Bridge to the 20th Century Test Bank

The main immigration processing station in San Francisco was called

A. Ellis Island.

B. Tammany Hall.

C. Angel Island.

D. Hull House.

The main goal of the Chinese Exclusion Act was to

A. decrease Chinese immigration.

B. create segregated classrooms.

C. settle a disagreement between China and the United States.

D. stop Chinese Americans from attending school in the United States.

The main goal of the Americanization movement was to

A. limit the number of immigrants entering the country.

B. assimilate people of various cultures into the dominant culture.

C. improve the living conditions in America's largest cities.

D. encourage people to move from the country to the city.

The row house was a new type of housing that conserved space by

A. rising ten or more stories high.

B. combining air vents with trash disposal areas.

C. sharing side walls with other buildings.

D. enclosing a park shared by several buildings.

Settlement houses were founded in the late 1800s by

A. new immigrants.

B. social reformers.

C. political machines.

D. industrial workers.

The illegal use of political influence for personal gain is called

A. nativism.

B. civil service.

C. gentlemen's agreement.

D. graft.

Tammany Hall was the name of

A. a famous settlement house.

B. a New York Customs House.

C. a New York City political machine.

D. the federal courthouse in New York City.

An example of patronage would be

A. bribing a government official.

B. assassinating a public official.

C. saying one thing and doing another.

D. appointing a friend to a political position.

The Pendleton Civil Service Act required

A. applicants for government jobs to pass examinations.

B. native-born Americans to treat immigrants with courtesy.

C. government workers to renounce all party loyalties.

D. cities to provide services such as clean water to their residents.

What was the original purpose of the row house?

A. to alleviate slum conditions

B. to integrate lower-class neighborhoods

C. to provide inner-city housing for wealthy families

D. to provide single-family homes for working-class families

Which of the following was the main interest of the Social Gospel movement?

A. religious reform

B. political reform

C. social reform

D. economic reform

The factor that prevented the greatest number of children from attending public high schools


A. racism.

B. poverty.

C. language differences.

D. transportation problems.

Southern states sometimes used a grandfather clause to allow them to

A. keep uneducated whites from exercising their right to vote.

B. distinguish between recent immigrants and longtime citizens.

C. keep African Americans from voting while allowing whites to do so.

D. deny voting rights to African Americans who passed the literacy test.

Cities in the late 19th century expanded with the development of all of the following except

A. subways.

B. skyscrapers.

C. airplanes.

D. suspension bridges.

Skyscrapers were made possible by the invention of

A. safer fire escapes.

B. larger bricks and stronger cement.

C. the elevator and a steel framework.

D. the airplane and the bicycle.

All of the following became popular around the turn of the 20th century except

A. European literature.

B. professional baseball.

C. vaudeville theater.

D. amusement parks.

Jim Crow laws were laws that

A. separated the races.

B. denied citizenship to Asian immigrants.

C. taxed voters.

D. promoted discrimination against women.

All of the following were trends in education around 1900 except

A. more students attending both elementary and high school.

B. immigrants becoming "Americanized" by attending public schools.

C. growth of kindergartens.

D. most African Americans attending high school.

Which development in the late 1900s allowed cities to expand outward?

A. skyscrapers

B. new railroad lines

C. horse-drawn streetcars

D. four-lane highways

Which development lowered the price of newspapers to a penny a copy?

A. a printing press that simultaneously printed both sides of the paper

B. a lower price for American timber used by paper mills

C. a drop in the wages of newspaper delivery boys

D. a new lightweight engine developed for use in aircraft

Which of the following was not true of public education around 1900?

A. High school curriculums were expanding to include science and civics.

B. Kindergartens were being added to elementary school programs.

C. The number of blacks attending public school was rapidly catching up with whites.

D. State laws required students to attend school from ages 8 to 14.

The popularity of bicycling and amusement parks reflected which trend of the 1900s?

