CHS PTO Meeting Minutes

February 7th, 2011 7:00 to 9:00 PM

1. Welcome, Introductions, Minutes

Peggy opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the February PTO meeting. Fifteen people were in attendance: Peggy Bowe, Susan Ryffel, Louise Losos, Lori Elliott, Donna O’Neal, Diana Grayson, Kathleen Matheny, Sue Hodapp, Joyce Stubblefield, Sally Harrison, Liz Glynias, Liz Smith, Jane Callahan, Mary Hummell, and Lisa Avery. Minutes from the January 2011 meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report

  • Proposed Budget Jane Callahan, PTO Treasurer, reported that the PTO budget is in good shape. She has had a meeting with the District to handle taxes. Jane also recommended that PayPal should be considered as an option for online donations. A motion was made, and passed, to try PayPal as a donation option for After Prom.

3. Committee Reports

  • Parent Connections Freshman Parent Connections events upcoming include a Counselor meeting on March 2nd, and a service day with the St. Louis Food Pantry on March 12th. The Junior class is planning a college night, details to follow. Lisa Avery will be asking the Sophomore class Parent Connections committee to participate in the April Go!St. Louis running event. Lisa will forward an email she has received to Jill Belsky and Claire Schank. Kathleen Matheny reported that the Peppers Prom volunteers all did a great job.
  • “The Race to Nowhere Because of timing, attendees will have to purchase tickets for the movie, either online or at the door. Door tickets are cash only, Liz Smith will handle the cash box for the event. The PTO purchased 20 tickets for CHS teachers, and 10 tickets for WMS teachers. One hundred tickets have been sold so far. Louis Losos will send a reminder email to staff, Peggy and Liz will make a decision about concessions.
  • Graduation Picnic Donna O’Neal and Wendy Bell are handling the after rehearsal graduation picnic. The date is June 2nd, set up in the Commons, at approximately 11:30. The planned menu is submarine sandwiches, Liz Glynias suggested some parent donations of food and Ted Drewes if the budget allows.
  • Staff Appreciation Peggy Bowe reported that Gayle Keil is planning a late February oatmeal and bagel breakfast for the teachers, and a Ted Drewes event for later in March.

4. Principal’s Report

Louise Losos reported that the elementary and middle schools have maxed out their snow days, CHS still has some room in the schedule. She mentioned that Dr. Hermann will be leaving her position as Superintendent, and Dr. Wilkinson will be stepping in. There were some issues with alcohol at the recent Peppers Prom, as a result, Louise will be looking for more teacher and coach chaperones at future dances, and girls will be required to check their purses. Registration for the next school years has begun. The boys Varsity basketball team is doing well, boys and girls will be playing this Friday at Washington University. The recent musical was great, Scholarquiz and TEAMS are taking place. Construction continues, Louis hopes to set up a PTO tour for sometime in May. A new college counselor is in place.

5. Adjournment, next meeting March 7th, 7:00 p.m., location to be determined.