URC Meeting #2

September 18, 2012


1:00PM – 3:00PM

1.  The meeting was called to order at 1:05PM with the following persons present:

Officers: Praveen Soni, Chair, Ann Johnson, Vice Chair, Sharon Guthrie, Secretary

Members: Rosa Moreno Alcaraz, Englert Burkhard, Doug Butler, Lou Caron, Ali Chu, David Dowell, Gary Griswold, DeeDee Green, Doug Harris, Marianne Hata, Ted Kadowaki, Tom Kelty, Michael Losquadro, Jose Moreno, Aubrey Mintz, Manuel Nieto, Kaoru Oguri, Carol Perruso-Brown, Nancy Quam-Wickham, Praveen Sinha, Jared Stallones, Rosario Yeung-Lindquist

Excused: Yolanda Green,

2.  The agenda for the meeting was approved unanimously.

3.  The minutes of the September 4, 2012 meeting were approved unanimously.

4.  Announcements and Introductions

5.  Reports

a.  2011-12 University and Divisional budgets, 2012-13 Budget update and 2012-13 Proposed Sources and Uses of Funds – AVP Ted Kadowaki

i.  Ted Kadowaki provided a handout describing 2012-13 budget planning with estimated effect to CSULB. The handout shows both total new resources and total new reductions. The net campus surplus is predicted to be $15,133,777. Although the CSU’s trigger reduction has increased to $250 million, CSULB’s share, $5,196,450, will be covered for 2012-13on a one-time basis using university reserves. However, permanent budget cuts will be required in 2013-14 to offset this permanent reduction of $5,196,450.

b.  Comparison of the two tax initiatives (Governor and Molly Munger) on the November ballot – AVP Ted Kadowaki

i.  Kadowaki provided a handout on the effect on higher education (CSU) if voters approve or reject Propositions 30 and 38. Proposition 30, if approved, would provide no additional funding for CSU but there would be no trigger cut of $250 million. The campus is assuming that the initiative will not pass, and CSULB will get its proportion of the overall cut.

6.  Unfinished Business

a.  URC member to the ASI Board of Control

i.  Praveen Soni asked for a volunteer; no one volunteered.

b.  Topics and Issues for the URC in 2012-13 – 1:15 pm

i.  Kaoru Ogouri, a member of the URC Budget Subcommittee, provided recommendations for further clarification and analysis by her group and future URC members. She also provided a handout describing the 3-year trends associated with the general fund that she and the committee found in their initial investigation.

ii. Decision to continue working on 3-years trends in the University Divisions, report findings, and recommendations.

7.  New Business

a.  Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Latino Health and Nutrition Studies – CHHS Deans Millar, Stanley and faculty;

First Reading – Time Certain 2 pm

·  It was moved and seconded to approve the proposal for graduate certificate in Latino Health and Nutrition Studies, which has an emphasis on decreasing childhood obesity. This program is tied to funding, so there will be no cost to the University under general funding. It also is linked to a Master’s degree program and community-based research. Planning to get between 15-20 students enrolled on an ongoing basis.

b.  Discontinuance of the Graduate Certificate in Leisure Counseling – CHHS Deans Millar, Stanley and faculty: First Reading

i.  It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Graduate Certificate in Leisure Counseling as there have been no students in the program for many years and the title of leisure counseling is obsolete.

ii. It was moved and seconded to waive the first reading.

1.  The vote was unanimous to waive the first reading.

iii.  The vote was then unanimous to discontinue the Graduate Certificate in Leisure Counseling.

c.  Discontinuance of the Masters degree in Physical Therapy – CHHS Deans Millar, Stanley and faculty; First Reading

i.  It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Master’s degree in Physical Therapy as this degree has been replaced by the doctorate in PT (DPT), which will be required to practice physical therapy by 2015.

d.  Proposal for Minor in Geographic Information Science – CLA Deans Wallace, Wiley, and faculty; First Reading – Time Certain 2:20 pm

i.  It was moved and seconded to approve the minor in Geographic Information Science, which is the technical side of geography.

ii. The rationale for the program was provided; the courses are currently on the books; hence, no other resources will be required.

e.  Discontinuance of the Chicano and Latino Studies Certificate Program – CLA Deans Wallace, Wiley, and faculty; First Reading

i. It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Chicano and Latino Studies Certificate Program.

ii.  The rationale for the discontinuance was provided: there are no students in the current program and it has been increasingly difficult to recruit students to the program. The department was asked to downsize smaller programs.

f.  Discontinuance of Certificates in the Department of Romance, German, Russian, Languages and Literatures – CLA Deans Wallace, Wiley, and faculty; First Reading

i.  Certificate in Asian American Studies

1.  It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Certificate.

ii. Certificate in Japanese Studies

1.  It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Certificate.

iii.  Certificate in Russian and East European Studies

1.  It was moved and seconded to discontinue the Certificate.

·  The rationale for the aforementioned discontinuances is low student enrollment.

8.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:52pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon R. Guthrie


These minutes have not been approved