
Call to Worship/Centering Time: (Tiffany and Congregation on PowerPoint)

(Introduce the fact that much of the prayers and music came from the General Conference Program Book and are shared in an effort to connect our congregation with that denominational gathering. Share whatever of your experience that you would like to make this meaningful.)

One: How do we discover the meaning of this moment?

Perhaps not how but where.

Where are the places, the space,

to position ourselves for the future?

Where should we place ourselves

so the future may present itself?

All: We must place ourselves together

in prayer, on the periphery,

on pilgrimage.

One: In this space visions are born.

In the in-between of our prayer

beyond isolation,

beyond superficial togetherness

let us dwell in silence

together-to wait, to listen.

All: Let us nourish this prayer

with the symbols and stories of

our outrageous faith.

One: Let us read the Scriptures together

letting the words form

in the silence of our being

letting the words shape

the words we have to speak together.

All: Let us wait in the hope

of co-authoring a new chapter.

Let us hold ourselves

in readiness for a vision.

Welcome and Passing of Christ’s Peace (Announcement person)

Please fill out the blue prayer and attendance slip in your bulletin.

*Hymn: Gracious Creator of Sea and Land

"Gracious Creator of Sea and of Land" Worship and Song, 3161. Words by John Thornburg; music by Daniel Charles Damon © 2008 Abingdon Press

Hymn Sing (Martha Sutter)

Blessing of the Children(Ted)

Prayer Time (Tiffany)

Sharing of Prayer Requests(written prayer requests are collected)

Silent Prayer

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer (#895)

Reading: (Tiffany)

O sweet spontaneous

by: e.e. cummings (1894-1962)

sweet spontaneous

earth how often have



fingers of

prurient philosophers pinched




, has the naughty thumb

of science prodded


beauty, how

often have religions taken

thee upon their scraggy knees

squeezing and

buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive




to the incomparable

couch of death thy



thou answerest

them only with


God’s Word for Today: Your God Is Too Small (Ted)

Invitation to Christian Discipleship and Service (Announcement Giver)



*Doxology #393: Spirit of the Living God

*Prayer of Dedication (Tiffany and Congregation – on PowerPoint)

One: Listen deeply to each other.

All:Stay open to mystery.

One: We need breathing space,

All:but we need each other, too.

One: Practice blessing each other,

All:rather than cursing each other.

One: There is always more of love.

All:There is always more of God.

All: Let us be that “more” of God in our gifts and our service.

*Hymn #408: The Gift of Love

*Blessing: (Tiffany and Congregation on PowerPoint)

One: You speak, God-you always speak,

if we will but listen;

All: All we need to do is pause,

and turn our attention

to the song singing from the heavens,

and whispering in the wind;

to the flight of the dove,

and the touch of its wings on our heads;

to the giggling of the water,

and the mark it leaves in our hearts;

One: Your voice comes to us in faithful surround sound,

beckoning us to join the chorus,

share in the dance,

and extend the invitation into all the earth.

All: You speak, God-you always speak;

and joyfully, we are listening.

