California Standards Covered in This Chapter: 11.2

California Standards Covered in This Chapter: 11.2

Chapter 3 Outline

California Standards Covered in this Chapter: 11.2

Key Terms:Section 1: trust, Social Darwinism, Gospel of Wealth, monopoly, Interstate Commerce Commission, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor Section 2: anarchists, Ellis Island, Angel Island, tenements Section 3: New South, sharecropping, A Century of Dishonor, Dawes Act, assimilate, open range Section 4: Jim Crow laws, Gilded Age, Plessy v. Ferguson, graft, Pendleton Act, gold standard, Populist Party, political machines

Key Historical Figures: Section 1:Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Samuel Gompers, Eugene Debs Section 2: Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Dwight Moody Section 3:George Armstrong Custer, Chief Joseph Section 4: W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, William Jennings Bryan, William McKinley.

Key Topics for discussion:

Section 1.

  1. What were three reasons whyAmericawas able to Industrialize and expand so quickly? What new inventions improved the standard of living? What was the impact Industrialization had on America?
  2. How did John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie make their money? Why were they called “robber barons”?
  3. How were trusts and the railroads used by Industrialists to gain wealth?
  4. How did the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act attempt to control trusts? Were these acts successful in controlling the trusts?
  5. Describe the amount of hours, days, and wages that workers endured at this time? Also what were women and children used for?
  6. What was the difference between the Knights of Labor and the AFL? What happened at Haymarket Square in May of 1886, Homestead, Pennsylvania in 1892, and Illinois in 1894? Did the actions of President Cleveland and the Attorney General favor big business or the workers?

Section 2

  1. Where were the immigrants of the period 1840’s & 1850’s from? Where were the immigrants of the period 1880-1920 from? Why were the immigrants between 1880-1920 coming? What was the immigrants trip to the new world like? How did these immigrants contribute to the American culture and economy? Besides immigrants who else was moving to the cities around the turn of the century? Why?
  2. What were some of the positives and negatives created by urbanization? Overall has it been worth it to society in your opinion?
  3. How was our social class structure altered by urbanization?

Section 3

  1. How was the “New South” different from the old South? Did it grow like in the West or North?
  2. Understand how the sharecropping system contributed to the hardships for farmers in the South?(Use the chart on pg. 81)
  3. How were the Plains Indians under attack? What was the point of A Century of Dishonor? The Dawes Act attempted to force assimilation how? Did it work?
  4. How did farmers, ranchers, and technology transform the west?


  1. Jim Crow laws said what? Name 2 ways whites tried to prohibit blacks from voting?
  2. How were Mexican Americans discriminated against? What did the Chinese exclusion Act say?
  3. Patronage sounds similar to what system Andrew Jackson used? Because of the Pendleton Act civil service workers are now given jobs based on _____?
  4. What problems did farmers face? What did the Populists want to do with the railroads? Why did they favor silver? Name 4 other things they wanted.
  5. Why did Populist candidate William Jennings Bryan lose the 1896 election?