Minutes of the Meeting of Childrey Parish Council held on

Tuesday 2nd May 2017

7.30pm in the Childrey Village Hall

Present: CouncillorsHadley, Rea, Sanders, the Clerk and RFO, DC & CC Constance and 13Parishioners.

1 / Resignation of Parish Councillor and Chairman Clare Collier: Following the decision of Clare Collier to resign before the meeting, the vacancy was advertised for the correct time period and Stephen Casey was the only applicant. Cllr Hadley proposed that Stephen Casey should be co-opted to the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Sanders and agreed unanimously. Cllr Casey was invited to join the other Parish Councillors at the table. Cllr Casey signed the acceptance form along with the register of interests, the Clerk to submit. Clare Collier was thanked for her service as both a Parish Councillor and Chairman, thanks have already been inserted in the newsletter and on the website.
Election of a new Chairman: Cllr Sanders proposed that Cllr Hadley become the Chairman of the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Rea and agreed unanimously. / Clerk
2 / Apologies: Cllr Doig and PCSO Howard Pack.
3 / Declaration of Interests: None.
4 / DC & CC Constance Report: Cllr Hadley stated that the 28 days, which started on the 22nd March was up on the 19th April. This period was given by enforcement to the owners of the Hatchet to submit for change of use to the planning department of VOWHDC. Cllr Constance thought that the village would have a strong case against the pub closure and agreed that registering the pub as a Community Asset was beneficial. The village will have to put together a strong case to prove that the pub could be a viable business, using examples of the pop up pubs and other village events. Cllr Hadley said that the organised village events were always popular and well supported. Cllr Constance will enquire what has been happening since the 19th April. Robert Cramp is the new enforcement officer for this case and has taken over from Luke Veillet. Cllr Hadley suggested that the “Don’t Hatchet the Hatchet” group start compiling evidence that the pub is missed and would be a viable business under the right ownership.
Cllr Constance and Cllr Matthew Barber who is the Leader of the VOWHDC attended a village meeting on the 22nd April to discuss the release of the Local Plan 2031 part 2 HELAA. The HELAA published all sites to comply with “freedom of information”. The LPP2 allocates “no sites in the western vale”. Cllr Constance stated that Childrey is safe from development in this plan period to 2031 because there are tiers of policy to protect the village, even before any specific ‘constraints’ are considered. Also now that the Vale has a Local Plan (Part 1 since December 2016) and a 5 year land supply the overriding NPPF condition to “permit development” (para 14) does not apply. Cllr Hadley met with Hugo Marsh, one of the organisers of the meeting to discuss the concerns raised. Hugo Marsh and other villagers have put together a detailed document, which has been submitted by a number of villagers, outlining the concerns raised and asking for Childrey to be removed from the HELAA. Cllr Hadley proposed that the Childrey Parish Council fully support this document, seconded by Cllr Sanders and agreed unanimously. The Clerk will circulate a draft and, once agreed, submit this document along with their own objection document and covering email before the deadline of 5.00pm on Thursday 4th May. The Parish Council will request that Childrey be removed from the HELAA and discounted from any future planning development to safeguard the countryside. / Cllr Constance
5 / Minutes of the Childrey Parish Council held on Monday 20th March 2017were agreed. Cllr Sanders proposed acceptance of them as a true record of that meeting, this was seconded by Cllr Rea and agreed unanimously.
6 / Matters Arising:
  • Defibrillator: Mark Davies reported that the electricity supply has been connected to keep the unit over 5 degrees and provide lighting, and certified. The First Responders held a training course and four parishioners attended. Cllr Hadley suggested another training session should be held in the Autumn.
  • Hatchet Public House: Covered in DC & CC Constance report above.
  • Playing Field Trust: No update, ongoing.

7 / Finance:
  • Introduction of the new RFO: After the resignation of Brian Harding the position of RFO was advertised and the only applicant was Rachel Bennett who lives in Sparsholt. Cllr Hadley welcomed Rachel to the Parish Council and thanked her for taking over so promptly without a handover. The Clerk is assisting with the handover.
  • Approval ofthe Financial Report to the end of March2017 and the listing of payments to be made: Cllr Hadley summarised the reports and proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Rea and agreed unanimously.
  • Village Hall hire for Parish Council meetings: Claire Turner, a member of the Village Hall Management committee stated that at their AGM it had been decided that no payment from the Parish Council for use of the village hall for meetings would be considered appropriate. The Parish Council thanked the Village Hall Management Committee.

8 / Highways:
  • A lifted curb stone in High street has been reported by the Clerk via fix my street.
/ Clerk
9 / Planning:
Decision Updates:
  • P16/V2647/FUL14 West Street, OX12 9UH: Block paved driveway with access to West Street. No decision, the Clerk to chase.
New Applications:
  • P17/V0870/FUL Brick Kiln Works, New Road, OX12 9PG: Construction of an industrial storage building for the secure storage of vehicles and large machinery. Cllr Sanders proposed that the Parish Council fully supports the application for the following reasons; the development allows the continued success of a local business, seconded by Cllr Hadley and agreed unanimously. The Clerk to submit the response.
  • P17/V0754/HH and P17/V0755/LB Fettyplace Cottage, Church Row, OX12 9UT: Demolition of existing boundary wall. Proposed re-building of boundary wall. The original wall had given parishioners concerns over safety as it appeared to be leaning. Cllr Hadley proposed a response of no objections, seconded by Cllr Rea and agreed unanimously. The Clerk to submit the response.
  • P17/V0962/HH and P17/V0963/LB Childrey House, West Street, OX12 9UJ: Single storey rear extension, new porch and internal alterations. The owner of Chidrey House was present at the meeting so was invited to explain the application. The application is very detailed and advice has been sought from the planning department prior to submission of the application. Cllr Hadley proposed a response of no objections, seconded by Cllr Rea and agreed unanimously. The Clerk to submit the response.
/ Clerk
10 / Local Plan 2031 Part 2 HELAA – sites listed for Childrey: Covered in DC & CC Constance report above.
11 / Oxfordshire Together: Childrey Parish Council have examined the details of the proposal from OCC, which involves the Parish Council taking over the grass cutting. The Parish Councillors decided unanimously not to agree to the proposal this year. The Parish Council are concerned that if costs increased there would not be any additional funding and insurance implications make the proposal complicated. OCC have agreed to cut the grass verges twice this year and to upkeep the visibility splays at junctions with further cuts if required.
12 / Matters for future discussion:
a)Deputy Chairman.
b)HR Sub-committee.
c)Chairmanship Course.
13 / Parishioners Points:
a)The rubbish bin from outside the Village shop has been removed, a temporary bin has been arranged until the replacement is installed.
14 / Next Parish Council Meeting Date:
The Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of Childrey Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 24th May and the next Childrey Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 19th June, both meetings starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.