Name / Dmitriev, Mikhail V
Year of birth / 1958
Qualification / University professor
Degree and field / PhD, in MoscowLomonosovStateUniversity.
Dissertation: The Reformation Movements in the Ukrainian-Belorussian Lands of the Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth in the Second Half of the 16th and the First Half of the 17th Century
Habilitation, in Moscow Lomonossov State University, 2001
Dissertation: Kievan Metropolinate in the second half of the XVIth century and the genesis of the Church Union of Brest (1595-1596).
Present job; position / Recurrent Visiting Professor, CEU
Full professor, MoscowLomonossovStateUniversity
Highest academic degree / 2001 – Habilitation, MoscowLomonosovStateUniversity.
1984 – PhD, in MoscowLomonosovStateUniversity.
Teaching activity (courses taught, time spent in education / Moscow Lomonossov University:
  • Poland, 1000 –1800 (1984-1995, 1998, 2000- 2009)
  • Christianity and Society in the European East, 1500-1700 (MA and PhD seminar, 1988 –2009)
  • Sources for Poland’s history (1984-1995, 1998, 2000- 2009)
  • Medieval Russia (1989)
  • Medieval West (1985-1988)
Introduction to the Ukrainian History (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009)
Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Catholic Reform in Europe (2000, 2002, 2004, 2007)
Orthodoxy and Judaism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th –17th Centuries ( 2002, 2003)
Ethnicity, Christianity and Protonationalism in Eastern Europe, XIVth – XVIIth Centuries (2003, 2004, 2006)
Christianity and Culture in Poland, 1400 –1700 (2001)
Orthodox and “Latin” Cultures in Europe: common and different (2008,2009)
Central European University:
Does Eastern Europe Exist? Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus’,1500-1800 (MA, 2002, 2003)
Russia and Poland, XVIth – XVIIIth Centuries: Two Types of Evolution in Comparison (MA , 2004)
To Live, To Believe, To Die and to Hate in the East of Europe: Historical Anthropology of Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus’, XVIth – XVIIIth Centuries (MA, 2005)
Poland, Russia, Ukraine in Comparison, 1500-1800 (MA, 2006)
Contested Identities in Contingent Borderlines (Poland, Russia, Ukraine), XVIth through XIXth centuries (along with Ya. Hrytsak, MA, 2007 -2010
Eastern Europe: Experience of Accommodating Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Differences. Middle Ages –XVIIIth Century (PhD, 2003)
Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity on the Eastern European Societies (Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus’), XIth through XIXth Centuries. (PhD, 2004)
Confession, Ethnicity, and Proto-nationalisms in the Long Run Perspective: Russia, Poland and France Compared, 1450 – 1850 (PhD, 2005, 2006)
Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, 1500-1800: Societies, Cultures, Religion in Comparison (MA, CEU, 2002)
Theories of Nationalism and their East European Applications (along with Ya. Hrytsak, PhD, 2009, 2010
University of Alberta, Canada:
  • Medieval and Imperial Russia (1996/97, 1999/2000)
  • Eastern and Central Europe, 1500 - 2000 (1996/97, 1999/2000)
  • Christianity and Society in Russia, 1400-1700 (1993)
  • Orthodoxy and “Latin Christianity” in the East of Europe, 1400-1700 (2000)
  • Muscovite Russia: Society, State, Religion (1995)
  • Intelligentsia, Revolution, Religion in Russia, 1800-1917 (1993, 1995)
  • Soviet Society (1995)
  • Soviet and Post-Soviet Political Thought and Practices (1996, 1999)
University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon:
  • Muscovite Russia: society, state, culture, 1500-1700 (Paris I Sorbonne-Panthéon, 1994)
  • Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, 1600-1850 (Paris I Sorbonne-Panthéon, 1997-1999)
  • Confessions and Cultural Identities in Europe: East and West, 1500 -1700 (Paris I Sorbonne –Panthéon, 1997-1999, PhD seminar, along with N. Lemaitre)
  • Eastern and Western Christianity in the East of Europe, 1400-1700 (Paris I Sorbonne -Panthéon, 1999, MA seminar)
University Montpellier III:
Continuity, Ruptures and Revolutions in the East and in the West of Europe, XVIth –XVIIIth Centuries (MA/PhD courseUniversity of Montpellier III, 2004)
Orthodox Culture of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus’ in the Early Modern Period (MA/PhD course, University of Montpellier III, 2004)
Vienna University
Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Catholic Reform in Slavic Countries (MA/PhD course,1992, in German)
Selected works published in the past five years pertaining to courses taught / Dmitriev M.L’Europe ”latine” et l’Europe “orthodoxe”: dimensions d’alterité // Revue historique. T. CCCXI (2009), № 3. P. 645-670
Dmitriev M. What was not understood by Martin Gruneweg in the Orthodox Culture of Eastern Europe? // Martin Gruneweg (1562 - nach 1615). Ein europäischer Lebensweg. Herausgegeben von A. Bues. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009. S. 213-239
Dmitriev M. Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy // The Cambridge History of Christianity. Vol. VI. Reform and Expansion, 1500 -1660. Edited by R. Po-Chia Hsia. Cambridge University Press, 2007. P. 321-342, 666-672 (bibliography).
