Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner For Human Rights / United Nations Development Programme


The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme are pleased to announce the launch of the ACT Project (Assisting Communities Together).

The ACT Project makes available small grants to grass-roots civil society organisations to carry out human rights education activities at the community level which can make an impact in promoting greater understanding and respect for the human rights among individuals and communities. The ACT Project will award six grants of up to US$ 5,000 each to support projects to be implemented tentatively in period October 2008 - June 2009.

In order to create synergies with the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing), the sixth phase is particularly interested in supporting:

·  proposals focusing on human rights education in the primary and secondary school systems (for instance, material development/translation; workshop/training courses for relevant authorities, teachers and other education personnel; school competitions and debates; etc. Ideas on possible activities are available form the Plan of Action for the first phase of the World Programme found on or;

·  As a commemoration to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the sixth phase would also support projects which focus in particular on the UDHR, especially when conducted in schools;

·  Proposals covering human rights education initiatives in other sectors may also be considered, particularly if they concern vulnerable groups.

The proposed projects should as much as possible be innovative, replicable and designed to provide maximum sustainable impact at the local level. It should also be evident that the grantees have insufficient financial means for implementing the projects. Estimated budget must be within the US$ 5,000 limit. Cost-sharing proposals can also be considered, provided that the Grant Application budget specifies items to be covered within the US$ 5,000. Funded activities have to be carried out within six months not going beyond June 2009.

The selection of the projects to be supported by the ACT Project will take place at the national level by the ACT Task Force comprised of representatives of UN agencies, which will also monitor the implementation and provide technical assistance to selected organizations.

Organisations interested in applying for the ACT Project grant are invited to obtain an application form from UNDP Office (8-ma Udarna brigada 2, 1000 Skopje) or download it from The application forms should be completed in English and submitted by post to the attention of:

ACT Task Force

8-ma Udarna brigada 2, 1000 Skopje

Applications must be received no later than 31 August 2008. Applications received after the deadline will not be eligible for consideration. Projects selected for funding will be notified by end September 2008.

For further information please feel free to contact the ACT Task Force through the ACT Focal Point, Ms Silva Pesic Tel: 02/3249 573.

Looking very much forward to your applications.

ACT Task Force