Dementia Small Grants Fund

Expression of Interest

Dementia Action Small Grants Fund

What is York Dementia Action Alliance?

York Dementia Action Alliance (YDAA) was established in 2013. It is a network of over 50 organisations who are working together to make York a good place for people with dementia to live. York DAA developed as part of the legacy of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) project, ‘Dementia Without Walls’. This project aimed to ensure that people living with dementia are understood, heard, included, connected and supported – with and by each other, their local communities and society as a whole.

YDAA has continued to build on these aims, developing a vision of:

  • Raising awareness and tackling discrimination
  • Involving people with dementia
  • Being a hub for communication and information
  • Improve services and resources

What is the fund?

Recently, funding was secured from City of York Council for a Dementia Action Coordinator employed by York CVS,to support YDAA. £15,000 was also provided forsmall grants. York CVS are administering this fund.In this first round, £10,000 will be distributed.

What is the purpose of the fund?

City of York Council are aware that small grants for dementia projects have previously been very successful in York enabling people to live well in the community. City of York Council nowwish to fund innovative ideas to support people living with dementia and the development of dementia friendly communities.

The fundis available to charities, social enterprises, voluntary and community groups. All projects would be funded on a one-off basis. Therefore, sustainability of the project should be demonstrated in the application.

The fund will support these outcomes:

  1. Reducing social isolation and loneliness for people living with dementia
  2. Improving access and transport within the community for people living with dementia.
  3. Providing practical and emotional support for carers of people living with dementia.

How to apply

  1. Complete the Expression of Interest form. Return this to Friday 7 July 2017.
  1. Applications will be screened for eligibility. If eligible, you will be invited to share your idea with a panel of people with dementia and others on Wednesday 26July 2017. You will be notified of this by 5pm, Wednesday 12 July.
  1. If successful, you will receive a grant agreement to be signed and returned. On receipt of this,the grant will be paid into your account.

If you have any queries or need support to apply please contact:

Helen Mayor, Dementia Action Coordinator,

Telephone: 01904 621133


Sue Collins, Director of Development,

Telephone: 01904 621133

Before completing anExpression of Interest, please check:

Your project fits at least one (or more) of the outcomes

Your project is in line with the aims of YDAA.

You are willing and able to work in partnership with other voluntary and community groups.

You are able to offer value for money, feasibility and sustainability.

We strongly recommend you read the ‘Evaluation of the York Dementia Friendly Communities Programme’ from the original JRF Dementia Without Walls Project before applying.

Dementia Small Grants Fund

Expression of Interest

Name of Organisation
Contact Name
Contact number
  1. The funding will be used to provide a new project
/ Yes /No
  1. The funding will be used to provide further development of a current project to increase provision
/ Yes/ No
  1. The funding will be used to provide continuation to an existing project which is currently at risk
/ Yes /No
What is the title of your project?
Please give a brief description of your project(No more than 300 words)
How will your work help achieve our outcomes?(No more than 150 words per section)
  1. Reduce social isolation and loneliness for people living with dementia.

  1. Improve access and transport for people within the community living with dementia.

  1. Provide practical and emotional support for carers of people with dementia

How does this fit with the aims of YDAA?(No more than 150 words per section)
  1. To raise awareness and tackle discrimination

  1. To involve people living with dementia in developing a dementia friendly York.

  1. To be a hub for communication and information

  1. To Improve services and resources

What would success for your project look like? (No more than 250 words)
How could the work be sustained? (No more than 250 words)
Does your organisation have:
A health and safety policy? / Yes /No
A safeguarding policy / Yes/ No
Amount of funding requested
Please provide a basic breakdown of the costs of the project
(or attach a separate spread sheet)
What is the timescale for your project?(start date, completion date etc.)
Please give us your organisation’s bank details (so we can pay you quickly if you’re successful) / Bank:
Sort Code:
Name on account:
Account number:

NB * Please note this form needs to be fully completed, then returned to:

By 5pm,Friday 7 July 2017.