Dmitriev M.V. Historische Voraussetzungen und die Genese der Union von Brest: Fakten und Deutungen //Ostkirchliche Studien, 56 (2007), Heft 2. S. 322-342
Dmitriev M.V. De l'Union de Brest à l'émergence de l'"ombre russe" en Europe de l'Est au XVIIème siècle? //L'ombra della Russia sull'Europa Centro-Orientale. Storia, letteratura e altre cose. Atti del Colloquio Internazionale (San Martino al Cimino, 14-17 giugno 2006). A cura di Gaetano Platania.Viterbo: Sette Città, 2007. P. 31-69
Dmitriev M. Vivre la différence dans l’Empire orthodoxe des premiers tsars: musulmans, païens et tolérance à la moscovite, 1550-1700 // Vivre dans la différence, hier et aujourd’hui. Actes du colloque, Nîmes, 24-25 novembre 2006. Publiés par G. Audisio et Fr. Pugnière. Avignon: A. Bathélemy, 2007. P. 121 -134
Dmitriev M.V. La perception et l’image du judaisme en Russia Orientalisà la fin du XVème – XVIème siècles (remarques préliminaires) // Les Eglises et le Talmud. Ce que les Chrйtiens savaient du judaпsme (XVIe – XIXe siиcles. Sous la dir. de D. Tollet. Paris: Presses de l’Universitй Paris Sorbonne, 2006. P. 15-34
Dmitriev M.V. Die Sicht des Judaismus im Russland des 16. Jahrhunderts // Christen und Juden im Reformationszeitalter. Herausgegeben von R. Decot und M. Arnold. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2006 (=Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte. Beiheft 72). S. 217-235
Dmitriev M. Le confessionel et l’ «ethnique» dans la construction des discours proto-nationaux en Russie Moscovite aux XVIe - XVIIe siecles // Istina, L (2005), pp. 137-162
The five most important publications if different from the previous / Books published:
Between Rome and Constantinople. Genesis of the Church Union of Brest (1595-1596). Moscow: Moscow Lomonosov University Press, 2003 (in Russian: Mezhdu Rimom i Konstantinopolem. Genesis Brestskoj cerkovnoj unii 1595-1596 godov)
Dissidents russes. II. Matvej Baskin. Le starec Artemij. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner-Verlag, 1999 (=Bibliotheca dissidentium. Répértoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dix-septième siècles. Vol. XX. Ed. par A. Séguenny) (in French)
Dissidents russes. I. Feodosij Kosoj. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner-Verlag, 1998 (=Bibliotheca dissidentium. Répértoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dix-septième siècles. Vol. XIX. Ed. par A. Séguenny) (in French)
Orthodoxy and Reformation. Movements of Religious Reforms in the East Slavic Lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second part of the XVIth century.Moscow: Moscow Lomonosov University Press, 1990 (in Russian: Reformacionnye dvizhenija v vostocnoslavjanskikh zemljakh Reci Pospolitoj vo vtoroj polovine 16 veka).
Editor and co-editor:
Être catholique, être orthodoxe, être protestant. Confessions et identités culturelles en Europe médiévale et moderne. Études réunies et publiées par Marek Derwich et Mikhaïl V. Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 2003.
Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris).Textes réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2003.
Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne. Approche comparative. Sous la dir. de M. Derwich et M. Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 1999
Moines et monastères dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin. Études publiées par J.-L. Lemaitre, M. Dmitriev et P. Gonneau. Genève, 1996.
