lindsay Garcia /
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito / WV / Jay Brunner /


Subject: Please co-sponsor the 21CSC Act

To US Senator/Representative: On behalf of the [Your Corps Here] located in your state, we respectfully urge you to support the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC) Act (H.R.5114S.1993). This bipartisan legislation was introduced in the Senate by Sens. McCain (R-AZ) and Bennet (D-CO) and in the House by Reps. McSally (R-AZ) and Moulton (D-MA). The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a hearing on the 21CSC Act on Thursday, June 23, 2016.

The 21CSC is a bold national initiative to engage 100,000 youth and veterans in service projects on America’s public lands and waters. 21CSC organizations help address the backlogged maintenance needs of resource management agencies; enhance outdoor recreation opportunities; improve the accessibility of public lands; and respond to wildfires and other natural disasters in communities across the country.

21CSC organizations are grounded in the community; they leverage private funds, spur local economic development, and support the outdoor recreation economy, all while putting youth and veterans on a path to careers.

The 21CSC Act will allow federal land and water management agencies – like the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service – to address backlogged maintenance and recreation enhancement projects through cost-saving public-private partnerships with 21CSC programs. This legislation enables agencies to more easily partner with 21CSC organizations, and decreases the burdens on Corps like ours in forming these partnerships.

Specifically, the 21CSC Act would:

  • Expand the number of federal agencies that can work with 21CSC programs. Enlisting Conservation Corps to do priority work has proven to be cost-effective for federal agencies.
  • Encourage federal agencies to collaborate, and require that they use only existing resources to work with 21CSC programs, meaning there would be no additional cost to tax-payers.
  • Prioritize the engagement of recent veterans and disadvantaged youth in 21CSC programs.
  • Establish oversight standards, data, and measuring the effectiveness of 21CSC programs.
  • Provide two years of hiring eligibility with federal agencies for young people and veterans who gain valuable skills through service in 21CSC programs.

This no-cost legislation will help the land management agencies do more with their budgets through innovative public-private partnerships; lessen the burden of forming these partnerships for our organization; and engage more youth and veterans from [Your State] in high-quality national service projects that improve our communities and maintain natural resources.

Please co-sponsor this important legislation today! To co-sponsor the 21CSC Act, in the Senate (S.1993) you can reach out to or and in the House (H.R. 5114) you can reach out to with Rep. McSally (R) or with Rep. Moulton (D).