November 17, 2014

Big SIR Phil Goff called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

Secretary Dick Chaffee confirmed a quorum was present. Executive Committee members in attendance were Big SIR Phil Goff, Little SIR Bob Donohue, Secretary Dick Chaffee, Assistant Secretary Joel White, Treasurer Carl Langhorst, Assistant Treasurer Bob Shader, Membership Secretary Andy Benz, Directors Wayne Cook, BobTesta, Art Vogl, Jim Johnson and Paul Ramaciotti. Committee ChairmenJim Nachtweih (Attendance), Ron Armijo (Audit), Harry Sherinian (Fishing), Dick Thomson (Membership Roster) and Neil Schmidt (Computer and Technology Group) were in attendance. Branch members Jim Barstow, Al Satake and Fred Schafer also attended.


Big SIR Phil Goff reviewed the meeting agenda and asked if there were any additional agenda items or any corrections to the agenda. There were none.

Secretary’s Report:

Secretary Dick Chaffee said the minutes for the October 20 BEC meeting were e-mailed to the BEC members and Committee Chairmen. He asked if anyone had any additions or corrections to the minutes. There were none.

Motion made by Jim Johnson, 2nd by Art Vogl, to approve the October minutes.

Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Carl Langhorst reported the Form 28 Branch cash balance for October 2014 is $6,790.68.

Carl then presented the proposed Branch budget for 2015. Some of the significant parameters used in the budget were:

  1. the Luncheon charge will remain the same as 2014 at $15,
  2. the Elks Club rental fees in 2015 will increase by $40 per SIRs meeting, and
  3. the 2015 Voluntary Contributions will be $45 per member.

Based on these parameters, Carl is recommending a 2015 Branch General Expenses Budget of $10,987.

After BEC discussion, a motion was made by Bob Shader, 2nd by Paul Ramaciotti, to:

  1. approve the 2015 Luncheon fee of $15 per member per Lunch,
  2. approve the 2015 Voluntary Contribution of $45 per member, and
  3. approve a $500 gratuity for the Luncheon caterer paid in November 2014.

Motion approved.

After further BEC discussion, it was determined the Branch does not need to pay a $50 gratuity in 2015 to the Elk’s custodian.

A motion was made by Joel White, 2nd by Bob Donohue, to approve a 2015 Branch 116 General Expense Budget of $10,937 ($10,987 less $50).

Motion approved.

Carl said he is leaving town the end of December and returning January 11, 2015. Ron Armijo will be handling the Treasurer’s duties during Carl’s absence.


Attendance Chairman Jim Nachtweih reported:

Current membership237(This figure is based the our

Luncheon guests 5Luncheon name tag count.)

Speakers 1

Number of Visitors 1

Excused members 33

Estimated Unexcused members 25

Estimated Luncheon attendees185

Jim reported that 16 Unexcused Letters were sent out for the October Lunch. 2 members were excused, 12 paid and 2 are outstanding.


Membership Secretary Andy Benz reported:

  1. Our current Branch membership is 237.
  2. 2 candidates are scheduled to be inducted at today’s Lunch.
  3. There are now 52 inactive members.
  4. 2 members resigned.

Andy Benz made a motion to accept Charles Casassa sponsor Frank Bryant, and Jim Nickels sponsor Duane Spencer as new Branch members. Motion 2nd by Paul Ramaciotti.

Motion approved.

Big SIR Report:

Big SIR Phil Goff reported the following:

  1. today’s Storyteller will be Roger Craig.
  1. the 2015 Branch Officers will be installed at today’s Lunch.
  1. a SIR Apparel Manufacturer, Kristin Moore, will be selling SIR merchandise in the ante room before today’s Lunch.
  1. Phil plans to make some comments at today’s Lunch regarding Frank Lockwood’s passing.

Little SIR Report:

Little SIR Bob Donohue reported that today’s Luncheon speaker is Anne White from Roads Scholar.

Bob also said as Big SIR-elect:

  1. he will recognize at today’s Lunch the committee which assisted him this year in getting speakers for our Luncheons.
  2. he is working on Branch membership cards for our members.
  3. he will solicit input from the membership at today’s Lunch regarding having a raffle at our Lunches next year.

Committee Reports:

Roster Book:

Roster Book Chairman Dick Thomson is getting bids for printing our 2015 Roster Books.

Bob Testa asked if pictures of the members will be in the 2015 Books. Dick said no not in 2015. Big SIR Phil Goff said Roster Book pictures is a 2015 project.

Old Business:


New Business:

Neil Schmidt asked if the Branch will still charge a member $20 in 2015 for a mailed, paper copy of the Las Trampas Topics.

After discussion, the BEC consensus was to continue the $20 charge.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:53am.

Dick Chaffee, Secretary

Executive CommitteeGolf ChairmanTravel Chairman

Area 2 GovernorWalking and Hiking ChairmanSunshine Chairman

Region 6 DirectorInvestment ChairmanFishing Chairman

Newsletter EditorBook Club ChairmanAuditor

Ladies Day ChairmanComputer & Technology ChairmanActivities Coordinator Attendance Chairman Membership Roster