By Col.(Ret.US)Frank B. Quesada

Former Senate Committee Secretary

Veterans and Military Pensions

Associate PMA ‘44



Of late, we got hold of a

‘seemingly believable”information that came from an unverified source in WashingtonDC.

Supposed Source

It purportedly was said to have been issued out from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) which was particularly pertinent to the Filipino-American

World War - II veterans that have been mistreated by the U.S. government.

At first glance the information appeared credible, but after reading through the text, have alerted this author and the other readers. What tipped us off was the poor grammatical English and syntax. Not to leave out the misquoted legislative jargon, etc.

Our Audience’s Caveat

I am cautioning our readers to be aware that the following text as quoted below are counterfeit adshould NOT to be taken as true orcorrect.It is a disinformation and appear as part of a scam.

Iam herewith quoting the material for the information and guidance of

all our comrades in World War-II and their compulsory heirs. And the Fil-Am community as well.

Text of the SuspectedMaterial

“To All WW-2 Veterans:

“ There is a Public Law – 95-588 intended for Filipino W-2 veterans who are at age 65 years old and are entitled to on-service disability benefits.

“Benefits for Fil-Am WW-2 veterans provides by law enacted by the US Congress providing benefits for Filipino who served in the US Armed Forces during World War-II.

“Pres..Clinton signed Public Law 225 which entitled “Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 1996., for Fi-Am veterans to receive $1,300 old age pension each month which was he equivalent as what American US veterans enjoy.

“ In addition, Filipino Guerrilla active and honorable active military service during World War-2 from December 30, 1942 o 1945..”

“Persons who served as Guerrillas under a commissioned officer of he US Armed Forces, (such as the Army, Navy, Marines, or under a commissioned officer of the Commonwealth of the Philippines recognized by ad in cooperation with the U.S. forces are included for dependency indemnity compensation (WIC) burial allowance service as Guerrilla by a member of the Philippine Scouts of the US Armed Forces is consideredas service in his or her regular status.

“ It is the responsibility of the person filing their claim for a benefit administered by the Dept. to submit sufficient evidence to qualify in a fair and impartial manner that the claim is well grounded.

“The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs shall assist claimants in developing the facts pertinent to he claimant’s application.

“Signed by Administrative Officer.”

(End of Text)


Upon verification and direct inquiries with agencies concerned, the above quoted information have proven to be bogus and non-existent

There was no such Public Law signed by Pres. W.Clinton as No.. 233.

In the same breath, Fil-Am veterans have not been entitled or was given to the said monthly old age pension of $1,300 per month. at all.

As a matter of fact, the Fil-Am WW-2 veterans have been held hostage by Congress for the last 64 years by with-holding the veteran’s wartime-earned benefits, that had been used by legislators for their own pork at the expense of the 180,000 Fil-Am veterans who have died awaiting for their money.

I am a World War-2 veteran (POW) in the same category of the 200,000 original Fil-Am WW-2 conscripted in 1941 by Pres. F. Roosevelt to fight America’s war against the Japanese Imperial Forces in 1941to 1945. We are now only less that 19,000 survivors under dastardUS cruel hoax of denial of our own wartime-earned benefits.

Is a fact that we, Fil-Am WW-II veterans have been unjustly mistreated like that of the US Military retirees and veterans by Congress.

The government has been a dead-beat entity that have hoarded our money for many years, and have used it for their own pleasure and wasteful pork and perks. Not to leave out their notorious crime of bribery from lobbyists. They have grown fat and rich at the expense of the lives of veterans, their widows and orphans.

The coming Second 1-Million “angry” Veterans March is the antidote against the obtaining evil that have poisoned Congress. Veterans have now used the power of the ballot to throw out the rascals that have been destroying the nation - which the veterans and retirees had been protecting with their lives and properties. The change must now come ! # # #