(founded: 19th October 1911)

News Summary: Jan – Apr 2015

President : Jack Steven

Vice President : Simon Blyth

Secretary : Ross Barr

Match Secretary : Iain MacVoy

Treasurer : Campbell Denholm

Elected Committee Members : Alison Barr; Peter Harden: Eilidh Crawford

AGM Friday 17th April 2015

This years AGM, Prizegiving and Dinner took place at The Source Restaurant at the Hughenden Rugby Club in Hyndland which proved to be an excellent venue andwas attended by 59 members and 4 guests.

President Jack started the proceedings with a tribute and minute silence to Colin Scott our past secretary for 11 years.

Once again the Speirs Cup and Centenary Trophy were won by the same rink. The winners were Rink H: Convenor Janice MacIntyre The runners up for both were Rink A Convener John Sinclair.

The format of the evening was changed to give us more time to socialise with the prizegiving after the meal.

The Winners of this years Braehead MacKenzie Crook competition were Jack Steven (S) John Macfarlane, Norma Steven,and Sally Macfarlane.Congratulations to you all.

The Pairs Competition took place at Braehead on Sun 22nd February at 12.10pm. 16 curlers took part in the pairs competition which was a fun and enjoyable afternoon. There were two groups of 4 pairs who played each other and the winners of each group played in the final. It was a very close final and could have gone either way until the last stone, however the winners were Simon Blyth and Anne Reid and the runners up John Macfarlane and Eilidh Crawford. Well done everyone! See photo page!

Ladies v Gents Match at Greenacres was on Sat 21st Feb.

The yearly battle of the sexes took place with 15 ladies and 14 gents taking part due to last minute call offs however both teams were determined to outdo the other!! In the first four ends one gents team skipped by Iain Strathdee stormed ahead while the others had closer battles, however in the second half Sally Macfarlanes team won convincingly so it was a close finish with scores of 28 gents and 26 ladies. for a moment the ladies were disappointed until Campbell, the organiser announced the Ladies as the winners taking into account the penalty points for three in a team! Well done ladies the last win was 2010, and thanks Campbell for an excellent evening.

The winning ladies!

1911 Centenary Club Bonspiel

The yearly Bonspiel took place at Dewars Ice Rink Perth on Saturday 7th Feb with Wegen,Bearsden,Craigiehill and Monifieth taking part, each with 2 teams. Bearsdens Teams were Jack Steven (S) Neil Cameron, Sally Macfarlane, Alison Barr and John Macfarlane (S), Ross Barr, Eileen Cameron,Norma Steven. Both our Teams played extremely well and won however the winner came down to ends and finally shots and we just lost to Craigiehill by 2 shots!

Points Competition Sunday 1st Feb at Braehead.

11 curlers took part in the BCC Points Competition and congratulations go to Valerie Veitch as the winner.

23rd/25th Jan - The club had a very successful weekend at Pitlochry and Perth - see weekend page for more info.

Christmas Bonspiel 13th Dec 2014

Our Annual Christmas bonspiel took place at Greenacres Ice RinK on Sat 13th Dec. Everyone was suitable dressed in their best festive gear with our vice president braving the cold in his kilt! (see photo page).

Once again we were delighted to have some young curlers as both the Graham and Crawford families joined in the fun. Eight rinks took part in a straight seven end competition and the winning team was skipped by our President Jack Steven. His team comprised Rae MacIntyre, Jennifer Graham with Alice and David jnr Graham sharing the lead position. All three young curlers Shona Crawford, Alice and David Graham played exceptionally well.

After the curling we were treated to an excellent Christmas Dinner and our thanks go to all the staff at Greenacres who made it a great event.

Gilmour Memorial Trophy

At the 2014 AGM of Dunbartonshire (Tenth) Province on Tuesday, 8th April, the Gilmour Memorial Trophy was presented to Iain Sim who accepted it on behalf of the Bearsden team which he had skipped in the inter-province match versus Renfrewshire (Twelfth) Province. This match was held at Greenacres on 8th March and the result was a victory for Dunbartonshire by 28 shots to 27. Dunbartonshire was represented by the President's Rink and teams from Bearsden, Helensburgh and Kelvinside Accies. Bearsden, with two shots up, had the best Dunbartonshire result and this entitles the Club to hold the trophy until next year. The Bearsden Team was Iain Sim, Peter Hardern, Iain MacVoy and Maureen Sim. The trophy will be on display at the Club's AGM on 25th April.