Dear Parent/Carer,
King’s School uses a cashless catering system, along with a biometric register at the tills. This system incorporates the latest technology and eliminates the need for students to carry cash throughout the day. It is also biometric, so there is no need for students to carry a card as the system will recognise the thumb of your child at the tills.
The key things you need to know about cashless catering are:
- It eliminates the need for children to carry cash at school. You simply load credit onto their account and they spend against this balance. The cashless catering system will sync with the Tucasi online payments system - allowing you to top up your child’s dinner money from home. More details on Tucasi will be sent to you soon.
- Children are identified by a thumb print scan. Students who have opted in to the cashless catering system will have their thumb scanned when they register for the system. These prints are securely stored and can be deleted on written request from a parent.
- You will be able to see what your children are buying and cap their spending. Parents will be able to request reports showing what food their children have bought. You will also be able to set a maximum daily spend, ensuring that your child doesn’t spend their dinner money in one go.
Please find enclosed with this letter a frequently asked questions sheet, which should provide answers to any questions that you may have about this system.
Current legislation requires that we operate an ‘Opt In’ policy and we would, therefore, ask you to complete, sign and return the form below. If you have more than one child at King’s, please complete a separate form for each of them.
Yours faithfully
Sarah Price
Head Teacher
Please delete as appropriate.
I/We confirm that we wish our child/children TO BE/NOT TO BE (please delete as appropriate) registered on the school’s Biometric Cashless Catering and Library System with immediate effect. I understand that I/we may withdraw my child’s registration at any time in writing.
Child’s Name:Form Group:
Print Name:
Relationship to Child: