Budget Advisory Committee

Budget Advisory Committee

Budget Advisory Committee


November 24, 2017 | 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Ullsvik 2007

Members Present: Cinda Furry,Kerie Wedige, Wayne Weber, Todd Carothers, John Hammermeister, Heidi Tuescher-Gille

Members Absent: Chuck Cornett, Melissa Gormley, Molly Gribb, Rosalyn Broussard, John Goomey, Joanne Wilson

Visitors Present: Sara Voigts, Julie Rennert, Cathy Riedl-Farrey

*The next meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee will be on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM in Ullsvik 2007*

  1. Welcome(meeting called to order at 2:03 PM by Todd Carothers)
  2. Review status of UBC reviewing budgets
  3. Todd Carothers reminded the committee that UBC has agreed to take on the responsibilities of the budget
  4. UBC will be expanding membership as appropriate (adding two ex-officio members) and is focusing its efforts on this aspect at this time
  5. UBC membership (15 total; no student): Library representative, University Staff representative, Academic Staff representatives (one teaching and one non-teaching), six representatives from the colleges, Enrollment & Student Success representation, and University Relations
  6. Currently, UBC will need training and will require a longer timeframe to utilize knowledge received from training
  7. UBC will be reviewing SLAs and metrics in the first year on a sample basis – listings of both but then samples of the SLAs. UBC will use those reviewed as a backdrop in evaluating the budgets
  8. Futuristically, SLAs and metrics will be reviewed in the late summer/early fall so that these elements are completed at the start of the academic year. In this way, enrollment projections can be weighed into the budget and will be able to impact the need for cuts. During the school year, UBC will then be able to complete internal deliberation and final recommendations
  9. The budget will be condensed for UBC in this first year
  1. Metrics will be used as context for requested resources from all units (not just central) in order to indicate the demand/drive for resources
  2. UBC is also working on developing a process of how deliberation will be conducted over budgets
  1. Provide updates on Progress on the Work Plan(foundational blocks)
  2. SLAs
  3. SLAs are being requested for non-academic areas by December 31st, 2017. A list of all future SLA estimates and a representative sample of those SLAs that are in process of being completed (using clarifications), and those being made other areas are due to Todd Carothers by the above-mentioned date
  4. The need to include voice of customers of services will be worked in next year
  5. Metrics– retain format from RCM model
  6. Todd Carothers will work with Business Intelligence and the Office of Institutional Research to acquire data (need historical trends for resource needs)
  7. Budget training – in progress with TTC to provide training
  8. Budget detail– in the process of gathering more detail
  1. Concern was arisen over the value of acquiring this data for planning purposes.
  2. It was clarified that thegathering this data will result in better management and ability to evaluate programs. We will be able to review ways to accomplish tasks in more efficient manners.
  3. Colleges are advised to look at their current standing and look forward to where they want to be using the templates. These templates need to be looked at centrally and will require time. The templates’ (created by APC standards and cost-by-program) purpose is to create a management tool to use later by individual areas. This will empower individual areas on campus to be more self-sufficient.
  4. It may be considered to consolidate the staffing templates for a division into one template rather than on separate templates.
  1. Salary plans–the campus will begin looking at positions within a five year scope (i.e. identify positions that are up for promotions, retirement, etc.), which constitutes a large portion of our operating cost.
  2. These plans represent long-term investment, i.e. how to find opportunities for expansion/retraction (retirements are to be looked at within a five-year outlook so that these positions can be anticipated and planned for)
  3. The salary plans are behind schedule and will not be completed with the detailed projections for raises, promotions and retirements as planned though some areas may be able to do this if they have strong knowledge of their staff.
  4. Enrollment plans
  5. Projections
  6. Projections are essential to the budget – they provide more accurate predictions from Enrollment & Student Success
  7. This year’s enrollment is down by 200 students – we will anticipate 2018-19 projections by using this data and by blending and weighing up to 100% to create final numbers
  8. Three models created for these projections:
  9. Past historical trends (to identify consistency)
  10. High School Enrollment
  11. Ideal Projections (what would enrollment look like if we hit our goals?)
  12. These projections are on schedule, although the numbers were not universally sent out, they were discussed with the vice-chancellors.
  13. Facilities project prioritization– in progress
  14. This process will help the campus determine what our priorities are with limited resources (result: improved communication)
  15. Pete Davis is currently holding meetings with instructional/non-instructional academic staff
  16. The Steering Committee will receive this information in December, 2017
  17. The ITP process’ alignment with the budget is being considered and is a separate need that will need to be improved
  18. Overall process– this aspect will be set up better for the next fiscal year
  1. Deferred maintenance
  2. This aspect will not go through UBC
  3. Facilities management will put this together in March, 2018
  4. Discussion will result in April/May, 2018
  1. Determine Additional Communication
  2. In regards to planning, the metric timeline/SLAs (SLA template) will need to be reiterated to the appropriate areas with deadline reminders
  3. Discuss Next Steps
  4. Adjournment(meeting adjourned at 2:38 PM by Todd Carothers)
  5. The next meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee will be on Tuesday,December 19, 2017 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM in Ullsvik 2007.

Respectfully Submitted, Amy Jelle


What was decided/committed? / When needs to be done? / Who is responsible?