Spring SCAAE Board Meeting

SC Farm Bureau Building – Cayce, SC

March 26, 2015

Attending: Waylon Priester, Marie Bolt, Sim Asbil, Jason Gore, Derrick Cooper (President), Henderson Rowe, Kristin Reinhart, Nate Bellamy (President-Elect), Mindy Sandifer (Secretary-Treasurer), Keith Cox (AgEd State Staff)

Meeting called to order at 4:45pm by Derrick Cooper

  1. Invocation given by Henderson Rowe
  2. Review of Previous Minutes
  3. D. Cooper reviewed the minutes from the Jan. 2015 Board Meeting in Myrtle Beach, SC. He highlighted the following sections: 1.) the decision of the board and membership to split the position of Secretary-Treasurer into two separate positions beginning in July 2015., 2.) the approval of funding from the SCAAE board for Pat Earle (McBee, SC) to attend the ACTE Policy Seminar (M. Sandifer noted this information was also in the Treasurer’s Report), 3.) the discussion of the creation of a SCAAE scholarship for agricultural education students (M. Bolt provided an update on meeting with Clemson students about the scholarship, she will be visiting March 30th to present), 4.) the legislative liaison’s report, 5.) 2015 Summer Conference details, 6.) 2015 Region V Conference details, 7.) the 2015 retirees list, and 8.) the adoption of a working constitution and set of by-laws during the 2015 SCYFAA Conference (it was noted that an email regarding proposed amendments needs to go out)
  4. Motion to Accept the Minutes made by M. Bolt, Seconded by M. Sandifer, Passed Unanimously
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. M. Sandifer started off by discussing the audit of the SCAAE accounts, the books were submitted for audit last year but the audit was late because it was lost in an employee’s desk for an extended period of time. However, no major issues or concerns were discovered once the audit was completed. M. Sandifer then provided a copy of the audit report and treasurer’s report. She then provided a copy of the SCAAE W-9 for use in paying dues by districts. N. Bellamy asked about the NAAE Conference expenses and M. Sandifer explained they were from the national conference in Nashville, TN. N. Bellamy then asked about the cost of the Summer Conference and M. Sandifer explained that the conference is generally makes money and does not operate at a loss.
  7. Motion to Accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by M. Bolt, Seconded by N. Bellamy, Passed Unanimously
  8. State Staff Update – Keith Cox, Associate State Director of Instruction/SC FFA Executive Secretary
  9. FFA Application judging will be help April 25th at Gilbert High School
  10. Three volunteers are needed from the Pee Dee and Lower State regions to help judge
  11. He stated that he would be sending out an email to all teachers regarding application judging
  12. Turfgrass Camp
  13. Tim Keown will be heading up the Turfgrass camp at the SC FFA Center
  14. He then provided a proposed camp agenda to all those present
  15. Plant Presentation Day
  16. Plant presentation day will be held on April 14th (not the 15th) due to a scheduling conflict
  17. The ceremony will be held on the South Steps this year and not the North Steps as in years past
  18. WIS-TV will be in attendance this year to interview State Officers and to advertise the annual Plant Presentation Day
  19. A copy of the dignitary invitation letter was then provided to the members present
  20. Both the House and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairmen will be attending and speaking this year.
  21. A copy of delivery/parking instructions was also provided to all members present
  22. FFA Applications
  23. All FFA applications must be POSTMARKED by APRIL 15th
  24. Regional Meetings
  25. Sample Agenda provided to all Regional Vice-Presidents
  26. SCYFFA Update
  27. The NYFEA National Institute will be held in Charleston, SC during December 2015. This means that the 2016 State Conference will probably be reduced to a one day event for awards and recognition to be held near Columbia, SC.
  28. Final Report
  29. The new point system is live and available online
  30. So far no major issues have been reported with the new system
  31. M. Bolt asked about the state assessment and who will administer the test
  32. K. Cox responded that whoever the normal school testing administrator is should administer the test
  33. M. Bolt asked who notifies students that they will be testing
  34. K. Cox responded that the teacher should flag the students when notice is received from the state department
  35. M. Sandifer asked about the status of the SC FFA Center Director Position
  36. K. Cox responded that the person who was to be hired was offered an improved contract and decided to stay at his current company so the process has restarted and the association is still looking for a new director.
  37. Questions
  38. None
  39. 2015 Summer Conference – D. Cooper
  40. The board is still looking for a Tuesday pre-conference activity
  41. M. Sandifer suggested touring the Trout Program, Duke Energy Plant, or the Clemson Shooting Sports facility
  42. After discussion it was decided to speak to SC DNR regarding a shooting sports class at the Clemson Shooting Sports Facility
  43. 1st Session
  44. The board is trying to cut “fluff” from the first session and keep it to only relevant/necessary information. Other speakers will be moved to the luncheon on Thursday.
  45. Thursday Luncheon
  46. The board is looking at having the luncheon at Clemson Memorial Stadium
  47. Both Clemson PSA and CAFLS will be a large part of the luncheon.
  48. This is in part due to structural changes and also due to potential funding
  49. Madren Center Contract
  50. The contract has been signed and if anything is changed there is a chance the prices of the rooms/facilities will double
  51. K. Cox provided the contract information to the board
  52. Workshops
  53. K. Cox provided the current list of potential workshops and asked for suggestions for additional workshops
  54. M. Sandifer suggested a workshop on working with special needs students in agriculture classes
  55. M. Sandifer asked M. Bolt about Madren Center Rooms for SCYFAA Summer Tour
  56. K. Cox stated that he did not think room reservations would affect contract with the Madren Center
  57. M. Bolt stated that she would send out a survey to determine interest in extending Madren Center stays
  58. M. Sandifer then suggested asking B. Keels to speak with the Madren Center regarding extending stays to be certain it did not change contract
  59. M. Sandifer provided a copy of the registration form and asked for any changes or questions
  60. None
  61. N. Bellamy asked about the role of officers in the banquet and why only one or two were involved
  62. M. Sandifer stated that this was done after a long banquet in previous years to reduce time
  63. D. Cooper stated that if the board wanted to increase officer involvement now would be the time to decide
  64. M. Sandifer provided a copy of the banquet agenda to the members present and was asked to review sponsorship levels in addition to agenda.
  65. Distinguished Teacher Presenter
  66. Suggested to have someone who knows the recipient present it during the banquet
  67. John W. Parris Award
  68. D. Cooper asked how nominations for the award usually work
  69. M. Sandifer stated that the board nominates a recipient and then Mr. Parris approves the nomination.
  70. K. Reinhart nominated Tom Dobbins for the John w. Parris Award
  71. Motion Seconded by N. Bellamy
  72. No Discussion
  73. Motion passes unanimously
  74. Recognition of New and Retiring Teachers
  75. D. Cooper suggested bringing new teachers to the front of the room to recognize during the banquet
  76. Board discussed recognizing both beginning teachers and those who have completed one year of service
  77. D. Cooper then suggested providing beginning teachers with a “survival kit” during recognition
  78. Retiring teachers will still be able to address the banquet when recognized
  79. M. Sandifer volunteers to do both Retiring and New Teacher Recognition Awards
  80. John W. Parris Award
  81. Will be presented by N. Bellamy
  82. Outstanding Mentor
  83. Will be presented by S. Asbill
  84. Nate asked who will recognize the SCAAE Scholarship Recipient during the banquet
  85. M. Bolt asked if no qualified applicants exist would the board still recognize another recipient
  86. The board decided not to do so
  87. M. Bolt will present the scholarship prior to the Teacher Turn the Key Presentation
  88. D. Cooper will present Teacher of Teachers, 30 Minute Award, and Years of Service Awards
  89. All information from these awards should be collected from regional meetings and registration forms
  90. M. Sandifer stated that the invoicing wording will be changing on the registration form
  91. She did add that if a teacher needed an invoice for a school district to email her and she would provide one.
  92. Award Presentations were decided as follows