Academic administrative work, memberships, international relations / Fellowships and large grants from: Austrian Ministry for Education and Researh (1991-1992); Maison des sciences de l’Homme (Paris, in 1991-1992, 1994, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005), University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (1994, 1997-1999, 2000-2004, 2010), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (2000, 2002, 2006), University Montpellier III (2004-2005, 2006, 2008, 2009); University of Maine, France (2009), Institute for European History (Mainz, Genmany, 1993), OSI (RSS grant 1997-1998), CEU research grant, 2004-2005, Russian State Foundation for Humanities (1998); Stuart Ramsey Tompkins Visiting Professorship, University of Alberta, Canada, 1993, 1995, 1996-1997, 1999 – 2000.
Coordinator and participantin long run international research projects:
(A) International research development program «The Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity on Societies: A Comparative Historical Approach» (since 1993).
Initiator, coordinator, participant.
Main sponsoring institutions: Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris); Moscow Lomonosov State University; Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris); Academy of Sciences of Russia, since 1994; University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon; University of Wroclaw (Poland); University of Alberta (Canada); University Paris-IV Sorbonne; Institut für europäische Geschichte (Mainz, Germany); Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, Central European University; University Montpellier III.
Four books and many articles have been published in 1995-2008 last and two new books are in preparation.
Books published:
Moines et monastères dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin. Approche comparative. Études publiées par J.-L. Lemaitre, M. Dmitriev et P. Gonneau. Genève: Librairie Droz, 1996.
Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne. Approche comparative. Sous la dir. de M. Derwich et M. Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 1999
Être catholique, être orthodoxe, être protestant. Confessions et identités culturelles en Europe médiévale et moderne. Études réunies et publiées par Marek Derwich et Mikhaïl V. Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 2003..
La frontière entre les chrétientés grecque et latine au XVIIème siècle. De la Lithuanie à l’Ukraine subcarpathique. Ed. by D. Tollet and M. Dmitriev =Special issue of: XVIIème siècle. 2003. N 3. (Juillet-Septembre 2003, 55ème année).
(B) International research project “Toleration and Persecution. Christian Attitudes to Jews and Judaism in “Latin” and “Orthodox” Christendom. Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives” (since 1997).
Initiator, coordinator, participant.
Sponsered by: Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), Moscow Lomonosov State University, University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon, University Paris-IV Sorbonne (Centre d’études juives), University of Alberta (Canada), Institut für europäische Geschichte (Mainz, Germany).
Many articles and the first book resulting from this project have been published.
Book published: Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris).Textes réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2003.
Book in print: Christianity and Judaism in the Orthodox cultures of Eastern Europe. Middle Ages – XIXtn century. Ed. by M. Dmitriev. Moscow: INDRIK, 2010
(C) International research project “Confessiones et Nationes. Christianity and discourses of protonational identities in Europe. Middle Ages –Modern period” (since 2003).
Initiator, coordinator, participant.
Main sponsoring institutions: Center for Ukrainian and Belorussian Studies, Faculty of History, Moscow Lomonossov State University; Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris); Centre Franco-Russe en sciences humaines et sociales, Moscou; Institute for Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon; University Montpellier III; Central European University, Budapest.
This project aims to undertake a consistently comparative analysis of linksbetween confessional peculiarities of Byzantine-Orthodox and “Latin” religious traditions, on the one hand, anddiscourses of ethnic/proto-national identities in cultures of Europe, on the other hand, in Middle Ages and Early Modern Period.
The first book resulting from this project was published in 2008:Religion et ethnicité dans la formation des identités nationales en Europe. Moyen Age – Epoque moderne. Actes du colloque franco-russe. Moscou, les 10 et 11 septembre 2004. Sous la dir. de Mikhail V. Dmitriev. Moscow: INDRIK, 2008 (in Russian).
The book “Confessiones et Nationes. Christian Traditions and Protonational Discourses in Europe” is supposed to be published in 2010.
(D) International research project “Ukraine and Russia: History and Image of History” (since 2005)
Initiator, coordinator, participant.
Sponsored by: MoscowLomonossovUniversity; RussianAcademy of Sciences (Institute for Slavic Studies; Institute for European Studies); UkrainianAcademy of Sciences (Institute for Ukrainian History); “Russkiy Mir” Foundation
Two books are in preparation:
1) Orthodoxy in Ukraine and Russia, XVth – XVIIth centuries: common and different.
2) Russia and Ukraine: History and Image of History. XVIIth – XXth centuries.
Academic director of OSI/HESP Regional seminar for excellence in teaching „Comparative History of Europe’s Religious Traditions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Middle Ages – XXth century” (2008-2010)