A. wider public access to the fine arts

B. an interest in leisure activities

C. a rising literacy rate

D. new ways of shopping and advertising

How did George Eastman contribute to an explosion in the popularity of photography?

A. by taking photographs of the Wright brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk

B. by inventing a camera that was larger and heavier than most

C. by inventing a camera that could develop pictures on the spot

D. by inventing a camera that used roll film instead of heavy glass plates

How did the introduction of the bicycle affect women's lives?

A. It led to numerous injuries among women riders.

B. It made many women feel more independent.

C. It gave women more time to spend with their children.

D. It started a fitness craze among women.

Which type of fiction was very popular around the turn of the 20th century?

A. realistic portrayals of American life

B. Western adventure tales

C. novels about the grand life of the upper class

D. stories about sports heroes

Which of the following most allowed manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers?

A. electricity

B. steel beams

C. railroads

D. the telephone

In which of the following places did 146 female workers die in a fire?

A. Haymarket Square

B. the Pullman factory

C. the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

D. Carnegie Steel's Homestead Plant

Why were scabs unpopular with striking workers during the late 1800s?

A. They were socialists.

B. They were federal troops.

C. They were part of management.

D. They were workers used to break strikes.

What did industrial consolidation and trusts reduce during the late 1800s?

A. corruption

B. Monopolies

C. competition

D. interstate commerce

Who organized the Industrial Workers of the World?

A. radical unionists and socialists

B. female workers in the dressmaking trade

C. railroad workers, both skilled and unskilled

D. African-American workers, both skilled and unskilled

What was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Act?

A. to build new railroads

B. to destroy the railroad industry

C. to lower excessive railroad rates

D. to increase the power of railroads

The main purpose of the company known as Crédit Mobilier was to

A. build the transcontinental railroad.

B. steal railroad money for its shareholders.

C. obtain a monopoly of the railroad industry.

D. obtain political positions for its shareholders.

All of the following factors contributed to the immense industrial boom of the early 1900s


A. a wealth of natural resources.

B. government support for business.

C. a growing urban population.

D. the emergence of the middle class.

Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by doing all of the

following except

A. buying out his suppliers.

B. cutting the quality of his products.

C. buying out his competitors.

D. underselling his competitors.

The Sherman Antitrust Act

A. outlawed the formation of trusts that interfered with free trade.

B. was supported by millionaire industrialists.

C. was used by labor unions to fight for workers' rights.

D. encouraged the establishment of large-scale businesses.

The Great Strike of 1877 took place in the

A. steel industry.

B. textile industry.

C. railroad industry.

D. coal mining industry.

In the late 1800s, collective bargaining was a technique used to

A. expand industry.

B. win workers' rights.

C. restrict labor unions.

D. organize labor unions.

The use of standardized time and time zones was introduced in order to benefit

A. telephone and telegraph operators.

B. railroad companies and train travelers.

C. manufacturers who dealt in interstate trade.

D. factory owners whose workers had set schedules.

Social Darwinism was used to justify all of the following except

A. the existence of poverty.

B. the success of big business.

C. the power of millionaire industrialists.

D. government regulation of business.

The Interstate Commerce Act gave the right to supervise railroad activities to

A. the federal government.

B. railroad company officials.

C. farmers' groups, such as the Grange.

D. a select committee of wealthy industrialists.

The American Transcendentalists may best by characterized as which of the following?
*(A) A group of Northern intellectuals who shared a belief in the value of human intuition, the presence of divinity in nature, and an emotional comprehension of God.
(B) A religious sect that believed in the concept of sin and the necessity for forgiveness from God and from fellow worshippers.
(C) A number of loosely organized communitarians who engaged in sexual experiences outside the confines of marriage.
(D) A sect of former Unitarian ministers who expected Christ to descend to earth within their lifetimes.
(E) A persecuted band who had to flee to the West because of the unpopular ideas about polygamy and other unconventional practices.

