PFA Meeting Minutes December 13, 2010

Present: Lisa Johnson, Debbie Rubenstein, Lynnda Columbo, Faye Kovner, Christine Bianco, Randy Margulis, Regina Cox-Fava, Donna Sirlin, Eve Tucker, Suzanne Nathin, Sara DeLange, Eileen Janowsky, Stephanie Wang, Betty Widman, Jean Bae, Barbara Shorr, Donna Eichner

Meeting called to order at 9:08 a.m.

President’s Report: A reminder that Building Use Forms must be filled out if you would like to use school facilities. They are available on-line. All Committee Chairs, please remember that we only meet every 4 weeks and to keep that in mind for upcoming events. At our Executive Board Meeting, the decision was made to send out an e blast on Thursday’s updating the members on upcoming events. Please note, if a flier is posted on our website relating to an event/fundraiser, not supported by the PFA, it must state a contact person, not the PFA, on the flier. Dona Eichner and Donna Sirlin are our new Chairs for Spirit Day. Barbara Shorr is the new Chair for the Affinity Program. Sarah Delange will help as web master.

Treasurers Report: Checking: $ 12, 364.15

Savings: 500.00

Total: $ 12,864.15

Principals Report: Sarah started out by stating we have an extremely talented student body. The Fall Drama, Band and Chorus Concert were just great. On Thursday the 9th,

There was a shortened assembly program in order to hear the Band and Chorus. On Wednesday, the 15th, The National Honor Society will host Cabaret Night. It is a fundraiser to help Uganda. On Friday the 16th, the Winter Pep Rally will be held. The Hills Cup Competition is doing amazingly well. On January 12th, the 2nd 8th Grade Orientation will be held at 7:00 pm. Please note, the State requires that 1 Fire Drill and 1 other type of drill (i.e., bomb threat, non-fire evacuation, reverse evacuation (lock down), be held per month. They have worked with the Montvale Fire and Police Department on this. There is cooperation all around.

Director of Curriculum: Erik Gunderson New programs will be offered. They are revamping senior year, giving them 5 choices in regards to electives. All of the electives are English related classes. This was decided based upon a survey that was circulated last year. The state is implementing new graduation requirements. For biology, an end of the year test will be given and must be passed in order to meet course requirements. For Algebra I, an end of course test will be given and must be passed. If the course is taken in middle school, the state test will also be given and must be passed in order meet the course requirement. There will be a Financial Literacy Requirement necessary for graduation. A half year course, possibly offered on line, will be taken junior year. The school pays for this class. . This does not affect the current 10th thru 12th grade. This requirement starts with the current Freshman class. The HESPA Exams will most likely be phased out within the next 2 years

Administrative Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.

Recording Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes will be available on the website.

Student Government Liaison: Stephanie Wang. A new fundraiser for the Hackensack Children’s Department is underway. Each grade level is given a colored snow flake. The grade level that has sold the most snow flakes, wins the contest.

PTO Liaison, Montvale Schools: Sarah Delange. Surveys for school uniforms and Summer Enrichment went out. Their trimester just ended. Fieldstone Middle School is hosting a program on Anti Bullying. The program will also be offered to parents.

PFA Liaison, WCL Schools: Eileen Janowsky. Their report cards are now going paperless. On April 2nd they are having their Night at the Races. On February 11th, the WCLEF is hosting Bingo Night in the gym.

Spirit: Right now ideas are being thrown around. Faye has offered to help us out.

Senior Seminar: We are still playing around with the length of the day. We would like to incorporate a lunch and then ending at 2:00.

Hills/Valley Coalition: A program on Teen Depression will be given in May.

Scholarship: They will be having a meeting later on this day to organize the mailing. We are looking to send it out to the corporations in early January. We also have 30 new businesses to add to our list.

Non-Event-Event: It is online and up and running. So far we have made $1000.00. We will open it up again after the Fashion Show.

Newsletter: Right now we are working on restructuring it. The frequency is also being looked at. The following THANK YOU would like to be noted: – CAREER DAY 2010

Career Day 2010 was held the morning of Friday, November 19th and was a huge success. Over 40 speakers representing a variety of careers including sports, entertainment, journalism, business, law, medicine, science, food and fashion participated. Students attended three 40 minute sessions where they had the opportunity to learn about a profession, the speaker’s career path and what skills were needed to be successful in this career now and in future. Working closely with Principal Sarah VanGunten and her administrative staff, we were also able for the first time, to provide each speaker with wireless access to the PHHS network. This greatly facilitated the technology needs of our guest speakers. Special thanks to Erich Tusch and his tech team for the outstanding job they did in providing technology support before and during the event, Glenn DeMarrais for coordinating room/teacher assignments and guest parking; Roseanne Heytink for administrative assistance, and to the members of the Honor Society who served as escorts for our speakers.

Finally, thank you to our amazing volunteers: Maryellen Hillin, Lisa Friedman, Janice Lynch, Lynnda Colombo, Sara DeLange, Betty Pardes, Stephanie Reiner, Faye Kovner, Heidi Pollack, Leslie Berger & Greer Galgano all of whom worked so hard to ensure this day went smoothly.

Randy Miller, Shari Steele & Tammy Molinelli

Career Day Co-Chairs

Safe Grad: Everything is good right now.

New Business: All bulk mailing has to now go thru the Allendale Post Office. Our permit number has been changed. We have one year to use all existing envelopes. When you use the bulk mailing, please ask for a balance and then email the number to Randy.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, February 7th, 9:00 a.m.