Award / Presenter
Young Member / W. Priester
Member of the Year / M. Bolt
Outstanding Adult Program / H. Rowe
Outstanding Mentor / S. Asbill
Outstanding Program / B. Berry
Outstanding Agriscience / K. Reinhart
Ideas Unlimited / K. Reinhart
Teacher Turn the Key / J. Gore
  1. Nate asked about the silent auction
  2. Board decided that each board member will bring at least two items for the auction
  3. An email requesting donations will also be sent out prior to the conference
  4. Conference Social
  5. D. Cooper is working with B. Keels to host social during conference
  1. SCAAE Scholarship – N. Bellamy
  2. Winner will be selected during the SC FFA Convention
  3. Applications are due May 1st to Blake Berry
  4. Applicant must be a current junior who will be student teaching in the Spring of 2016
  5. This year will be one (1) $500.00 scholarship
  6. By-Laws – D. Cooper
  7. By-Laws have already been discussed and are in place, amendments will be voted on at summer conference
  8. K. Cox thanked N. Bellamy and the board for their work in updating and rewriting by-laws
  9. Region V Conference – D. Cooper
  10. June 22-24 in Orlando
  11. Teacher registration is $75.00 ($100.00 late registration), guest registration is $35.00 ($50.00 late registration)
  12. Region V is also asking for each state to donate a basket for an auction.
  13. D. Cooper and M. Sandifer will handle the SC basket
  14. All funds raised will go to NAAE Relief Fund
  15. State FFA Convention – K. Cox
  16. K. Cox asked the board if they would be interested in having a convention social in Anderson at either bowling alley and/or skating rink
  17. Board agreed that this would be a good project to investigate
  18. Jane Herlong will be the main speaker
  19. Other Business
  20. W. Priester thanked the board for the donation to the Warriors Walk in his father’s memory. Funds are used to help veterans at Dorn VA Hospital
  21. Motion to adjourn made by N. Bellamy, Seconded by M. Bolt, Passes Unanimously
  22. Meeting adjourned at 6:16 pm.