Black Mount Community Council


Charles RitchieAlasdair Macdonald

South View


EH46 7HH

Telephone: 01968 682259 / 07880730431

E Mail:


Council Meeting – 5th October – Elsrickle Village Hall

1900 – 1930Scottish & Southern / Harrow’s Law Wind Farm meeting (to be confirmed)

1930 – 2030Committee Meeting

  1. Minutes of the last meetings, 3rd August 2009
  2. Matters arising & actions from previous meetings
  3. Social Group
  4. Planning
  5. Report by Councillor Hamish Stewart


8.Treasurer’s Report

9.Upcoming meetings

- AGM – 9th November (pushed back 1 week)

- 7th December (first Monday as normal)

- 11th January (pushed back 1 week)


- Modus Operandi for requesting planning documents and reviewing them

11.Date of next meeting

Summary of actions from previous meetings

ID / Action / Owner / Due / Status
C001 / Confirm the proposed date with Little Sparta and communicate this to the committee / CA / 6th July / AM to contact Laura Robertson at Little Sparta to confirm dates for visit. COMPLETE.
C002 / Place a notice in the next Bugle confirming the date, time, location etc for the Little Sparta visit / AM-N / 20th July / AM-N to submit entry to Norma Love by 20th July. COMPLETE.
C003 / Provide access to BMCC website and tools to BR / AM / 7th June / AM. To transfer account and access with COMPLETE.
C005 / Review and prepare comments on Standing Orders for next committee meeting / ALL / 6th July / Open. COMPLETE.
C006 / Write on behalf of BMCC to Strathclyde Police to highlight excessive speeding in the BMCC area and request specific action on this. / CR / 6th July / Open. CLOSED.
C007 / Arrange for erection of Notice boards in Dolphinton and Elsrickle once BMCC has organized purchase of boards / HS / 6th July / AM to investigate sourcing of noticeboards. HS to assist with erection. 03/08 Boards ordered. HS initiated council team to erect the boards.
C010 / Confirm dates of BMCC meetings with Hallkeepers / BR / 6th July / Elsrickle Hall Keeper contact AM who confirmed dates for July & August. BR to confirm September at Newbigging.
C011 / Invite Anne Hutchinson to the next BMCC meeting / AM-N / 6th July / Open.
C012 / Confirm with SLC that planning notifications are being sent directly to AM / AM / 6th July. / Open. COMPLETE.
C013 / AM to update Standing Orders and distribute / AM / 7th September / Open.
C014 / AM to contact James Whitson & Mara Orr re joining the BMCC as nominated/co-opted members. / AM / 7th September / Open.
C015 / AM to confirm Little Sparta dates to Norma for inclusion in the Bugle / AM / ASAP / Open. COMPLETE.
C016 / CR to contact Borders Council re terms of the license for food vans at the Dolphinton Layby / CR / 7th September / Open.
C017 / AM/AMN to organise gift for Ian Kerry / AM/AM-N / - / Open.