Believing in Magic

By Zoe Price


SHADOWLORD: (Off stage voice) Of all the things that have come to be, this just may be the worst.

HENCHMAN: (Off stage voice) What has happened, my Lord?

SHADOWLORD: The birth of these eight individuals.

HENCHMAN: What are so bad about eight children? You are much too mighty for them to over throw you!

SHADOWLORD: Although they are in mortal form, they are in touch with the Dragon Lord, who has destroyed many Shadow Lords in the past. These children are very powerful Magical beings. Their mere presence eventually could be the downfall of the Shadow Estate. We must keep the thought of Magic from their minds, for if they learn Magic, then we may lose this war, and the Night Lord will have the opportunity to control the darkness. Shadow territory will seize to exist.

HENCHMAN: My Lord, we are the most powerful Estate in all of the Magical Kingdom! There is no way a rag-tag team of children could destroy us!

SHADOWLORD: Silence! Bring me my Shadow Cloak. I am leaving.


VASSIE: (Narrating) I hear it in my sleep at least once in every dream, only starting when I turned 3. Now I am moving away from all of my friends in Texas to Utah, which I hear is much colder. It seems dull, and boring. Besides, I knew everyone in Texas, and now I’m moving elsewhere, where I know no one. My Dad got a job here, and I guess it had a good salary. Whatever. I really don’t care anymore. As my plane landed, and I exited the plane, I was expecting a nice rush of warm air, which would be nice compared to the cold of the air conditioned plane. But to be honest, it was even colder outside than it was inside. Now we have a car, and our moving van will be here with our stuff. Our house is supposed to be within walking distance of the new school I’m going to: Morningside Elementary. There are lots of kids running around playing without jackets, while I put on my winter coat that my parents thought we might need. They were right, of course. Tomorrow I have to start school. It is supposed to be overcast, windy, and cold. I can’t see any sign of such cold weather, but I can usually trust the weathermen. I am unexcited for trying to make friends with these Viking children. I don’t know how anything could be worse. I can see a moving van up in the distance, parked next to a large house. It looks just like all the others: Newly built, modern, and dull. Nothing special about it except for the address. As we pull into the driveway, some boys next door stop playing soccer. I decide to listen in to their conversation when I get out of the car. My dad parks, and gets out of the car to greet and help the movers. I slowly exit the car, and quietly shut the door.

JED: (Look back at TREVOR after looking at VASSIE for a while) Well, Verity and Ember said they’d be here soon. Mist might be here if her room is clean enough, Noelle is on her way, and Catlin will be here after she washes her dog.

TREVOR: (Look at VASSIE) Looks like we’re going to have a new student. Glad the others can make it.

EMBER & VERITY: (Hold hands on your way up the hill)

JED: (Yell) Why are you guys walking?

EMBER: (Yell in response) Verity’s mom said she couldn’t drive us here, so we took the bus.

VERITY: (Yell) There aren’t a lot of bus stops up here!

TREVOR: (Slowly look away from VASSIE) We’re gonna have a new student!

EMBER: (Jog with VERITY up to JED and TREVOR) How do you know?

JED: (Gesture towards VASSIE and the moving van) That’s how.


VASSIE: (Annoyed) What?

MOM: (Yell) Vassie, could you please come help unpack some?

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) Coming! (Jog off to help MOM)


(In office at Morningside Elementary. Before school)

MOM: (Stand with VASSIE behind desk)

SECRETARY: (Look up from computer) How may I help you?

MOM: (Smile kindly) Hey, my daughter Vassie has been enrolled here, but we were in Texas for a while, so she’s a new student.

SECRETARY: (Squint as you look through files for a while) Vassie Giliden?

MOM: (Nod your head) Yep!

SECRETARY: (Smile and look at VASSIE) Welcome to Morningside, Vassie! Aren’t you in Mrs. Becker’s class?

VASSIE: (Look at the Secretary uncomfortably) I guess so.

SECRETARY: (Challengingly, keep on smiling) You nervous?

VASSIE: (Slightly angry and annoyed) No, of course not! Why would I be nervous?

SECRETARY: (Stand up and walk over to VASSIE, laughing. Hug her when you reach her) There’s no need to hide it! Everyone else was nervous! It isn’t a bad thing.

VASSIE: (Make a face of confusion and fear as the SECRETARY hugs you)

SECRETARY: (Pull away from the hug. Continue smiling as she looks at VASSIE steadily) Do you have your supplies?

VASSIE: (Hold up your backpack) Yep. Where’s my classroom?

SECRETARY: (Start walking out of the room) Follow me.

VASSIE: (Turn and follow the SECRETARY out of the room)

(In the classroom. The bell rings. VASSIE sitting in a chair in the front of the room as children pour into the class room)

TEACHER: (Stand in front of the class as everyone prepares for the day. Wait for all students to be seated before speaking) One two three, eyes on me!

CLASS: (Look at teacher) One, two, eyes on you!

TEACHER: (Look at class) Very good. We have a new student. She will introduce herself, and then we will all say our names in this order. (Demonstrate with your finger by pointing where you want it to start) We will start here and move across over to here. Alright?