Of the following, which was the most important cause of agrarian discontent in the United States in the last quarter of the nineteenth century?
(A) The end of free homesteads.
(B) The end of Republican party efforts to woo the farm vote.
(C) The exhaustion of the soil by poor farming methods.
*(D) The feeling that the railroads were exploiting the farmers.
(E) The increase in the number of immigrants.

The horizontal integration of American industry (i.e., one firm acquiring control of other firms that produce the same product) that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century was primarily a response to:
*(A) economic competition.
(B) high tariffs.
(C) powerful labor unions.
(D) federal monetary policy.
(E) federal regulation of business.

Which of the following would have been MOST LIKELY to support the presidential campaign of William Jennings Bryan in 1896?
*(A) A Kansas farmer
(B) A Chicago industrial merchant
(C) A Philadelphia merchant
(D) A university professor of economics
(E) A New York Republican party member

Which of the following statements is true about immigration to the United States during the last two decades of the nineteenth century?
(A) United States immigrantion laws sharply reduced the number of eligible immigrants.
(B) Irish immigrants came in larger numbers than earlier in the century.
(C) Nativist agitation brought about a decline in immigration.
(D) The United States government entered into a "gentleman's agreement" to ban immigration from certain countries.
*(E) Southern and Eastern Europeans came in larger numbers than earlier in the century.

"In 1800 schoolchildren (ages 5-19) spent an average of only fourteen days in school each year. By 1850 this figure had nearly doubled, going to twenty-six days, and by 1860 it had risen to forty days per year, almost triple the figure for 1800. By 1860 the literacy rate at age twenty had attained modern levels, exceeding ninety percent among whites."

This passage describes results brought about chiefly through:
*(A) state and local efforts in behalf of public schools.
(B) the work of private philanthropists.
(C) the extension of federally supported school systems.
(D) the increasing ability of families to afford tutors.
(E) the establishment of church-supported schools.

In which year would the population of an Atlantic seacoast city most likely have appeared as follows?

CATEGORIES (selected groups of total population) NUMBER

Born in United States of parents born in the United 70,352
States (White)

Born in Ireland (White) 25,282

Born in United States of parents born in 2,017
Ireland (White)

Born in Russia (White) 10

Born in United States of parents born in 2
Russia (White)

Non-White born in United States 2,317

(A) 1790
(B) 1820
*(C) 1850
(D) 1890
(E) 1930

All of the following were considered legitimate functions of the federal government in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT:
(A) promoting industrial growth by means of a protective tariff.
(B) granting subsidies to encourage the construction of railroads.
(C) regulating immigration.
*(D) assuring the welfare of the poor and unemployed.
(E) regulating the nation's currency.

The "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolves" issued by the Seneca Falls Convention demanded:
*(A) greater rights for women.
(B) the immediate termination of slavery.
(C) enlightened treatment of the insane.
(D) a new role for women in the antislavery movement.
(E) improvement in prison conditions.

In the pre-Civil War era, the railroad's most important impact on the economy was the:
*(A) creation of a huge new market for railway equipment.
(B) creation of the basis for greater cooperation between Southern planters and Northern textile manufacturers.
(C) generation of new employment opportunities for unskilled urban workers.
(D) participation of the federal government in the financing of a nationwide transportation network.
(E) accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midwestern farmers.

The hostility of the Know-Nothing Party was directed primarily against:
(A) the growth of cities and industrial manufacturing.
*(B) Irish and German Catholic immigrants.
(C) Free Masons and members of other fraternal orders.
(D) abolitionists.
(E) slaveholders.

Which of the following would MOST LIKELY have said, " ... children should be children as long as they can"?
(A) A New England Puritan
(B) A Southern slaveholder
*(C) A mid-nineteenth century educational reformer
(D) An Irish immigrant in the Lowell mills.
(E) A parent of a pioneer family in the West.