2015 Annual Convention
April 17-19, 2015

Bellevue Hyatt Hotel, Bellevue, WA


This email is to ask you to identify the names of those members to whom you are granting voting rights for this year’s Convention.Changes have been made to the process this year to make it simpler for local units and councils.

Step 1: Choose your voting delegates.

Step 2: Respond to this email by completing the form below. This email must come from the email address we have on file for the president(s).Your list of delegates must be received in the WSPTA office no later than April 13th.

If a president does not turn in the names of their voting delegates by April 13th, the attendeeswill notbe eligible to be a voting delegate. If you are the president and you are also the voting delegate for your local unit, you will need to send in your name by the due date as well. There will not be any exceptions to this rule.

If the voting delegate is also part of a council, they will only be able to represent one or the other, they will not be able to vote for both the local unit and the council. If the WSPTA office receives a duplicate name we will let both the local unit and the council know.

2015 Annual Convention
This card certifies that the below delegates are duly authorized to represent the local unit or council below at the 2015 Washington State PTA Convention.
Name of Local Unit or Council:
Number of delegates allowed per WSPTA Bylaws:
1st Voting Delegate Name:
1st Voting Delegate Member ID #:
2nd Voting Delegate Name:
2nd Voting Delegate Member ID #:
They will receive their credential card when they pick up their registration information.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the State PTA office at 253-214-7410 .

The assembly will be voting on a completely new set of Uniform Bylaws at this year’s convention. This is the culmination of a year’s worth of work in gathering input and feedback from our members, researching best practices from other states and reviewing current parliamentary and legal requirements. Information about the changes were sent to all PTA leaders and can be viewed on theWSPTA website on the convention page.

This set of Uniform Bylaws will be voted on as a whole. Anyone desiring to propose an amendment will need to pre-file their motion prior to the voting session as motions will not be accepted from the floor. Instructions and time deadlines to submit a proposed amendment can be found in the convention materials located on the website and information will be available onsite at convention.

Registration is now open for the 2015 WSPTA Annual Convention.The Annual Convention will be held on April 17-19, 2015 at the Hyatt, Bellevue Washington. Register now atWSPTA Convention Registration.

The Washington State PTA has made arrangements with the Bellevue Hyatt for discounted rates. Single/double room rate ($145.00+tax), Triple room rate ($170.00+tax) or Quadruple room rate ($195.00+tax). To take advantage of this discounted rate, make your hotelreservations before March 23, 2015by visiting the WSPTA


State-wide elections will take place at Convention for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary (one-year term), Legislative Director, Membership Director & Nominating Committee Members-At-Large (3 positions).

President- Barbara Martin

Vice President- Leanne Hawkins

Secretary –Julie Haase

Legislative Director– Brooke Valentine

Membership Director– Jenny Forbes