CLASS: (Make noises of approval)

TEACHER: (Look at VASSIE) Now let’s turn the time over to our new student!

VASSIE: (Stand and look over the class) Hi, I’m Vassie Giliden, and I just moved from Houston, Texas. I am very excited to get to know all of you.

TEACHER: (Look back at class) Let’s go ahead and introduce ourselves!

CLASS: (Begin introducing themselves)

TEACHER: (Nod as everyone says their names) Is there anyone who would like to show Vassie around?

CLASS: (Raise their hands in various areas of the room)

TEACHER: (Search the class for a bit) Noelle, could you do that for me?

NOELLE: (Smile, and nod your head) Yep! I’d be honored!


(Shadow Lord at the Lair of the Fire Demon)

FIRE: (Offstage voice) Why have you come here, All Mighty One?

SHADOW: (Knees down at the Edge of Dark Chasm) I am here on an emergency, my old friend.

FIRE: What is so urgent that you can not handle it yourself, my brother?

SHADOW: (Look steadily into the chasm) There are eight children in mortal form.

FIRE: Mortal are no emergency.

SHADOW: (Continue looking confidently) They are no mortals. They are trapped on Earth, in mortal form, but they are in contact with the Dragon Lord, who has destroyed many previous Shadow Lords.

FIRE: Previous Shadow Lords were all of much less power than you! I still do not see your urgency.

SHADOW: (Keep on looking) I know that they were all lesser than me, but these Magical beings in mortal form could be the end of me. They are all very powerful, and now as they are in their sixth year of education, they are all together, and they are well acquainted. They are of a good age to defeat me. I am old, and slow, where as they are young, and agile. I am in too much danger, and I can not risk my life. They could end the Shadow Estate, and the Night Lord could most certainly take over.

FIRE: Youths in their sixth year of education are no threat. You are starting to seem lesser than I was expecting.

SHADOW: (Continue to stare) Fire! You’re my brother! You should not underestimate my power! I have never turned you down like that once in all my lives! I beg of you-- please save me from my torture.

FIRE: Fine, fine. I will do my best to help you, Shadow. Step into my ring, and I shall make you a youth as well.

SHADOW: (Shake your head in frustration) No, no, you don’t get it! I need your aid, not your power!

FIRE: Are you suggesting you know how break my ring of captivity so I can go after these mortals?

SHADOW: (Smirk as you look deeply into the darkness) Yes, I know how to break your ring of captivity. Come, and gather an army, and make it yours! I shall give you my most powerful staff, and you shall go after these beings of mortality, and destroy them. You shall gain the power of a thousand Lords! Brace yourself, for you shall run free! (Stand up)

FIRE: You’re most powerful Shadow Staff, with my most powerful Fire Orb in its arch? How delightful! Free, I shall destroy the mortals, and they shall be gone forever!

SHADOW: (Do the breaking of the spell, and run off stage)

FIRE: (Laugh maniacally as you are released)


(First recess)

NOELLE: (Walk with VASSIE around to the side of the building) The doors we went through are the upper grade doors. We go in and out of the school building mainly through those doors only. Technically, you’re supposed to go through the bathrooms so that you can use the restroom during your time as opposed to the teacher’s, but no one really follows that rule.

VASSIE: (Look around) So, where are the bathroom doors?

NOELLE: (Keep on walking and point at the bathroom door) Right over there. Not too far away, either! (Stop and look at VASSIE)

VASSIE: (Stop and look at NOELLE) So don’t people hang out with each other during recess?

NOELLE: (Slightly confused) Well…um….yeah….why?

VASSIE: (Smile politely) Well, I think I should try to make some new friends, so I thought I might like to meet who you hang out with.

NOELLE: (Smile enthusiastically) Oh, they’ll be coming. I bet they had to turn some stuff in or something.

VASSIE: (Nod your head) Oh.

VERITY, CATLIN, EMBER, MIST, TREVOR, & JED: (Round corner and jog over to meet NOELLE)

MIST: (Fold your arms. Slightly annoyed) We just love your optimist attitude, Noelle.

CATLIN: (Put your hands on your hips and rolls your eyes as she looks over at MIST) She didn’t do anything wrong, Mist. Just give her a chance. At least she’s trying.

MIST: (Throw your hands up in the air) Please say you haven’t already forgotten what happened with Alicia. Remember how she bullied us for two whole months before we actually got the guts to tell anyone about it?

EMBER: (Kind of raise your hand) Um…Hey! I was telling you guys that we should tell someone after two days of that! You guys were just being idiots!

VERITY: (Come up beside EMBER) She’s right, you know. She told us that it would get ugly, but none of us listened, did we? I like Noelle’s positive attitude.

JED: (Cover your face with one hand) Girl fight.

TREVOR: (Slouch) Again?

JED: (Slowly drag your hand down your face) I guess this is what we get for hanging out with a bunch of girls.

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) Hey, I’m Vassie. I would like to get to know you guys. Noelle, are they always like this?

NOELLE: (Shake your head) No, but it is one of their high points. Mist is always looking for a fight, but they’re all fights she knows she doesn’t stand a chance of winning.

