
Bradford Parks and Recreation Commission



6:30PM Rm 24 in the Bradford Academy

6:43pm meeting called to order


Finances - Bonna made a motion to approve the finances as presented in Treasures report

Kat second. All approved.

Minutes - Skip made a motion to approve the minutes from last meeting. Nila seconded it, all approved.

Park applications:

Denny Park application:

Application for 7/15 at 6pm for the Grace Methodist Church, by Danielle Dindo.

Action: Discussion was held. Unanimousapproval

Activity: Discussion was had of Park applications and reservations and the town’s policy of no refunds

of donations to the parks.

Action taken: Is to explained donations are non-refundable in our town polices. will offer on open

date/time of a year to use.


Elizabeth Park-n/A

Denny Park –n/a

Boch Park –n/a

Memorial Field-Nila will meet with Ted and other people on the week of the 11th, to go over the contract that the school presented to the town.

Activity Projects:

BTA- summer off

Winter rec.- nothing on the agenda yet

Spring rec.- passed

Summer rec.- rec. director is working with summer camp .

Summer camp –

There was alengthy discussion regarding the first few weeks of the summer camp. It was generally agreed that although everyone has worked many long hours to get this year successfully up andrunning, there needs to be clearer determination of the registration and payment process. Skip and Nila will be checking in with Mike and Danielle to insure all campers are up to date in payments and campers do not stay if parents have not paid by the first day of camp. A full update will be provided at the next meeting.

Finances: after a review of all finances. There is a need to keep track of campers who have paid and not paid.

Week 1: 37 kids registered. Actual # 39 came

Week 2: 33 registered, Actual # 37 came

Week 3: 28 registered,

Some financial assistance has come in for campers’ tuition

Create staff evaluation forms based on job descriptions.

Get feedback from Mike and Danielle about how it is working as co-directors.

Camp Facebook page: Angie’s job to not post any pictures of kids who are not allowed to have pictures taken.

Discussionis about a potential counselor being part of summer camp. Question being: should this

personbe a counselor or a volunteer?

Action: A Motion was made to accept the volunteer status only

Motion was seconded,

Unanimous decision in favor of volunteer status only.

T-shirts: logo on top left corner, and back.

Full order = 55 shirts of varying sizes.

Fundraising for t-shirts covers all the t-shirts.

Parent Guide: Motion was made to verify via email if commission members approve of the handbook, and then we can get the handbook out to the parents.

Motion seconded, Motion was approved.

Other Business

Meeting adjourned 9pm

Next meeting Tuesday July 19th, 6:30pm at Bradford Academy room 24