EMBER: (Laugh) No kidding! She’s like a ball of energy!

VERITY: (Nod your head) The negative kind.

MIST: (Glare at EMBER and VERITY) Why do you always have to go back to that kind of paranormal stuff? It’s so annoying!

CATLIN: (Walk to the middle of the circle) Look, guys. Noelle was just trying to help us make some new friends. Since this is kind of a first impression kind of thing, we should stop fighting and try to be nice. Let’s try to be ourselves without fighting with one another. Okay?

TREVOR: (Look up at the sky) Finally, somebody gets it!

VERITY: (Jump. Happily) Yea for positivism!

MIST: (Look away in anger) Fine.

NOELLE: (Look at VASSIE and gesture to her friends) These are my friends: Mist, Catlin, Verity, Ember, Jed, and Trevor.

VASSIE: (Look at VERITY and EMBER) Are you two always so close?

VERITY & EMBER: (Look at each other in confusion)

EMBER: (Look back at VASSIE, still confused) Well, yeah, I guess so.

VASSIE: (Shift your weight) Is everyone around here like that?

VERITY: (Slightly uncomfortable) Well, um…not really…

VASSIE: (Fold your arms) Is it because you’re, like, best friends of something?

CATLIN: (Casually) Not all best friends are like that. Noelle and I are best friends, and we aren’t usually very close.

VASSIE: (Look over at NOELLE) Are they gay or something?

NOELLE: (Hiss to CATLIN) You shouldn’t have said that!

VERITY & EMBER: (Offended)

EMBER: (Angry with VASSIE) The word’s homosexual, and it’s a little too early to tell! We don’t know if we’re “gay” or not, but even if we are, it’s not really any of your business! I mean, granted, if it was you that either of us liked, then it would be your business, but right now, it really seems like neither of really do right about now. I would recommend leaving us alone.

VERITY: (Slowly back away with EMBER) Um, Noelle? We might hang out with you tomorrow when you aren’t showing people around the school. (Jog away with EMBER)

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes, annoyed) Here we go again.

JED: (Look over your shoulder at EMBER and VERITY, very concerned) Oh, dear! (Chase after EMBER and VERITY)

MIST: (Glare at VASSIE and NOELLE) See what I mean, Noelle? New girls have this tension for causing problems among our friendships!

CATLIN: (Glare at MIST) I think that you’re the one causing the problem, Mist! You always seem to be having some kind of issue with somebody or something. I mean, seriously? What’s your damage?

MIST: (Turn your back on CATLIN, speaking over your shoulder) 75, water!

HAZEL: (Walk over with VERITY, EMBER, and JED) Ladies, ladies, you’re both beautiful, and the hats are the same size! I have a few things to say to all of you! Number 1: Vassie, Ember and Verity are not lesbian. They’re two of together. Number 2: Jed and Trevor, you are both really nice guys. Number 3: Noelle, there is nothing wrong with your positive attitude. Number 4: Catlin, it’s a great thing that you are trying to solve the problem, but you should try to be a little nicer when you do it. Number 5: Mist, your damage is not 75 water. It’s 1 storm. Number 6: Jed and Trevor are both really nice. Number-

VASSIE: (Confused) Wait, aren’t number 2 and number 6 the same thing? All you did was word them differently.

HAZEL: (Roll your eyes) I had to mention it twice because of how incredibly nice they are. Number 7: Mist, you need to be a lot nicer to your friends. Number 8: Vassie, in case you were unaware, I am Verity’s sister, Hazel. Number 9: Gandalf’s running for president. Number 10: In case I forgot to mention it, Jed and Trevor are two really nice guys.

CATLIN: (Confused, fold you arms) Wait-Gandalf? Like from Lord of the Rings?

HAZEL: (Still very serene) Yes.

NOELLE: (Confused, put your hands on your hips) Why is he running for president, and what does that have to do with our friendship issues?

HAZEL: (Smile slightly) Because I didn’t want to stop at nine things, so I needed to think of something to add that would make it fit.

EMBER & VERITY: (Burst into laughter)

JED: (Beam) Did you guys know that Trevor and I are really nice guys?

MIST: (Roll your eyes) I think Hazel already mentioned that.

VASSIE: (Eye HAZEL suspiciously) What grade are you in?

HAZEL: (Stand as tall as you can, proudly) Fourth!

VASSIE: (Let your jaw drop for a bit, and then close your mouth again)

EMBER & VERITY: (In unison) What does two of together mean? (Look at each other and giggle a bit)

TREVOR: (Act like you just remembered something) Oh, I need to tell you guys something!

EVERYONE: (Direct your attention to TREVOR)

TREVOR: (Try to resist a smile as you says this) Jed and I are really nice guys.


(After school)

NOELLE: (Walk out of the building, smile at VASSIE) It was really nice getting to meet you!

VASSIE: (Smile back) Yeah! Do you think we could hang out together tomorrow?

EMBER: (Nod your head with a grin) Fine with me!

TREVOR: (Squint into the distance) Hey, guys, is that an elephant?

EVERYONE: (Look over your shoulder at the “elephant”)

VERITY: (Glare at TREVOR) Trev, why do you have to be so mean?